Steven's P.O.V
After an hour-long lecture of Gym, Asher and I, we both left for the cemetery and that while walking inside I came in front of a familiar Grave. It read:
Brielle Katherine Heart
A loving Daughter and sister
Brielle was the closest cousin I had. Her mother and my mother were sisters. You see when she had died, I wasn't there because I had to go to the court as my parents were having a divorce but after that, I had rushed over here and there was no one there except a girl who was with a guy. She kept on crying, telling him that it was her fault that she is dead, but she never came near her grave.
After the divorce, I had just come to visit my favourite cousin who had walked amongst the stars. I stood in front of her grave and I was crying.
"Why? Why would you do this to me, Brielle?" I kept asking her but I knew there was no answer, it was just one-way conversation.
"LEAVE ME!" I turned around to see a girl crying and thrashing in a guy's arms. The guy held the girl from her waist and she kept telling him to leave her.
"It's all my fault that Bri isn't here today, I wish to die too," she kept crying and repeating those words. I was happy that at least there was someone to share the same pain I had but I never got a chance to meet her because she had fainted and was rushed to the hospital.
"That's Jennifer." Aunt Lulia told me. "She and Brielle were best friends, apparently something had happened and Brielle passed away and the reason for her death was indeed her father,"
That is when Uncle John came near Aunt Lulia and he gave me a letter.
"It was something we found in her room, there was your name on it so I thought you might want to keep it." He told me
I still have a clear picture of that mystery girl Jennifer in my mind. I always wanted to meet her and confront her, tell her that she was the worst best friend, scream at her because she was the reason why Brielle isn't there with us now.
"Hi Bri, How are you?" I said, "I know it is odd that I came here today because I only come here when it is your birthday, your death anniversary or my birthday, but today I had to and so here I am in front of you with Asher too." Asher just smiled in her direction.
"I miss you a lot Bri and I know I ask you the same question every time I come here and I would ask you again 'why? Why did you do it?'" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"YOU!" A girlish voice interrupted us. That voice sounded familiar, so we walked towards that voice.
"What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be in jail?" said ... Jennifer.
"That's Jen!" Asher whispered in my ears.
"Now, now, Ivy is that a nice way to welcome your father and today is the day they passed away, how could I not be here?" that mystery guy told as he walked nearer to Jennifer. Father?
"Don't, don't call me IVY, and how would you care Corey? Did you even love your wife to care for her?" I was shocked that she was addressing her father with his name. His wife? Jennifer's mom?
"Corey? You pathetic little soul, how dare you to address me by my name? Didn't Ivan ever tell you what I did to him when he used to call me by my name? You very well do know where he is right now," He finished and she was already having a panic attack. Corey raised a hand to slap her, but Asher had stopped his hand mid-air. I rushed near Jen and hugged her.
"Hey, breathe, just relax." I told her but her condition was only getting worse due to her shortness in breathing.
"P...PUM...PUMP" she told me while hyperventilating. When I gave her a questionable look she brought her hand near her mouth and asked for her pump by acting it out. I quickly removed the pump out of her bag and gave it to her. While Asher was beating her father blue and black.
"Stop, Stop beating him!" Jen pleaded Asher. As Asher got up, Corey also got up.
"Cometiste el mismo error otra vez, les dijiste que no? Sabes lo que le pasó a Brielle Heart Espera y mira lo que les va a pasar (You made the same mistake again, you told them didn't you? You do know what happened to Brielle Heart. Wait and watch now what will happen to them)" He interrupted her before he ran away from that place leaving Jennifer shaky. I might not know Spanish, but I was sure enough that I heard Brielle's name.
"Why? Why would you save me?" she cried out, shocking me. First of all, Asher and I saved her and now she is questioning us.
"Really? Firstly, we saved you and now you are questioning us on why would we save you?" I stormed out of the graveyard not waiting for an answer and stood beside the car waiting for Asher to come.
"It's not her fault, she had some reason," he told me as he came.
"How would you know?"
"Bro, you might have forgotten but you should know that I know Spanish" he said.