-Akif: What do you want?
-Me: Akif we have to talk.
-Akif: Ok.
He takes his jacket and we walk down the street.
Me: Why don't you answer my calls?
-Akif: You know the answer very well.
-Me: But it's not what you think!
-Akif: Oh yeah? It's past midnight, you're outside and I hear a guy's voice from behind! What do you want me to think?
-Me: I wasn't outside already, I was in the garden!
-Akif: Well you were outside, it's the same thing!
-Me: No it's not the same thing, I wasn't in the street, I was at home... but in the garden!
-Akif: And?
-Me: I wasn't going to talk to you in my room, I was going to wake up my sister and my parents could hear!
-Akif: And?
-Me: Akif.. the voice of the guy you heard is the son of the owner of the house. We stay with them, and we help them, I told you.
-Akif: Seninle ne isi vardi? (What was he doing with you?)
-Me: I was talking to you and he was on the balcony. I hadn't seen it.
-Akif: Sana nasil inanabilirim? (How do you want me to believe you?)
-Me: Ne yani, yalan söyledigimi mi saniyorsun? (Do you think I'm lying to you?)
-Akif: it could be.
- Me: Akif saçmalama! Sana neden yalan söyliyim? Ben yalanlara karsiyim, bunu iyi biliyorsun. (Akif is not talking nonsense! Why would I lie to you? You know very well that I am against lies.)
-Akif: Yeah yeah..
I hold his hand and approach him.
-Me: Akif ben seni özledim. (Akif I missed you.)
He doesn't answer me and looks away.
-Me: Did you miss me? We haven't spoken for days. I don't even know where you've been lately.
-Akif: Do you have to know?
-Me: Yeah.
-Akif: And why?
-Me: Because we're together.
-Akif, letting go of my hand: In short, I have things to do.
-Me: How long are you not going to talk to me?
-Akif: I don't know, but the further I am from you, the better I am, you see?!
-Me: Akif canimi acitiyorsun ama. (Akif you are hurting me there.)
-Akif: But I don't care! Let me breathe a little shit!
I was starting to have tears in my eyes. I didn't understand why he was talking to me like that. What did I do ?
-Me: Didn't you breathe enough with this absence? You haven't even given me any news for a week! I didn't even see you in college, where were you?
-Akif: Sanane? (What do you care?)
- Me: Pff..
-Akif: Rüya, we should take a break from our relationship.
-Me: No stop!
-Akif: I am serious.
I was so disappointed and pissed off that I had to blame it on someone. And that someone is Ayaz.
- Me: Hep Ayaz yüzünden half? Konusmasaydi yine eskisi gibi olucaktik. (It's Ayaz's fault huh? If he hadn't spoken we would be like before.)
-Akif: Ayaz?
-Me: Yeah, it's the fault of this asshole, he's going to pay me!
I was going to leave but Akif holds me by the arm.
-Akif: Ayaz how?
-Me: I don't know.
-Akif: Do you know his last name?
-Me: I don't know, then I don't care!
-Akif: Who are his parents?
Me: Why do you want to know?
-Akif: Said!
-Me: It's Hasan and Sema.
He suddenly opens his eyes wide and lets go of my arm. He doesn't move, doesn't even speak. Why was he so shocked?