Jen's P.O.V.
I was in my room, busy with my own thoughts as I stared at the pictures that were stuck on the walls of my room. My mom, Ivan, and Toby. Some of the pictures even had Brielle in them but they were hidden behind my other pictures because looking at her only made me realize how helpless I was at that time that I couldn't do anything. It only brings tears in my eyes.
I was too consumed in my thoughts that I didn't notice my bedroom door had opened and Roth had come in. She came towards me and pulled me into a hug and kept telling me that everything was going to be okay. I did know that the reason she had come in was not to console me.
"Okay, tell me", I ask as soon as I pull back. She raises her eyebrow and acted nonchalant.
"Come on, I know the original reason was not to come and console me, you just saw me and by the look on my face, you didn't want to talk about that and just hugged me", I explained her. She just smiled.
"GOD! How can you be so understanding?" she asks me, well the one who is the most understanding is her because just because I was sad she didn't talk to me about what she wanted to.
"So...I guess I am falling for Asher", she said making me squeal. Before I could do anything, she ran towards her room. Yes her room, she has a room in my house and I have a room in her house. #bffgoals
A smile played on my lips because I hadn't seen Roth this happy before. It felt so good to see her happy. Finally, everyone is happy, except for me. But it didn't bother me. Because I know, the moment I am happy, something other the other will happen and that happiness will be stolen from me.
I still need to find my happiness, I just feel like, every time I am about to be happy and as I near it, it disappears, it's like a mirage in the desert. After some time my dad called us for dinner and so we all went down to eat.
"Well, it was nice having you both over Steven and Asher, I'll be looking forward to meeting the both of you again", Dad told them and Julie hummed in agreement.
"Bye Steven and Asher, thanks for what you did today", I told them and their car zoomed out of our driveway.
"You both know, they are nice guys", Julie ma told and wiggled her eyebrows as if indicating something. Gosh! She is such a weirdo!
"Yeah sure they are since they helped her today, mom"
"Yeah, they'd be nice as my son in laws also" and Roth and me, we both chocked on our spit and started a coughing fit.
"Mom!" and they just chuckled as they went back to cleaning the kitchen. As I was tired I told them I would be in my room and Roth decided to accompany me to my room.
After that, I told her about everything that happened today and she just had a sad smile on her face.
"I am happy they were there today though", she told me, we chit-chatted more for a while and then went off to sleep.
"Good morning, my lovely children, WAKE UP!" my dad screamed. Wow! Nice way to wake us up though.
"But today is Saturday though", I cried, and just as I said that I heard a set of chuckles, three to be exact, one of them obviously belonged to my father and the other two?
"STEVEN!" "ASHER!" Roth and I cried out loud together. Great! I just embarrassed myself in front of them. I shoved my face inside my pillow as I groaned out loud.
Can mother earth please swallow me? , I thought
They left my room leaving Roth and me behind. I went ahead to take a shower and just as I looked inside the mirror, I cursed out loud. I looked like Ursula, with my hair that looked like a birds nest. Well, my life is definitely not a movie though.
I got ready and headed downstairs for breakfast and saw Max and Steven talking to each other. Aww, they looked cute though.
"We're going bowling today, us four only because the others are out with their family", Asher informed me.
"What about me, can I come too, Pwease", Max called out in his sweet voice and gave us his best puppy face, trying to convince us into taking him with us. Oh boy!
"Not today, we're going out too Maxi, today is a father and son day of the month, did you forget?"
"Yeah but I like these misters a lot", pointing at Steven and Asher," I want to play with them", he whined.
"Son, don't worry they will come often to our place, I am sure they love you too"
"Yes, we will come often, especially to meet my favorite human, Max", Steven said. Favourite human? Really?
I stared at Roth and she stared back at me.
What the hell? Why would my father do that? Why would he ask Steven to come often? Why would Steven even agree? Ugh!
Then, we all left the house to sit in Asher's car. I huffed and pouted. He shouldn't come often! This isn't fair!
"Life is officially screwed", I mumbled to Roth as I rested my forehead against the window.
"Or not?" She said wiggling her eyebrows. Steven and Asher were busy talking to each other. Thank god, they didn't hear us.
"Ughhh, Go away, traitor" and she laughed out loud which caused the both of the guys to stop talking and turn their heads to find Roth wiping her tears. Dramatic much?
"It's nothing, you guys, focus on driving", I grumbled as I shoved Roth lightly.