It's December, in two days I'll be going home to my parents. Yes, because I had to leave my home town to continue my studies. I live with my roommate Esra in a mini flat.
-Me: Off vallah I couldn't stand the teacher anymore.
-Esra : Tkt in 2 days we finally go home, it's the winter holidays!
-Me: Sükür! ( Finally!!)
The classes for today were over, so we go back to our flat with Esra. We all have a childhood friend, right? Well, Esra is one. I think of her as my sister, we do all our bails together, she knows my whole life, same for me.
-Esra: He didn't call you?
-Me: No.. I'm always the one who makes the first move, it seriously pisses me off.
-Esra: Well, wait till he calls you!
-Me: Ama sesini duymak istiyom. ( But I want to listen to his voice.)
-Esra: Biraz kendini tut canim! ( Hold back a bit my dear!)
-Me: Of!
Who is this famous "He"? He's my boyfriend, Akif, he's in his last year of business school. Our parents are very close, we live in the same neighbourhood. We've been together for a year, but I've been in love with him since high school. Every time we're together we have a good time, but these days I feel that he's becoming more and more distant. We've been fighting, again, over nothing at all! But instead of solving the problem, he runs away. I wonder if he has someone else in his life... but I don't think he would do that to me. He respects me too much, especially my family.
Anyway, the next morning, I look at my mobile and still nothing. We get ready with Esra, and it's time for the last day of class!
We go to the lecture hall and listen to the class. Yes, I'm a hard worker, I do everything to get my degree. My parents both work hard so that I can succeed in my studies.
I was taking normal notes, but the guys in the back were making too much noise.
-Me, turning around: Can't you whisper? There are serious people here!
-A guy : Mdrr but who are you to give us orders ?
-Me: I'm not giving you orders, I'm just informing you that we're in a lecture hall, and there are people trying to listen to the teacher! A minimum of respect!
-Him: Yeah yeah, if you're not happy, change your seat!
-Me: But you change your seat, if you came here to chat, go to the back of the room, it's the ideal place to do shit!
-Him: I'll put myself where I want miss...
-Me: Pff!
-Esra: Vasy you don't care, don't even mingle with them.
-Me: Gerizekali iste! (Mongols!)
-Man: What did you say?
-Me: Nothing.
He's smiling, I don't know why. He must be really stupid. Anyway, I turn around and continue listening to the lecture, despite the noises. I don't know him, but he's pissed me off. Is a little politeness too much to ask?
Classes over, we were on Christmas vacation at last! I couldn't stand getting up every day at 7am. Esra and I packed our bags and spent our last evening together.
-Me: Ya Esra hala aramadi! ( Of Esra he still hasn't called me!)
-She: Stop thinking about Akif, you'll probably see him tomorrow. He's going back to his parents like us.
-Me: Hmm... yeah.
We were watching TV, but then my phone rings. I thought it was Akif, but... false alarm.
-Esra: Kim? ( Who is it?)
-Me: My parents. - picking up - Hello Anne? ( Mum?)
-M: Kizim iyi misiniz? ( My daughter are you ok?)
-Me : Evet merak etme, siz nasilsiniz ? ( Yes tkt not, and you?)
-M: We are fine, I will be better when I see you tomorrow. Come slowly, don't do anything stupid on the road!
-Me: Yes, yes.
-M : Sey için aradim. Adresimiz degisti Rüya (I called to tell you something. Our address has changed, Rüya).
-Me: Nasil degisti? Tasindiniz mi? (What do you mean it has changed? Have you moved?)
-M: Yes, your father found a new job, and so did I. We had to move. We had to move.
-Me: What is his job?
-M: He is a driver for a businessman, and I clean and cook for them. We moved to his house, on the basement floor (-1).
-Me: Ah... okay.
I didn't know what to say, my parents are moving and I don't know. We talk some more and hang up.
-Me: I'm still shocked, why did they move so fast, without telling me?
-Esra: I don't know. But you're going to find out things there I warn you.
-Me: Yeah I feel it too. I wonder who these people are?
The next morning we had a 2 hour journey to make. We have the car, with the music it goes by fast :). We finally arrive in my city, Esra drops me off at my parents' via the GPS. We arrive in front of a big house... rather a villa! Uh, I got the wrong address?
-Esra: Are you sure it's here?
-Me: Well, this is the address my mother gave me. Well, I'm going to go home, thanks, we'll catch up later.
-Esra: Tamam canim.
I take my suitcase from the trunk of the car, and head for the front door. I knock on the door, and it opens. No way, what is the guy doing here?
-Him: What are you doing here, girl?
-Me: I'm asking you the same question!
It was the guy from the lecture hall, with whom I had a little fight.
-Him: Wow, are you following me or what? I marked you during our fight it seems.
-Me: What the hell, who do you think you are?
-Him: Well, why are you here? I don't see any other explanation.
-Me: You answer me first. What are you doing here?
-Him: I do what I want, I go where I want! I don't have to answer to you, nerd!
-Me: I'm a nerd?
-Him: Yeah, you, is there a problem?
-Me: But fuck you!
-Him: Hop hopp, I don't advise you to finish your sentence miss! Daughter or not, I'm not afraid to beat you up!
And there I was again. Fucking hell, he pisses me off. I turn around and insult him in Turkish so he doesn't understand.
-Me: Hayvan yaa, gerizekali iste! (A real fucking asshole!)
-Him: What did you say?
-Me: Nothing, you don't understand anyway.
I see him smiling again.
-Me: What's wrong with you, why are you smiling?
-Him: What did you say?
-Me: I said you were boring!
-Him: Oh yeah? And what else?
-Me: An öküz! (hmar in Arabic, basically an idiot.)
-Him : And that means ?
-Me: Forget it.
-Him: If I were you I would shut my mouth.
-Me: You thought I was afraid of you or something... I'm not afraid of öküz like you!
Mdrr I like to insult people in Turkish so they don't understand. We all did it, in France we talk in Turkish when we talk about someone, and in Turkey it's the opposite.
-Him: But vallaha (I swear) you are looking for me too much!
-... Rüyaaa!
I turn my head and see my father coming.
-Me : Baba ?! ( Papa?!)
He hugs me too. I had missed him. I hadn't been here since the All Saints' holiday.
Another old man comes towards us, he was wearing a suit and tie.
-Him: Kizin mi Mehmet bey? (Is this your daughter Mr Mehmet?)
-My father: Evet kizim Rüya (Yes my daughter Rüya).
-Him: Memnun oldum bende Hasan ( Nice to meet you and I am Hasan)
-Me: Bende efendim (I am also a man)
I conclude that he is the head of the house, and my father must be his driver.
-Him: Oglumla tanisdin galiba (I think you have met my son)
-Me: Oglunuz? ( Your son?)
-Him, pointing to the guy: Evet.. Ayaz benim oglum ( Yes.. Ayaz is my son.)
Oh the shame !!!! But he is a Turk! So he understood all my insults. I never get a chance anyway. I look at him and he looks at me with a sadistic smile.
-Ayaz : Not so much, I didn't tell him my name.
He holds out his hand for me to shake.
-Ayaz : Ben Ayaz. (My name is Ayaz.)
Under the gaze of our fathers, I pretend that nothing has happened, and I shake his hand.
-Me: Bende Rüya (And I am Rüya).
Brief introduction:
My name is Rüya, which means Dream, I am 22 years old, and I am of Turkish origin as you have noticed (from the city of Kayseri). After my baccalaureate, I started to study business to become a manager. I'm studying in a school 2 hours away from my hometown, it's my 4th year this year, and I'll finish with a Bac+5 next year.
My father, Mehmet, has no degree. He works here and there, on the building site, in the supermarkets... well, when he finds work, he accepts it straight away. With my mother, they do everything to make sure that we study with my sister. They want us to have a good job, to be independent, to be able to stand on our own two feet without difficulty, to have a good future in general. That's every parent's dream I guess.
My mother, Fidan, is like my father. She works in the household mostly.
My sister Hilal, 17, is in the S class. She wants to become a laboratory technician.
Esra is 22 years old like me, she is my childhood friend, I told you above.
Akif is 23, he's been my boyfriend for a year, I've loved him since high school, our parents know each other very well, we used to live in the same neighbourhood. He's also studying business, and it's thanks to him that I have a flat with Esra. I basically followed him. For me he is the man of my life, I see him as the father of my children.
Hasan is my parents' boss, and the owner of the house. His wife, Sema, is a housewife. As you can see they are rich, Hasan runs a business, more like a holding company.
And ya Ayaz 23 years old. He is in business too (actually everyone is in business except Hilal). I just found out that he is the son of the owner of the house. He pisses me off!
For the other characters, you will discover them in the next parts.
Here I am in a new house, with strangers. My father works as a driver and my mother as a cleaner in this house. We live on the floor below. Basically I live in the same house as Ayaz! Great my life -'.
But who knew that this move would change my life? Welcome to the story of a poor man and a rich man.