"Boss, Boss!"
The Boss in questions shouts in reply. "Whatcha want!?" His beady eyes were more focused on counting his money than on his panicked guards.
"There is a problem at one of our collection lines. Some kids are causing a ruck-"
"You interrupt me over something minor like that!??" The boss angrily grabs a nearby vase and smashes it towards the bumbling guard.
"W-wait, Boss! It's alot worse than I'm saying!! They are taking over! In multiple locations at once!"
This got the boss' attention. "Who dares to mess with me! Don't tell me it's the one that's been rumoured!?"
The guard looked troubled. "I'm not sure sir."
This was the result of Drew's persuasive and charismatic words.
Naturally the timid ones remained stationary, however any kid with vengeance burning in their bellies, were participating in the uprising.
They believed the rumours.
A man who's scarier than the boss exists.
This man will lead them to a better future.
Any future is better than their current one.
The Boss quickly sends down reinforcements to the troubled areas. If there's one thing he isn't lacking, it's people.
The slums were in chaos.
Fires began, riots and shouts were happening.
It was every kid for himself.
Under all of the chaos, Zia was able to make it to the base where the boss resides.
There was no longer a need to hide anymore.
Now is the time to reveal herself. To enter with a bang.
Even though the effects of using power pass the body limits will occur, she'll make sure to not prolong it, as doing this often will slowly degenerate the body.
Zia smashes through the front door, revealing the dead guards behind her.
"A girl!! All this commotion because of a small girl!?" The boss begins to laugh, starring down at Zia from the comfort of his balcony. "Kill her!" He roars.
The courtyard is soon swarmed with teens, armed with blades and blunt objects.
Zia didn't even flinch as she kills one man very brutally in front of them all. She looks at the crowd with a bloodthirsty stare.
Killing this many people was a first for her. However all of this power felt good.
She felt an adrenaline rush. It was unlike anything she's ever experienced.
A gleeful smile hung on her lips, as she made an example out of a couple more people before she forced herself to stop. "Get out of my way. If you do, then I'll spare you when I become boss."
"Boss!?" A hushed whisper spreads among the crowd.
This was the rumoured scary boss!?
Upon closer inspection they believe it.
Her aura was one of an asura.
Her bloodlust could be felt from where they were standing.
The Boss watching all this happen from above, began to panic. "Hey! What are you doing, you bastards!? Get back to work! Or I will punish you!"
Naturally the crowd wasn't suicidal.
The slums is run on one thing, and one thing alone.
They live day by day, fighting for their survival.
Everything they do is determined by 'how likely will I die doing this?'
Naturally the boss' threats was hitting nothing but air, because the immediate danger was the asura!
Zia smiles, watching as the crowd splits, allowing her into the hall.
Once inside, she quickly notices the change in décor.
The place was filled with luxury items.
Of course it is.
Afterall, the slums can't exist without some kind of law and order.
Crime should be kept to a minimum, and this is often done by a boss that's inserted from the king.
He receives the benefits, and in return he must watch over the slums. Regulating everything for the king.
As expected of the king, he is a ml afterall.
The Boss with his large gut, was hiding on the upper floors.
However waiting for Zia to enter were two men.
Judging by their stances, they were trained.
Perhaps they are knights for this kingdom?
Their scruffy clothing did nothing to trick Zia. "Move." She simply commands.
The two guards do not. Instead they draw their swords. "Our mission is to die protecting the boss. Sorry kid, your luck runs out here."
Zia clicks her tongue feeling amused.
They were looking down on her, weren't they?
She grins as one of them charges straight at her.
Unfortunately for Zia, despite feeling high off of her killings, she has forgotten one important thing.
Currently she was residing in a weak, fragile human body.
Not her own body, where typically, her skin can withstand sword slashes.
Just as Zia goes to block the attack with her bare arms, she realises something was wrong.
Why did she feel pain?
It was as if everything was in slow motion.
She could see the blade very slowly, begin to slice into the flesh on her forearm.
Zia's eyes widen in shock, as the blade continues to dig deeper into her muscles.
Finally she reacts, and utilising her inhumane speed, she dodges the attack.
Zia's breathing was rough, as her arms fall to her side, bleeding profusely. The scarlet liquid poured down her skin, and into a puddle on the ground, merging with dirt and grime on her already.
The guard who cut her although was surprised with her sudden movements, grew satisfied with the damage she had sustained.
To him, he has already declared that she could no longer use her arms.
However she wasn't a normal human.
The Overseer who resides in Zia's body has the ability to push the body through its limits.
So when the knight charged once again, Zia was ready this time.
Swiftly spotting an opening, she strikes his body with her palm. He goes flying across the floor. The sword in his hand drops with a clatter.
The other knight who watched this exchange was gobsmacked. His friend was definitely knocked out.
Before the knight could even prepare himself, Zia went in for the attack. Within seconds, darkness became his new world.
Zia sighs, as she staggers forwards.
Her body has lost alot of blood. She should end this quickly.
She races up the stairs, and into the man's office.
There, the boss sat, holding a strange weapon.
It was a musket.
The smell of musk fills the room.
The bullet flies through the air, however with Zia's crazy speed, she was able to evade it effortlessly.
Zia easily disarms him, and takes him to his own balcony.
Below was a crowd.
This was the crowd of people who had caused trouble in the assembly line. They seemed to have all marched here.
Zia holds the boss up victoriously for all to see.
Then when the cheers were at their peak, she breaks his neck, dropping his lifeless body into the crowd below.
"The tyrant is no more!" She announces.
Her eye sight at this point was blurry. Still, she kept her appearance up. "From now on, you'll all be working for me. Things will change for the better. However if one of you dares to betray me...."
She smiles the smile of a devil. "I'll kill you."
She turns to leave, leaving the crowd to witness her bloodlust.
They knew she wasn't kidding around.
She may be a kid, however her brutal strength was on another level!
She must be some kind of master of sorts.
Zia walks into the office and collapses onto the office seat.
Things would've been much better if the boss didn't horde all of his money.
Zia knew exactly what she wanted to do with the slums.
She wanted to create an unparalleled information network. However for everyone to do their jobs, they need to be fed.
Setting up a system wouldn't be hard for Zia.
She already had a rough idea of what she would do.
The beggar who collects the most useful info, will be rewarded with extra food.
However everyone will receive a base amount of food everyday.
Some people will work on collecting food. Whether that's by stealing, bartering, or her making a deal with perhaps some nearby farms and butchers. Whatever it is, she'll find a way to secure them food.
Then she'll set up brothels, and other great stores for gathering info with the money she has laying around.
These are the basic things she wishes to complete before doing anything else.
She needs to find out where in the plot the world was up to!!