Zia takes a sip of her water, looking away from the general for but a second.
However when she looks back, she realises he was gone.
Wait what!?
Zia was immediately alarmed. She stands up without thinking.
Luckily for her, the music had started, and the respective couples were taking the stage.
She was easily able to blend into the crowd, and find the exit to the hall.
Just where did that general go?
The hallway leading out of the grand hall was just as glamorous as one would think.
The large thick columns, were a pale gold, swirling all the way up to support the roof.
The floor was a shiny polished golden marble. Zia could see her reflection in it if she really wanted to.
Just as Zia was stepping away, a sudden hand clamped down on her mouth, dragging her by her shoulders behind one of the thick columns.
She was slammed up against the wall, as a strong body towered over her. Pressing against her.
She could feel his body heat permeate through their clothing. It shocked her for a moment as no one has ever held her so close like this. It was a strange sensation. Touching another human being, that is.
Looking into those brown eyes, she could see herself reflected within them.
The eyes themselves were almond shaped, perfectly framed by long lashes. His face didn't convey any emotion, however deep within his brown orbs Zia could see,
He was being cautious.
"Who are you? Why do you keep staring at me? What do you want?" His husky voice brushed against her ear, making her shiver in delight.
Oh so he did notice her.
His black hair fell into his eyes with his movement.
Zia was restrained, however she knew she could break out, if she really wanted to.
Unfortunately she didn't.
The general slowly lowers the hand on her mouth to allow her to speak.
A sly smile hung on her ruby red lips. Her Phoenix eyes shined with intelligence as she looked straight into his gaze.
Both were sizing the other up.
Finally Zia spoke up. "If I told you I knew the future, would you believe me?"
General Elil raised a brow in disbelief. He was curious of what this woman was trying to get at.
Zia's smile deepens at his reaction, as she goes on to say, "I can prove it."
Now this got the general's attention. His hold on her slackens unintentionally.
"When we return to the ball room, the King and his new consort will be dancing." She continues on to say.
The general was suspicious of her, but seeing her answering him calmly and seriously, he finally decides to let her go. He crosses his arms over his chest as he leans against the column. "Impossible." He immediately denies her. "The King has never and will never dance with anyone lower than him. That's ridiculous."
Zia laughs at his constipated face. "What happens if I'm right?"
He gives her a cold stare. "We've gone off topic. What does you telling the future have to do with you watching me?"
His words were said calmly.
Zia responds just as coolly. "It has everything to do with you. I foresee something interesting, that you may want to know. However firstly, I'll need to convince you that I am telling the truth."
Once more they both stare at each other.
He was trying to gauge how serious she was. If she was truly sincere.
Whereas the Overseer was just happy to look at him.
He truly is a fine specimen.
Finally the man sighs. "Fine let's go test out what you say, fortune teller. If you're right, I'll listen to your words. If you're wrong...." He reveals a bloodthirsty smile. "I'll kill you. It's my job to protect the King from any suspicious activity afterall."
Zia nods. "Of course." She was impressed.
He is just as good as she had thought.
The unlikely duo return to the hall, only to notice everyone's shocked expressions.
There, taking centre stage, was the King and his new consort. They were dancing beautifully under the light.
It was like a fairy tale.
A dream!
She must really hold a space in his majesty's heart, if he was willing to lower himself to dance with her.
The people with vile hearts were jealous, and the people with scheming minds were plotting.
However this was none of Zia's concern.
Zia glances at the stiff general besides her. "Believe me now?"
He snorts with contempt. "It could be a coincidence."
Zia chuckles, her voice was as clear as a bell. "Then I'll tell you something else. In the second half of this banquet, consort Gu Ran, will be challenged. For her talent she will not only paint a masterpiece, but play the guqin while doing so. Want me to be even more specific so that you won't doubt me?"
The general nods. Still looking a little surprised.
She grins and suddenly points to a woman dressed in a white dress. Her blonde locks were tied up into an elaborate hair do, filled with jewels. "That woman will be the first to place the concubine in a tough place. Watch her carefully tonight."
The general didn't brush her words off, nor snort in disdain this time. Instead he merely walks over to his seat, looking as normal as he usually would.
Zia shrugs. She knew he took her words seriously. He has already sat himself in such a way, that the woman in white will always be in his peripheral view.
Zia also returns to her seat.
She was ready to watch a good show.
Afterall, all of this was new to her. It was her first time ever seeing so many people gathered in one place, excluding the past world.
She doesn't even want to remember that disappointment of a world!
This time would be different.
She could feel it.
Finally the music stops, and the crowd cheers singing the King his praises.
The King looks at his concubine with adoration in his eyes. They truly looked like love birds. As if she were the love of his life.
However of course that's impossible, afterall, his other two concubine were seated below him, wringing their handkerchiefs with rage.
The King was smiling ear to ear as he began a long speech about the country's happiness, and the effort of the officials and his people.
Finally the main event arrived.
The part where the children of officials can show off their talents.
If they perform well, they may just be rewarded by the King.
If they perform well, they may also catch the eyes of the men they fancy.
And finally some women have even more lofty ambitions than that.
And that's to seduce the King himself!