Alexis's POV;
After all that incident i decided to read because of the test coming up tomorrow and I couldn't let that blonde bimbo ruin my school so while i was at the café i didn't work and so i sat on an empty table and started reading and circling the important stuff.
My phone started buzzing and i saw Jasmin's face and name on the phone so i answered it
Jazz: hey babe
Me: what's good
Jazz: do you wanna go out tonight
Me: no...can't i have a huge test tomorrow which I need to read for
Jazz: its always the same with you when will you have fun Lexi its been forever since we went out, pleeaasseee??
Me: sorry but no maybe some other time
Jazz: okay... Then bye i guess
Then i hanged up. Then i see a shadow on the table and when i raise my head i see Sophie holding a large milkshake and doughnuts and she brings her hand towards me and drop it in front of me "have a test huh?" She said "yep" i responded almost instantly.
"Let's go sweetie" my mom called out when she was closing up the café and i grabbed my bag and my books and ran towards her.
When we got home Sophie was already sleeping so i just drank some milk and went to bed i left mom in the kitchen she was doing the numbers.
Rriinngg rriinngg my alarm clock went off "ugghh its morning" i said while removing hair from my mouth and got up to go the bathroom and then i brushed my teeth and took a shower and brushed my hair. "Lexi come down for breakfast" Sophie called well mostly shouted "coming" i yelled back today Sophie was going to college and she was pretty excited.
I went down and had a quick breakfast and headed out to wait for jazz and within two minutes i saw her Honda civic parked in my front and i entered.
"Hey girl" jazz said to me
"What's good" i reply to her, "oh you know the usual" she said smiling at me.
"So how was the party" i ask, "it's was sick as hell girl you missed a lot there were couples scattered all over the place making out like their lives depended on it" she said clearing irritated.
"You're just jealous because you weren't there with your crush" i say teasingly. And she started blushing insanely "shut up" she said smiling a bit and we laughed.
Then i heard a song coming from the sound system and when i leaned in closer to hear a familiar voice I liked turns out its 'The monster' by Eminem and Rihanna and i turned the volume up and i started singing along not minding my beautiful voice as i call it.
When we entered school she wished me good luck in the test and we hugged goodbye as i entered the hall i saw Andy standing in front of my locker and i walk to him smiling
"Someone is in a good mood today,i think it's because of the test" Andy has always been the type to get excited over tests and me too maybe it was because we were always prepared unlike others who were watching videos in class.
"I really am excited over the test,the summer made me miss it a lot" Andy replied
"Really,the summer" i say in a confused face
"Okay fine i am always excited for tests,happy" he said in a defeated tone
"That's better" i say in a victorious tone
And we walk together to class and take our seats but on turning back to see Kyle he's not there then i get worried "what if he forgot we had a test?" ,"What if he doesn't know we have a test?", "did he oversleep?" These were the questions i asked myself in my inner conscience until the teacher asked for us to put away our books and then i get really tense then the door opened in such a dramatic manner and when i saw that beautiful face of his i took a really deep breath and when he walked passed me the smell of his masculine cologne hit me hard and i smile to myself "are you alright"Andy asked me looking concerned at the fact that i was smiling to myself distracting me from dream world and i nod slightly offended at what he just did.
The test wasn't too difficult, i finished twenty minutes after the paper was given to us and i just used the opportunity to look at Kyle just a bit.
While at lunch jazz came up to us and sat with us "hey guys" jazz said, "hi" Andy and i said in a unison and then we looked at each other and laughed "wow you guys would really make a nice couple" jazz said again
"Oh please jazz you know Andy and i are just best friends" i reply and Andy's lighted up face soon gets a little sad.
"You okay?" I ask Andy who looks at me with his really big and nice eyes trying to say something that i didn't understand and looked down to his plate "yes" he said in a low tone.
"So..."jazz said trying to change the subject "how was the test"she says again. "Well it was nice but since Andy made a face i don't think he wrote anything"i said jokingly trying to make him smile a little, he looked at me and smiled and replied "yeah right with the time you finished am sure you only wrote your name" i gasp and hold my chest and we both laughed.
After school was over we all got into Jasmin's car and while on the way i saw a certain browned haired devil well hot devil smiling at ANOTHER GIRL my blood began to boil and i turned my face to the other side. "So do you like want over tonight" i ask jazz and she nodded "hey what about me"Andy shouted from behind and we both laughed. We drove until we got to my front door and i got down and waved at them.
Well that's it hope you like the book feel free to make a better cover and send it to me i appreciate all the reads and hope that you send your reviews i would like to hear it.