"I really miss you, I miss us. Tonight was like a- a flashback into what it used to be, you know?" She asked, taking a step back and folding her arms around herself. He placed his hand on her hip and looked straight into her eyes.
"I miss you too. More than you can ever imagine. It was stupid of me to think I could be happy with someone else and I'll admit I need a beating for that mistake," he said and she choked out a laugh, sniffing and wiping her tears away at the same time. It must be the hormones making her cry. He wiped some tears away with his thumb. "But I'm promising you right now that I'll never stop pursuing your heart."
"I'm sorry for this," she said, indicating to the mess she's become. He shook his head at that.
"You're still as beautiful," he whispered, leaning closer to her. Their hearts were beating fast and she closed her eyes, hoping that he'd kiss her. The moment his lips touched hers, she felt something uneasily flutter in her stomach.
She pulled back, a thin smile pasted on her lips.
He knew he had to earn her trust and forgiveness. And although he thought he was one step closer tonight, she made him realise he was miles away from getting them to where they were before his first cheat.
"I love you," he said softly.
He felt her tense a little before she stepped forward and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "I know." She looked at him closer, studying every crease and curve on his face. The sharp nose, defined jaw, long rich black hair. This was the man she fell in love with. "I know."
"Who isn't here?" Jane asked when their flight was called to board. She didn't see Nate arrive and she was worried but didn't want to call him incase he thought she cared about him.
The last thing she needed was him thinking that everything is back to being fine between them. She had a bad feeling when she received a text from Nadia that morning saying, 'Have fun with Nate, my leftovers.' Since then, she couldn't help but think the worst.
What did she mean by that? Were they together? Did he go to her place later last night? No, she stopped her thoughts. He wouldn't do that to her again, would he?
I trust him with this project. He is smarter than to sabotage it all for one communal whore.
"Mr Nathaniel isn't here yet but I gave him a call. He said he's running late and that we should just board if it's our time-"
"I'm here!" He yelled as he rolled his suitcase behind him and she dropped her head in her hands, feeling her face burn with relief. She won't admit she was a bit worried he wasn't going to board since he had to lead the group with her.
He looked at her and felt his smile coming. It was written all over her face how happy she was to see him. Only she thought she was doing a good job at hiding it from everyone.
"I'm sorry everyone, I had a late night and overslept this morning. It won't happen again," he said as their flight number was called and they all joined the queue, all the interns in front of her and him standing directly behind her.
"Are you fine?" He whispered and watched her give her ticket to the cabinet crew, not looking back as she went through.
She heard him follow behind her and asked, "Why are you whispering?"
"Because- I don't know. You looked a bit stressed out, that's all."
"Nice way to say I look hideous."
"You know I'd never say that to your face," he teased as he took his seat next to the window. She gave him a sarcastic smile and took her seat.
"I didn't sleep well last night."
"Rough night?" He asked.
Nausea. Paranoia. She glanced at him. "At least I don't have bags under my eyes."
"Oh these?" He pointed to his eyes and she nodded. "They're called Prada. They'd go well with that outfit you're wearing," he replied as he looked at her sweatpants with trainers and a tube top. She looked pretty hot but he wouldn't say that unless he was looking for a smack to the head.
She shoved him with her hand, "Oh shut up. I bet you didn't even fold your clothes this morning."
"No use denying that. I practically jumped up and shoved everything with their hangers into the suitcase before taking a two minute shower and dialing a cab here. I don't even remember applying deodorant," he joked as he sniffed his armpits.
"Ew," she chuckled and blushed when he poked her nose. She knew he was just joking around. She knew how his deodorant smelled like and could recognise the scent anywhere. Most specially when it's early in the morning after he had just taken a shower.
Ah, good times. Gone with the wind.
"There's no reason why we shouldn't be cordial this week," he said, worried she'd be angry with him still.
Without much to say, she nodded and handed him an oven-baked muffin. They heard the pilot start to speak but didn't pay much attention. It's always almost the same thing said anyway.
"Are these even allowed?" He whispered, not wanting to drag the attention of a flight attendant.
"Who cares?" She shrugged as she ate one quickly before taking another. He just looked at her weirdly and shook his head as he ate his. He wasn't a fan of eating while he's in the air unless he's on his private jet. There he has his private chef who takes care of his meals.
"It's like you're eating for two," he said casually, looking out the window after he noticed that she ate 5 in two minutes. He didn't see the color drain from her face. He only heard her choke quietly and quickly turned to her, handing her an opened bottle of mineral water that he packed.
"Thank you," she heaved and he just smiled at her before patting her hand.
He looked down at her hand and saw that the ring he proposed with was long gone, now only the band mark left behind. His chest swelled with grief and he looked out the window again, trying to find something to focus on.