The clock sounded at 05:00 PM.
Catherine came out of the room and looked at Lucy.
"Madam, I am sorry. Unfortunately, I cannot close the deal with the clients on the list." Lucy said with tears.
"It's OK. Take this address and go to that house. The client will wait for you. She ordered two items. Take the amount that she gives, and keep it with yourself. Then, tomorrow, you can give it to me. But, remember that you need to speak politely and with a smiling face. No one will like it if you are in tears. If you can close the deal, I will tell the Head Office that you only closed the deal. I will adjust the amount in the Stock Book. All the Best." Catherine said and went away.
Lucy took the Address paper and ran outside with the products Catherine gave to her. She stopped a cab and showed the Address paper.
"Madam, The amount will be XX Dollars." The Cab driver said and opened the doors.
Lucy laughed at herself and got inside the cab. She feels excited and thinks about her life if she won't close the lead.
"Do or die situation for me. God, Please help me. I must close the lead to get the amount now. Otherwise, I need to sell..." Lucy stopped the sentence, thinking about her properties.
"There are no properties to me, except the house. What to do now?" Lucy asked herself and looked outside.
She is shocked to see the way it is going towards her house.
Lucy looks at the Address paper and is shocked to see the DNO of Ava.
"Stop!" Lucy shouted.
The Cab driver did not understand what happened and looked at Lucy with a shock.
Lucy got down from the cab and looked at the Address again.
She did not understand what to do and paid the amount to the Cab driver.
"Madam, The Address is nearby. I will drop you there." The Cab driver said, taking the amount.
"Not required. You may leave." Lucy said with irritation and started walking towards her house.
She did not feel interested in meeting Ava and went to her house.
Lucy threw the products aside and sat on the sofa with tears in her eyes.
"Mom, I am losing this house for a small mistake I made today. Unfortunately, I don't have any option of repaying the amount, as that large amount is not there in the Bank Account. Please forgive me." Lucy said to herself and started crying.
The Clock sounded at 07:00 PM.
Lucy came to her senses when she heard the knocking sound of the doors.
"Who is it?" Lucy asked with a loss of energy.
"It's your friend. Please open the door." The Voice from the Other side said.
"Coming!" Lucy said with irritation and opened the door.
She is shocked to see Ava, who stands in front of her with a smiling face.
Lucy's facial expressions changed, and her hands trembled with fear.
"Excuse me! I ordered a product. Will you hand over that to me?" Ava asked with a smiling face.
"Come inside," Lucy said involuntarily.
Ava thanked Lucy and sat on the chair.
"Your products are there," Lucy said and showed the package.
"Can you give them to me?" Ava asked and smiled.
Lucy kept the package in Ava's hands and turned her face with irritation.
"Lucy, Now you are not in a position to understand the importance of this package. Learn about the products that you gave to me. If you behave like this, the Clients will not show any interest. Show interest in the subject. As your Madam gave me the contact number, I came here. Clients won't come to your place. You need to go and meet the clients. Did you understand?" Ava said and gave the amount to Lucy.
"Thank you," Lucy said in a slow voice.
"Lucy, Your appearance must also attract others. If you go and meet the client, they must not concentrate on anything except your words. Try to change it bit by bit. You will understand how confidence will take you to the highest position. I see that you are going by cab every day. You cannot go and meet many clients in a cab. Take these keys. I will leave my scooter here, and it is a small gift to you that I must give in this crucial moment. Bye." Ava said and kissed Lucy's forehead.
"Madam!" Lucy shouted and fell on Ava's feet.
"Lucy, Don't think that I am an outsider. On the contrary, I am your close friend. Is it OK?" Ava said and made Lucy stand.
"Madam, Today, You saved my life by giving me this amount. Otherwise, I need to pay the amount by selling the house. Unfortunately, some girl came to the shop and robbed the vibrators. I became responsible for that incident and must pay the amount back." Lucy said and cried loudly.
"Lucy, Control yourself. I will speak with your Manager and pay the amount. Don't worry." Ava said and wiped Lucy's tears.
"No, Madam. This lead is enough. Thank you. I am a big failure, Madam. I cannot sell even a single product, as I don't know anything about these products. How to answer the questions of the Clients?" Lucy asked with a shaking voice.
"Don't worry. I will explain these products and how you need to speak with the clients. Then, daily, after office hours, come to my house. Did you understand?" Ava asked and caressed Lucy's hair.