Did I forget to mention that we were going to Steve's place for the movie? Well maybe I did but yeah we all were going to his house. I wouldn't regard what I am looking at like a house, it is a freaking mansion.
"Woah!" Roth said as if reading my mind.
He just smirked and told us to follow him to his theatre room. I was awestruck when I saw his mini theatre, my room is freaking smaller than the theatre. He must be damn rich.
"Suit yourselves." and we sat down on the comfortable couches that were placed in the room and then was the real task.
Selecting a movie everyone will agree to watch as for me, I am okay with all the genres but horror because horror movies are kind of suffocate me, they make me uneasy. I watched as the boys and the girls argued on whether to watch a walk to remember or Avengers while Steven had gone to bring us some popcorn.
"Why not watch something horror?" he asked as he walked in with four bowls full of popcorn and some coke too.
"You know we care for our girlfriend's over here," Josh told referring to his and Andrew's girlfriend.
"And I care for myself," Roth told.
"Me too," I told.
In the end, we all agreed to watch Avengers.
The movie got over by 7:30 so then we left to the nearest diner to eat. After we ate, Roth dropped me at my place and I slept.
"Wake up! You have a school to attend."
Ughhh! Why can't I sleep like yesterday? Yesterday I woke up at 1:00 pm, I know it's late but then with all those nightmares I get, I need some more sleep.
"Jenny! Wake up or else I will get some water and surely splash it on you." Exclaimed my father.
"Yeah ok, I am waking up." With that, I woke up and did my morning business. Today I decided to wear the hood I bought on Saturday, a pair of jeans and my black vans. Today was Max's birthday.
"Hi Max!" I greeted him and started eating my breakfast.
"Hello, Jenny! Umm..." he trailed off thinking that I might have forgotten his birthday, "aren't you forgetting something"
"Nope, what would I be forgetting?"
He didn't answer anything and went back to eating the pancakes. After that, we left for school. On Mondays, Max usually comes around 3 from his football classes so I thought about baking something for him and decorating the living room.
After my dad dropped me, I met my friends and we head off to our classes.
Lunch break came by pretty fast.
Well, they usually say that when you are busy time actually goes by pretty fast.
As I entered the canteen, Helena was just glaring in my direction, I ignored it and went to my table.
"Roth, today I will leave early because it is Max's birthday and do not worry you are invited as well with Juley ma." I have always referred to her mom as "Juley ma" because she is like my second mother. After that, all of the others went for their classes while Roth and I, we left for the day.
After we reached home, I baked the cake and Roth decorated the living room and I had called my dad and Juley ma early too so that we could finish the celebration by the evening because it was a school night. I kept my gift on the table where Roth had kept her gift too and we waited for the other two to come so that we could surprise my little ray of sunshine.
I heard footsteps approaching the door and when I glanced at the clock it showed 3:05 meaning it had to be Max so I alerted everyone to be ready. As the door opened we all screamed "Happy Birthday!"
Max was shocked at first but then that shock was not long-lasting when a smile broke on his face.
"You remembered?" he asked me.
"Of course, how could I forget your birthday?" All he did was grin in my direction. We all cut the cake, we gave him his gifts, we danced and we played. Then Roth and Juley ma left for their home.
"That cake was really tasty Jenny." My dad told me as we sat down after we had cleared the mess.
"And we will be going out to eat today."
"The party was so fun and not to forget that delicious cake you had baked," Roth told me as I greeted the others in the morning.
"I know, he actually thought I forgot his birthday."
"Wait! Are you both telling us that you both attended a party and didn't bother to invite any of us?" Gianna questioned us.
"Well, it was my younger brothers' birthday yesterday and it is a tradition that my dad follows that until we are 13 we celebrate our birthdays with our family and because my dad and Juley ma are close friends too, her family is invited too"
"Juley ma?"
"That's my mom, she refers my mom as Juley ma because their bond is no less than that of a daughter and of a mother and let me tell you sometimes I get jealous of their bond too." We all chuckled and left for our first period as the bell rang.