The next day I wake up to the same beeping sound. Urgh, I hate this alarm so much, why can't I just sleep in the morning?
Just like every day I took a shower and changed into my comfortable sweater and my pants and went down to eat my breakfast.
"Jenny.’ Max said and came running towards me. I pulled him into a hug and pelted kisses all over his face.
"Ewww... Jenny stop it, daddy help me!" he said and wriggled out of my hold to run away from me.
Max, he is my ray of sunshine, I love him too much.
I chuckled at his cuteness before settling down on the dining table and eating my breakfast.
"Jen, how was your first day?" my dad asked me as we sat in his car.
So I told him how it was really nice. When we reached school, I bid them farewell and headed towards the gate.
After greeting my friends, I left to keep my books in the locker only to keep two books with me, English and psychology. Classes went by pretty nicely and then Roth and I, we left for lunch. Roth is mostly in all my classes except dance because she has chosen drama.
Today, I realized there were eight people including me and Roth.
When I saw the guy sitting next to Josh, with such an amazing body, his t-shirt that he wore hugging his body at perfect places, that smile and when I looked into his eyes, it felt like my whole world had frozen. All I could see was his image. I felt uneasy by just looking at his eyes so I quickly took my seat and started eating my pasta.
"Well, Gianna, this is Dorothy and that is Jennifer," Josh said to the girl sitting next to him who would apparently be his girlfriend.
"Hi, I am Gianna and that is my Sister Tina." She said cheerfully and pointed towards the other girl sitting next to Andrew and then we heard someone clear their throat.
"Oh and well, that is Steven and next to him is Asher," Josh said.
I looked up at the other two only to be met by those curious blue eyes.
"Josh, why are these two sitting over here and who even invited these two here, girls like these just need attention." and by the time he finished the sentence, it had me fuming.
Who pissed in his breakfast? Seriously? Girls like us? You got to be kidding me.
"Umm... Mister I don't need you to be giving me and Roth a character certificate, we are not some sluts here and I am definitely in no need of the attention from an arrogant asshole like you and secondly we didn't intend on coming over here on the popular table only to be insulted like this, Josh and Andrew had invited us to sit with you all." I snapped, gosh I hate these kinds of people so much.
That is when I realized that I had gathered unwanted attention towards our table and I couldn't help but leave the place because it was suffocating me, those eyes mixed with curiosity and disgust.
Oh! People don't like it when someone yells at their favourite boy.
After the bell rang I left for math.
After mathematics, I had to dance again, so I changed and went to the class only to see that this class is proxy and that the substitute teacher had told us we could do anything so most of the students took it as their cue to leave and soon the substitute also left leaving me alone in the room. As for me, I danced.
I was practicing when someone decided it would be best to interrupt.
"What are you doing over here?" I fell down because of the interruption and almost twisted my ankle.
Is he dumb? Can't he see that this is a dancing studio of the school I definitely won't be playing football over here?
"Well, you can see that I am playing football over here and because you interrupted I couldn't score a goal," I said sarcastically, while he just chuckled.
I huffed and I tried to stand up.
Yeah, I tried to stand up but sadly I couldn't stand up because I had twisted my ankle very badly. But all my efforts were a waste when I fell again and the pain was so insufferable that I couldn't help but let a whimper escape my lips and Steven turned on his heels to look in my direction.
That is when I felt myself being picked up and I noticed Steven was carrying me towards my bag where the first-aid box was placed. Is this man bipolar? One moment he’s insulting us and the next, he’s acting all kind.
"You know there is no harm in asking for a little help," he said as he then put on some pain relief spray and bandaged my ankle.
"Hmmm." I said and I immediately called dad to ask him if he could pick me up but as he was busy he couldn't and also that he wouldn't allow me in the bus so as I turned to look at Steven, but noticed him staring at my hand, more like my phone cover.
Now I am a girl who is not girly but when it comes to decorating my phone covers, that is me. Well, my cover consisted of a picture of Toby, Ivan and me. I was in the middle and those two were kissing my cheek, while I stuck my tongue out for the camera. It was one of my favourite pictures.
I thought whether or not to ask him for a lift but then I thought that it might be creepy to ask him so I just got up and to be honest the pain had subsided a little bit, meaning I could walk so I put my bag over my shoulder, put on my earphones and left the studio.
After 15 minutes when I reach my home and rang the doorbell.
"Jenny! You are home." Max came running towards me and hugged me.
Max has a babysitter for him and that is the neighbour and she leaves after I come home but today she had to leave a little early because she had some work.
After that I went to my room, freshened up and went to cook some pasta for us. After I cooked, I did my homework and after dad came home, we all are dinner and slept.