She watched from the corner as he sat on the couch talking to no one. She saw the countless number of women approach him back and forth but none stayed too long. Surely a man as handsome and confident as him shouldn't be sitting alone at this 'fun' party. She took a gulp of her drunk one more time before building up the courage to go talk to him.
His eyes locked with hers when she moved to the couch beside his. He gave her a friendly smile and craned his neck to look for someone. He turned back to face her and cleared his throat, wanting to be kind enough to ask her to leave because he wasn't in the mood for useless chitchat. This is the eleventh time a lady is sitting on that couch trying to 'talk to him'.
"Hi," she said, giving him a genuine, friendly smile.
"Good evening," he said shortly. She noticed he wasn't the kind to talk that much so she decided she'd do the talking instead.
"How are you enjoying this party?"
"It's alright."
"I'm guessing this is exactly how you wanted to spend your evening," she said with a light chuckle which earned a small smile from him. She couldn't describe the feeling that washed over her at seeing his grin on his handsome face.
"Does it show?"
"I mean, any guy sitting alone without a drink or company must surely be thinking of a way to leave without being rude to the host."
"Are you it?"
"No, fortunately not. I too find this boring and no sense in inviting all these people," she said truthfully, looking around at the faces of strangers talking as if they won't cancel plans with each other the next day and pretend this night didn't occur. When she felt his stare she turned to him. "I'm just a colleague."
"Oh, really?" He countered and she nodded. "What is it that you do?"
She unfolded her hands on her lap and turned her feet towards him so she could sit facing him. He subconsciously did the same. "I'm the... director of affairs," she said, trying not too give him too much information because she didn't know him. Even if he was devilishly handsome. "I deal with the marketing, meetings, planning and all that."
"So I'm assuming you played a minor role in patching this get-together?" he smirked.
"Oh, don't remind me. I hate being surrounded by lots of people and yet feel alone in the room," she said, more to herself than him but he heard her nonetheless. She turned back to him with a warm smile and a proud face, "But the cocktail is good though."
"I know. I lost count of how many cups I had."
"I made that!" She said with laughter in her voice which he smiled at. She felt proud that he enjoyed something at this utterly boring social gathering, and to top it all off, it's something she made.
"You have a very special talent," he teased.
"What is it that you do?" she returned the question.
"I work with SDI."
"Surogiv Designs International?" she asked, being the first company with those abbreviations to come to mind.
"That's the one."
"That's so cool. I'm honestly more and more impressed by their innovative ways to design buildings. What they have being doing with the lower budget businesses is simply wind-blowing," she gushed. "Please tell the lead architect that he's incredibly amazing, okay? Like, how does he think of creativity at that level?" She continued to ramble, but he just smiled and felt a sense of appreciation. He put his hand up to halt her running thoughts.
"I don't think I've ever been praised that much in five minutes," he chuckled, his eyes winkling.
hey jaw fell that moment. She covered her mouth, her eyes widening as though she's been caught stealing. "Oh my goodness, you're the lead architect? But you said- Oh god this is embarrassing. I'm so sorry. I didn't know," she confessed, feeling her face redden at the speed of light.
He was taken back by her natural behaviour. She wasn't like the other females at this party. She was actually acting like herself and the fact that she didn't know who he was when she came just proved how innocent her goal was; To just talk.
"You're like a breath of fresh air after drowning."
She was hooked and wanted to know this fine creature sitting across from her more. She decided then and there that she wouldn't lose him from her grasp, and if he had someone in his love-life already, then that's their problem.
"Who are you here with?"
"You won't believe who I just spoke to," she beamed, trying to calm down her excitement. She had excused herself for the bathroom and on the way she pulled her friend inside so they could talk in private.
"Surprise me."
"Nathaniel Surogiv!" She shrieked but Jane just wore a bored face and gave her a look that said, 'who'?
"He's like just one of the most established architects from all of Sydney. He's crowned bachelor of the year for the fourth time in a row now. You seriously cannot not know him. Do you live under a rock?" Nadia gushed, washing her hands while Jane just touched up on her face and makeup.
She didn't understand what the fuss was all about, and knowing Nadia, she reckoned she'd jump on his bones the second she gets him in a secluded area and not even bother say, 'Adios'.
"If he's as famous as you say, why haven't I heard of him before?"
"Because, I don't know. You're always busy. Plus, I just met him in person tonight and he's quite charming. I kinda like him so we'll see where that goes."
"Hmm, show me him when you see me," Jane said as she began to leave the bathroom.
Nadia just frowned when Jane walked out but said nothing of it. She was used to her friend's bluntness, but she won't deny it sometimes hurt when she shared something exciting and all she got was a shrug in return. Little did she know that Jane didn't support her ideas of sleeping around with established men to get ahead in business.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there!" She heard a voice say outside.
"No, it's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going," a male voice said back. A familiar, panty-dropping voice.
"You were heading to the females' room?" She heard Jane ask with a teasing voice.
Nadia heard him chuckle as she dried her hands before his reply shocked her momentarily. "I was looking for Nadia. She said she'd be quick but she took longer than expected and I came to see if she's not in harm's way."
At that, Nadia quickly lifted up her pushup bra and pulled her skirt up a little higher before she gave herself a once-over and made a dash for the door. It revealed the handsome stranger she had the pleasure of being acquainted with. His eyes met hers when she stepped out. She turned to her friend and touched her shoulder, smiling brightly before staring at the man like he was a piece of meat.
"Jane, this is the guy I was telling you about," Nadia said as she motioned between them. "Nathaniel, meet Jane. My best friend. Jane this is Nathaniel, my new friend," she introduced them. She saw a glint in Jane's eyes as they widened when Nate shook her hand firmly, so, in order to get her message across, Nadia took his hand and laced her fingers with his, bringing it up to her face and kissing it.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jane," Nate said, oblivious to what Nadia was doing.
"Likewise. Congratulations on the reputation I hear you have," she said with a smile, casting a glance at Nadia to give her credit. "Please excuse me, I'm extremely busy at the moment, else I'd have stayed to chat."
"Oh, no, no. Please, it's okay. You have yourself a good night, Jane," Nate was quick to say, ignoring the look Nadia gave Jane as he said so. He wasn't in the position to know what the motivation behind it was but he didn't think much of it. He was probably not seeing right.
Jane nodded politely, "Alright, thanks. But we should talk sometime, yeah?"
"That'd be lovely-"
"We actually have plans," Nadia intervened and Nate bit his inner cheek. He was quick to realise what trouble this duo will bring him. He could spot a jealous friend from miles away. And this time, one was latched onto his arm.
"Do we, Nadia? Weird how I wasn't aware of any," he said. Nadia didn't bother shifting her glare from Jane. Jane on the other hand just shrugged and used that opportunity to slip away from the duo but not before setting up a meeting.
"Whenever you're free, we should talk business. Come to this place sometime and just ask for me," she said professionally as she handed him her company business card and walked away. She silently cursed Nadia's rude behaviour and wondered how long Nate would last before she finds another more famous man than him. This party was full of eligible bachelors. That meant it was Nadia's playground.