As he settles down and stares at my ankle and then my pills.
"Sleeping pills?" And that makes me uncomfortable and as if sensing my discomfort, he clears his throat and says, "umm, just so you know that makes the two of us, I need them too, sometimes"
It had been an hour since our so-called date had started and to say I was feeling awkward would be the understatement of the year. It not like he made it awkward, it's just the situation I was in. I was watching a romantic movie. For fuck's sake a romantic movie. I let out another frustrated sigh and Steven let out a soft chuckle.
"Not a fan of romantic films I suppose?"
"No shit Sherlock, and if you don't mind could we, you know just... stop this and do something else?" I asked him to which he agreed and stopped the movie.
"Let's play 20 questions?" he suggested and for a first date it isn't that bad so I went with it. We started off with the basic favorite color and season and stuff like that. I found out he liked black which isn't a color but I didn't argue with him. Also, his birthday is next month.
"Why a romantic film?" I asked him, I was itching to ask him this question from the very start. I looked as he nervously scratched the back of his neck and boy did he look cute.
"Well, Roth suggested it and I went with the option" he stated but it came out more like a question. Roth is so dead. She knows I hate the sappy, clichéd movies but still suggested romantic films.
"So, what's your worst fear?" he asks me. WORST FEAR. I don't know, maybe it will be losing the people I love or maybe getting involved with anybody too much. I never actually thought about it because I knew it will be too depressing to think about it. I realized I was too deep into my thoughts when Steven snapped his fingers to bring me back to reality.
"So, what is it?"
"Well, it is losing the people I love, it's the most dreadful thing that happens to a person", I say as my thoughts trace back to my twin, my mother, and Bri.
After that, we just talk normally about life and I realize that he hasn't asked anything to personal which I appreciate because he is giving me space and I decided to do the same.
After a while, just as I am about to say I'm hungry my stomach growls. Great! Perfect timing! I blush knowing I just embarrassed myself in front of my date. He chuckles and leans forward and whispers "you look cute when you blush", that just causes me to blush more. He goes inside the kitchen to bring food and comes back with the most delicious thing in the world, pizza.
As we were eating my phone beeps but I don't pay attention to it as I am too engrossed in eating pizza. Then we just laid down on the sofa after he gave me my medicines which I had gulped down. If there is one thing I hate the most about being sick is MEDICINES, otherwise I love being ill because you get pampered.
I was in the kitchen to drink water and when I came back, I found her sleeping on the couch. The medicines must have worked on her. I approached her slowly in order to not wake her up and gently picked her and headed towards her room where I tucked her inside her blankets.
Just as I was about to get up I felt a tug on my hand and turned to find her holding my hand tightly.
"Don't go please", she whispered.
"I wasn't planning on, sweetheart", which was true because I couldn't leave her alone as her family is outside. I took the chair in her room and sat beside her bed. I looked at her sleeping figure and noticed how peaceful she looked while sleeping. Looking at her gave me a funny feeling in my stomach. It scared me because I knew what the feeling was but I didn't bother acknowledging it and turned my attention to the sleeping pills lying on her table.
She needed them too. It's funny how some of the things are common between us. While playing 20 questions I wanted to ask her but respecting her privacy I didn't, because I didn't want to feel like an intruder. I needed sleeping pills only on some occasions. It would only be when I woke up from a nightmare.
"No! Please don't! Leave her!" I heard her sobbing, screaming and thrashing. I immediately rushed towards her and saw how she was panting and sweating. How scared she looked.
"Jen, wake up. Sweetheart, it's just a nightmare, I'm here", just as she opened her eyes she cowered and started shifting away from me.
"Sweetheart, it's just me, you don't need to be afraid of me", I told her calmly. She immediately burst out crying after she realized it was only a dream.
I rushed over to hug her and she clung ontoe tightly as she sobbed.
She looks so fragile and broken right now. Who is the cause of her nightmares I want to ask her but refrain myself from asking.
I helped her calm down and when she retracted back, she looked down as if she was embarrassed.
"You know sweetheart", she smiled at the nickname,"you don't need to me embarrassed about anything"
She shrugged her shoulders and we fell into a comfortable silence. I looked over at the clock and it read 10:30. My phone dinged, breaking the silence.
Dad: where are you? You're not home yet.
Me: at Jen's
After speaking for a little, I said goodbye and put my phone on her bedstand.
"I'm sorry I have to keep you waiting", she told me.