-Me: What does it have to do with me being a girl?
-N: I don't know, but every time I ask him why he doesn't have a girlfriend, he tells me “Never trust girls, especially beautiful girls”.
What did that mean? He really has something against girls. I don't know how and who, but one thing is certain... it's that one or more girls disappointed him. I immediately thought of his ex, if he has any. Surely he fell in love with a girl, who later hurt him. I'm going to ask Nisa here.. children always tell the truth.
-Me: Nisa your brother has a girlfriend?
-N: Now no.
-Me: And before?
-N: I don't know, he tells me nothing. But I saw him a lot with girls.
-Me: And who is Lale?
-N: I don't know.
- Me: How do you not know? She ate with you a few days ago.
-N: Yes I know, she's a villain.
-Me: Niye? ( Why?)
-N: I don't like it.
-Me: And she's not your brother's girlfriend?
-N: I don't know, he didn't tell me anything. But I don't want her to marry my brother, she's too mean.
-Me: Ne yapti ki? ( What did she do?)
She gets off my bed and leaves without answering me. I just wanted to know if Ayaz had a girlfriend before, however I had another question mark. Why didn't she answer me? And what did Lale do? In short, I don't care, why am I interested in the life of the other idiot!? He has only to die, the world will get rid of a waste! Damn I still can't imagine he told me I care about money! Vaa bastard, you're a big bastard!
I receive a call from Akif, but I still don't answer. I called him yesterday because I wasn't well, and the gentleman wasn't available. Well break up then, if you're not there when I need you, what's the point? It's my turn not to give you my news, your turn to run after me.
I go upstairs, after washing my face, and go into the kitchen.
-Hilal: Where were you?
-Me: Odam da (In my room.)
-H: Yalniz? ( Only?)
- Me: Well yeah, I don't have the right?
-H: What do you have? Things happened.
-Me: I have nothing Hilal!
-H: If you have something, you don't like to stay alone in a room normally.
-Me: Of Hilal, konusmayi birakda, masayi toplamamiz lazim. (Of Hilal, stop talking, we need to pick up the table.)
-H: Kaçamazsin benden! (You can't run away from me!)
-Me: Shut up!
-H: Pfft.
We go to the dining room and pick up the table.
-Okan: Rüya can you bring me some tea in my room?
Oh he pisses me off! I'm sure he does it on purpose to get closer to me again.
I go into the kitchen, and prepare her tea.
-Me: Hilal take him back to his room.
-Hilal: He said to you, not to me.
- Me: Bring back I told you! I'm not going to his room anymore, it's over.
-H: Ok.. I will speak for you.
-Me: Bulasma ona, hemen gel. (Don't mingle with him, come quickly.)
-H: Tkt.
I had nothing more to do, I go to my room and call Esra. I had no news of her since my arrival here.
-Esra: Canim? ( My darling?)
-Me: how are you? Hiç sesin çikmiyor. (Are you okay? I haven't heard from you.)
- Her: I'm fine and you? How's your new life?
-Me: Pff, no I want to go back to our little apartment. Welcome back.
-She: N'oldu? (Ya what?)
-Me: “I tell the stories I spent with Okan and Ayaz”
- Her: Oh! (I'm shocked!)
-Me: I'm tired of these two cousins, even of this family!
-Her: But you don't care about them. You came to your parents' house to spend a good holiday with them, there are barely 10 days left and we are going back to school. Take advantage with your parents I say, because afterwards you will not see them until the next vacation!
-Me: But I hardly ever see my father, he only comes home in the evening. And my mother is busy in the kitchen most of the time.
-Her: Yüzlerini görmen bile yeter Rüya, hem kardesin var. (Seeing your parents' face is enough Rüya, and there's your sister too.)
-Me: Biliyom.. ama Okan yine bir sey yapicak diye korkuyorum. (I know.. but I'm afraid that Okan is doing something else.)
-Esra: Well don't let it go! In short and with Akif is it better? Did he actually call you?
-Me: Yeah he wanted us to take a break afterwards..
-Esra: WHAT??
Me: Let me finish! He wanted to, but he changed his mind afterwards.
- Esra: How?
-Me: I mentioned Ayaz, and I don't know why, but he was a little shocked that I was talking about him. After he apologized, and we continue our relationship. But yesterday I wasn't well, I needed him and he didn't want to come because he was busy Sir! So I sulk at him.
-Esra: Don't you think there's something fishy?
-Me: So sure it is. You thought about Ayaz huh?
- Esra: Yes. Niye onun ismini söyleyince fikrini degistirdi? (Why did he change his mind when you said his name?)
-Me: Bilmiyorum. Ayaz'i taniyormusun dedim, hayir dedi. (I don't know. I asked him if he knew Ayaz, and he said no.)
-Esra: Do you believe it?
-Me: Not too much.. but I want to believe it Esra.
- Esra: Aski bir kenara birak simdi. Ayaz ve Akif arasinda bir sey oldumu? Bunu ögrenmek lazim! (Leave your love aside. Was there something between Ayaz and Akif? That's what you need to know!)
-Me: You thought I was a detective? How am I going to know that?