CHAPTER 2: Being Human
Drew immediately notices the change in targets and quickly shouts to regain their attention. "Hey, come on guys! They're kids! Leave em alone."
The two men merely laugh at him. "These are the slums, mate. Kids get no extra care!" He spits roughly on the ground next to Drew's feet.
The other guy who wasn't restraining Drew approaches the kids with a thirsty smile on his face. "Da quicka dey learn, da betta it is, for all o us."
"N-no. Not the kids." The scrawny kid forces his frozen body to move, and stops in front of the children to protect them. His knees were shaky, as his eyes remained squinted. However even though he was afraid, he stood sturdy like a mountain.
The man gives him a warning. "Move. Or else I'll eh, puncha."
"I-i won't!"
The scary boy's grin just becomes that bit bigger, as he suddenly sends a fist straight into the scrawny kid's nose.
"Ah, Noah!" The twins gasp, as the scrawny kid falls to the ground clutching his probably bleeding nose.
The scary boy cracks his hands menacingly. "That's what I faught." He cackles.
"Stay away from the kids!!" Drew yells as he tries to resist with all his might.
Unfortunately he was no match for the older boy, instead getting his nuts kicked for his resistance.
He falls to the ground like a plank of wood, hissing from the pain. Tears well up within his eyes.
Ava meekly turns to Zia. Her eyes pleading with her to do something as she resembled a frozen statue.
Zia had a big headache looking at this mess.
However looking at the children, she suddenly had an epiphany.
Not only would she need them for information, however she had another plan installed, just for them!
A wicked grin is plastered on her face as she suddenly stands up.
Before the bully could throw a kick at the young twins, Zia moved with lightning reflexes.
Within seconds she had caught the bully's leg. "Get lost." She easily causes him to lose footing, making him topple to the ground where he belongs.
She laughs maliciously. "Ah, that suits you better."
"Zia, Don't aggravate them more!!" Drew shouts as he holds his nuts in pain, withering on the floor like a little worm.
She ignores his warning as she sends the bully another kick in the face, sending him flying into a distant pile of trash.
Although no crack could be heard, using her superior sense of smell, she could smell alot of blood.
He was undoubtedly dead. Perhaps he had landed on his head?
The man who was restraining Drew looked at her with anger in his eyes. "You bitch! You think you're so tough!? Let's see ya screaming when I rape the shit outta ya!" He charges straight for Zia, his eyes clouded by his emotions.
Zia chuckles as the twins and everyone else calls out for her in concern.
However moving at a speed that was too fast for the naked eye, Zia had the last bully up by his neck. All she needed was one hand to choke the daylights out of him.
Drew who has recovered, immediately panicked at the sight of this. "Zia, you're making this worse!" He hisses. "When they report this to the boss, we're all gonna be screwed!"
Zia suddenly drops the bully allowing him to gather his breath. He begins to chuckle. "D-dat's right! Just wait til I report this all... ya gonna be so dead!" He grins.
The children seem to shudder at his words, but not Zia.
Instead she smirks calmly. "Oh. Don't be mistaken." She crouches down to eye level with him, giving him a sly look. "I have no intention of letting you go back. The only reason I released you is because I need information out of you."
The rest of the children gasp in shock.
"Zia what are you saying!?" Drew was looking at her as if she were insane! Her green eyes which held specks of gold within, merely disregards him.
"Afterall, I can't allow you to alert the enemy. Not when I plan to take over this dump."
Did they hear that right!?
She wants to be the new boss!?
They knew Zia was ruthless, but not clinically retarded!
"Zia, please." Drew begs.
She ignores him once again. "Hey, bully. Tell me...." Her hand which felt like metal lands onto the boy's shoulder with a thump. The Boy swallows nervously under her scrutiny. "Who's the boss. How do things work around here?"
"Oh my god Zia! Stop!! This is crazy! You're gonna get us all killed!"
Finally Zia was annoyed by Drew's whining. She turns to face him. "You. Be quiet. I need power and I need it fast!"
Drew who was panicking was suddenly comforted by Ava. "It's okay." She whispers softly. "Believe in her. It was this or the kids getting hurt." She smiles softly as she glances at the twins who were watching everything with wide awe filled eyes.
Drew could feel Ava shaking, however what's done is done.
It's either they go all the way, or they'll just end up dying anyways.
Both roads lead to death.
However one road reaps the better rewards.
Drew forced himself to keep his mouth clamped shut as he watches Zia interrogate the man.
Once she was done with her questioning, she kills him, with an easy snap of the head.
The kids don't react.
They've always been exposed to death.
One wrong move, and they'll either be killed by the guards, the townspeople, or even their colleagues.
Even they've had to kill before.
However Zia's way of killing was very clean and almost expertly done. It sent shivers down their spine.
Zia dusts her hands off looking refreshed.
There is still a way she can gain power.
Suddenly Zia collapses.
"Zia!!" Everyone calls out as they approach her suddenly ill body.
"I'm... okay." She rushes to reply, as her breathing suddenly picks up speed. "T-This... is normal." She rolls up into a ball and clenches her teeth, as she feels every bone in her body quake in pain. Her every muscle ache in soreness.
How was this normal!
For the Overseer it was, as she had exerted more power than what the body can handle.
In fact exerting any power in any human body, is already more than what they can handle.
This is the consequences for pushing too far.
The Overseer was aware of this, however this situation called for fast action.
In the other world, she didn't exert too much power. Only in the killing moment, because she knew she would be leaving that world anyways.
However during the kick boxing fight, she merely used trained movements with the the body's innate strength and speed.
She didn't exert it nor used her own abilities.
Not like right now, where she went super fast, and used her superior strength.
What a bother being human is!