The two girls were panting as Leona tapped out of Faith's hold.
It seems Faith had won, even with such a petite and dainty body. The coach was gobsmacked, however the one who was most shocked was Leona.
She seemed exhilarated, however at the same time, frustrated. "You... won." She says in between breaths.
Faith shrugs nonchalantly. "Thanks for going easy on me."
Leona suddenly laughs, scaring the coach half to death. "L-Leona!! Are you okay?"
Leona grins, standing up. "I'm fine." She holds her hand out for Faith to take. "Let's train together sometime. If you're already this good, then imagine you with a trained body. You'd be unstoppable. "
Faith merely smiles. Her plan was a success. Forming a friendship is easy. Her eyes flash in a sly manner. " Do you want to go eat?"
Leona nods. "Why not. I'm free right now anyways."
Just like that, the Overseer was easily able to acquire her chess piece.
The two spend the rest of the day eating, and shopping.
The more the Overseer spent with her, the more she felt she had made the correct decision.
This woman was brilliant.
She was strong and independent. Perfect for the male lead.
She won't hold him back, and will in fact help grow his company. Plus even if she is a little cold, she can certainly hold a good conversation with those she admires.
What a pity, that originally when she finally shows up at the end of the world's plot, she's too late.
Her arranged marriage would be ruined by someone else. And in her effort to understand why she was not good enough, she'll end up destroying herself and her family.
What a pitiful end to someone who doesn't deserve it.
Well, with the Overseer here, things will definitely change!
The next day things proceeded as she had expected.
Kris was to be her escort for the remainder of the day. He looked highly bored, glancing at his watch every so often as they strolled through the shopping centre. His rolled up long sleeved white tee, showed off his chiseled clavcle instantly drawing the gazes from the female populace. His cold and calculative blue eyes stared at everything with impatience, as he kept sighing throughout the day.
Faith giggles as she watches him through the reflection of the display window.
He frowns. "What's so funny?" For some reason Kris felt uneasy being next to Faith. Something about her has changed, and he doesn't know exactly what. So until he can figure it out, he wants to stay away from her as much as possible. Then again, even when he could read her, that was always the plan.
Faith shrugs dismissing his sharp gaze. "You."
Her comment took him off guard. "Y-you. I don't appreciate being flirted with. I already have someone I l-"
"Yeah yeah." Faith interrupts him. She rolls her eyes as she walks into the nearby store. "Interpret every word I say as flirting. Go ahead. The only one looking like a fool here is you."
Faith walks towards the pink dress sitting in the middle of the shop. It looked cute enough. She grabs the hanger and throws it towards the assistant to carry.
Kris crosses his arms obviously not happy with her comeback. "But that is flirting. Otherwise what did you expect me take that as?"
He watches as she casually throws another white dress towards his assistant.
She turns around and shoots him a cold smile. "Wit." She laughs dryly as her hands move towards a leather jacket.
He clicks his tongue with distaste while watching her practically pulling one of everything in the store. He was a little irritated. Not at the fact that he was paying, as this money wasn't anything much to him. But at the fact that she was treating him like her wallet.
If he wanted to pay for anyone, it'd be towards his beloved Mary. At least he'll get a smile in return.
He sighs as he watches her hold her hand out expectantly towards him. His eyes travel from her bored face, to the cashier's.
With another resigned sigh, he takes out his wallet and presents his card. The cashier grins as she scans it. "Thank you for your patronage!"
They both ignore her as they leave the shop expressionlessly.
One was irritated, the other bored.
Just as they were about to enter another clothing store to repeat the process, Kris finally stops her. "Enough. Why are you just aimlessly wasting my money?"
Faith gives him a sly grin. "What? Upset? Well you don't need to know the reason for anything I do. You just have to shut up, and give me your money like your parents tell you to."
Her words slash him in the worse place possible. He was actually angry now. He rudely snatches his own card back from her. "You're really disgusting. Go leech off someone else." His words weren't said out of anger. Instead they had a cool touch to them.
Suddenly a light sound of laughter explodes from behind the arguing pair. "I didn't know Mr Reeds isn't capable of paying for a couple of dresses, for the young girl."
The sound of Leona's voice was like music to Faith's ears.
Kris frowns as he sizes Leona up. "Miss Myers. What a coincidence seeing you here."
Leona ignores his stiff greeting and drags Faith towards her. "If you were going shopping you should've called me. I'd be more than happy to keep you company instead of him." Her smile was so bright that it further confirmed Faith's decision.
She's truly the best fl.
Kris' pride was obviously hurt by her sharp words. Naturally he held no good feelings towards the woman, because she was taking the spot that rightfully belongs to his beloved. Still, he had to remain at least polite or else he'll be showing them his weakness. "No need to trouble yourself Miss Myers." He roughly grabs Faith's wrist and pulls her towards him. "Miss Faith is in good hands."
Leona rolls her eyes. "I didn't know that not buying a guest gifts, was called 'looking after them' Mr Reeds."
Faith was smiling ear from ear.
Now this is the interaction that should occur between the fl and ml. And she had front row seats to all of it.
How exciting!
She has finally fixed the world into the way she wants it. The plot is more refreshing, and enticing, making her heart beat the way she missed.
Unfortunately the Overseers' dream was crushed with Kris' next words. "If miss Myers finds me too cheap, then please do go ahead and talk about it with your family. You wouldn't want to be pledging your life to such a man, right?"
Faith clicks her tongue with distaste. Of course he's the ml!
How can he not take advantage of this situation!?
Leona was just as irked as him and so without any hesitation she replies, "Why that's a good idea Mr Reeds. Perhaps I'll do just that."
Faith hurries to butt in. "Umm... Kris. I'm pretty sure you need Leona for business, remember?"
Kris sends her a warning glare. The arm he had secured around her waist was tightened causing her to inhale from the pain. "You. Be quiet." She could feel his breath tickle her ear, as his body heat seeps from his chest through her clothes.
He really is a great ml.
She really can't allow him to continue down this path.
Leona notices Faith's discomfort and tries to rush to the rescue. "Anyways Faith is a good friend of mine, so you better let her go."
Kris musters up a fake smile. "But of course." He releases her from his embrace allowing her to stumble into Leona's.
Leona all too eagerly begins to drag Faith away. "Seriously, you should've come straight to me if you wanted to sight see. Mr Reeds is too stingy. You won't ever have any fun with him around."
Kris who was forced to follow after them as Faith was his responsibility, scowls. " If you think so Miss Myers, do please bring up that complaint with the family."
Leona barks right back. "I already said I will. You can get lost now." She hides Faith behind her protectively.
He rolls his eyes. "I can't. Unless you return Faith to me. She's my responsibility."
Leona chuckles darkly. "Is that so? Then I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you Mr Reeds, for I'll be entertaining her tonight. I guess you can follow after us like the 3rd wheel you are." She grins and begins to pull Faith away into a nearby store.
Kris grumbles under his breath but still follows them inside.
Faith was dumbfounded.
What exactly is happening right now?
She wanted them to hit it off, not...
Hit each other with their words!!!
She was a little troubled, thinking about how she'll proceed next.
She still has the whole day to see.