CHAPTER 1: What went wrong?
The Overseer sighs as she had returned to the void.
Her golden eyes seemed to sparkle with disappointment as she uncaringly tosses the snow globe she was holding, onto her floor.
"What a let-down."
The snow globe that once contained such a beautiful shinning world, was now glowing orange, as if in a blaze.
It lands onto the floor, with its glass dome shattering into a million little pieces.
The Overseer obviously didn't care, merely inspecting the rest of the snow globes on her shelf.
"Hmmm, what world to mess up next? I'm really sick of seeing such predictable plots by these worlds. Like seriously, can't they do anything better?"
It was as if her previous failure never happened.
The Overseer suddenly stops in her tracks, as her eyes land on a dusty globe.
She snatches it off the shelf in excitement, as she hurries to wipe the dust off, revealing the beautiful splendor of a new world.
"How nostalgic." She smiles widely. "I haven't watched over you in a very long time."
She laughs deviously, as she wonders over to her bed.
She traces the curves of the globe. "But it's because I got sick of you very easily. Maybe now I can fix you?"
She stared at it with a deep gaze. Her black hair which cascaded down her back, in never ending waves, made her pale skin seem even more gorgeous just like the moon itself.
She was mesmerising, however just as dangerous as what lurks in the shadows.
"Mm, yes I've decided. This is the next world I want to change. It's extremely ridiculous! I don't know why I was ever so blind as to even like this world. Especially with such a leech of an fl, and a slag man of an ml. Honestly they are perfect for each other. One has a harem, and indulges them everyday. The other has a greed for power. Wanting to be empress. Both are happy in the end after getting over many trials together."
The Overseer rolls her golden eyes. "Bleh how romantic!"
She suddenly grins. "Ah, but I do love the supporting characters. Just why does the world have to use them as cannon fodder? I don't want them to die just for that pair of crappy protagonists. I'll definitely help save them instead!! Honestly They were the ones who kept me interested anyways."
Nodding to herself the Overseer seemed to have finally decided on her next world.
Within seconds she closes her eyes, and is sucked up into the new world.
Her void was left empty once again, however a strange shadow seemed to flicker in the darkness.
Or perhaps that's merely your imagination.
When the Overseer finally opens her eyes again, she frowns.
The first thing that registers in her mind was the stench of piss.
Why the hell did she stink so bad!?
She looks down only to see herself wearing nothing but rags. A half eaten loaf of bread was sitting on her palm.
What the hell!?
How did she end up in this body!?
She looks around and quickly realises where she was.
"The... slums?"
She had taken over some unimportant character's body!
What the heck!?
This wasn't her plan at all!!
She angrily goes to bite her bread, when she was instead abruptly repelled.
"Ouch!" She exclaims. "Just how hard is this bread!?"
She couldn't eat this!
Not when she has tasted the delicacies in Faith's life.
In fact, this body she has inhabited is just too damn weak.
How is she going to save her favourite cannon fodder, if she's this powerless and useless?
"Damn!" She curses.
She was sure that she had targeted a neighbouring princess' body to reside in.
So how did this happen?
The two people the Overseer really wants to save, are two people high in status.
First is the good deadpan doctor, who works in the palace.
The world kills him, in a conspiracy against the throne. He wasn't able to save a concubine, and so he was killed.
The Overseer wanted to quickly drag him away from the slag couple, so he wouldn't be implicated in their fights for the throne. All because he was the only doctor the future empress would trust.
However how can she drag him away with such a measly identity?
Her next cannon fodder, or some may argue second ml, is the general.
He is the king's right hand man. And when she first saw him, she was in awe.
He was too cool in battle.
But the world had to kill him off. In the end of the plot once the empress gets her throne, the last hurdle to their love, was the King's degenerating state of mind.
He was paranoid.
So he killed his own general.
The empress who loves the king with all her heart, tried her best to cover up the mess, still showing her undying loyalty to the man.
She looked after him, making most decisions on the throne. Controlling his sex life.
How cute....
She liked that wild cool general!!
And she liked that stoic cool doctor!!
How can the world kill them off, just to spice up its plot, and make everyone sad!
Her sad!
She absolutely wouldn't stand for it.
In the midst of her thoughts, a voice suddenly startles her. "Hey, Zia! Are you eating without us!?!"
The Overseer swiftly turns around only to see a group of 5 children.
Two tall boys, one medium sized seemingly meek girl, and finally two younger children.
The tall boy who just called out to her gives her a reprimanding gaze. His skin was filthy, just like the rest of them, and his clothing was no better than hers.
The other boy who was more scrawny also didn't seem too happy with her actions. "Ziiiiiia." He whines. "If the boss finds out you hid food, you'll be killed."
The Overseer glances at the piece of bread in her hands a little disdainfully.
She's risking death to eat trash like this?
What a disgrace.
The meek fairer girl timidly peeks up from behind the tall boy's back. "Zia. Quickly return it." Her voice was soft and soothing. Like an angel.
The two children, who looked like twins angrily interject. "Why do we have to keep giving them everything we find!!"
"It's unfair!" They whine.
The taller boy ruffles their hair affectionately. "Now Isabella, Isaiah. Those are the rules. And you both know what happens when we don't follow the rules, right?" He gives them a half smile.
The two kids look down at the ground ashamed. "Yessss Drew. " they sing in unison. "We know."
Drew smiles widely. His black fluffy hair falls into his eyes a bit. "Good!"
The lanky boy looks at Zia with a concerned gaze. "What will we do about Zia, Drew?"
Drew sighs as he glances at the Overseer. Her hair was short to the neck, brown, and straw like as usual. However her green eyes, that seemed to be so bright, were now dazed. She seemed different. He bites his lip at the thought. "Ugh... fine. Zia quickly eat it. No one snitch, okay!?"
The group nods as they encourage Zia to hurry and chow down.
The Overseer frowns.
She doesn't want to eat something so hard!
Why should she eat anyways?
She carelessly throws the food into the kids embrace. "You eat it. I'm full."
The twins look at each other with shinning eyes. "Wow! Really!? Thanks Zia, you're the best!" They happily dig in.
Zia watches them in thought.
How The heck do they eat like that? It's as if the food wasn't as hard as she had thought.
Zia seemed immersed in watching them eat. Almost mesmerized.
She just found it all interesting.
The meek girl giggles at their enthusiasm. "Cute" she mutters.
The twins hear her and quickly retort back. "We aren't cute Ava!"
She simply pats their heads as if agreeing with them. Her blonde hair was wavy, dirt filled. However she still managed to look like an angel, with that gentle expression of hers.
Although things seem to have been resolved, a sudden harsh voice broke the happy atmosphere. "What do we have ere. A couple o law breakers, ay?"
The group of 5 quickly turn around, only to see two larger boys. They seemed to be around in their late teens.
The scrawny kid shrinks back as does Ava, both hiding behind Drew.
Drew gives them a hard glare. "Guys, come on. They're kids. We already fulfilled our quota for the day. Can't you let us off?" He grins nervously.
The two older boys laugh as they drag him by his collar, and pin him against the wall.
"No, Drew!" The twins cry out in alarm.
Ava, was frightened, resembling a ghost, even with all the dirt on her.
The scrawny kid tries to discreetly chauffeur the kids behind him.
However it was too late.
They had already drawn the ire of the two bullies.
Hey guys!!
So don't worry, the ml of the story will show himself next arc!
Stay tuned for that haha.
I really appreciate it.
Love you all, and keep
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