Alexis's POV;
"Get up sleepyhead" Jazz screamed hitting me with my own pillow for the 60th or 100th time.
"No not now it's a weekend the only time i get to sleep in" i complained
"Get up or else....." She warned
"Or else what just let me sleep" i said turning to the other side.
It became silent,yes maybe she finally gave up and went downstairs and i smile with my eyes shut and as i began to sleep fully my eyes bursted open when i felt something cold on me to see jazz standing beside me with a bowl of water,she poured water on my leg like i wasn't cold enough.
"Why'd you do that" i said in a very angry tone
"I did tell you to get up didn't i" she shot back
"Fine, so why did you make me get up at i turn to look at the clock 7am my eyes widened with anger, what the fuck am i up at 7am in the freaking morning?" I look at jazz who is making her innocent face
"We have to jog let's go" she said
"Jog!!??,you know i don't do that only you go jogging and when you're at my house, why's today different?" I asked
"Well for starters you are starting to gain some weight" she said while looking at me from up to down
".....and i don't want to be alone today so do this for me???" She continued
"Ughh...fine curse your adorable face and i can't go back to sleep now thanks to someone"i look at her with my corner eyes
"But wait i don't have anything to wear to go jogging" i say
"No worries you can borrow mine and I'll take it back when you want" she say going through her stuff to find the perfect jogging outfit for me.
"Here"she says after five minutes of searching
I take them from her and change into a pink sports bra and lemon leggings "i feel so exposed" i tell her
"Oh please its 7am no one's awake" she replies
"That's true if not for someone i wouldn't be awake either" i say
After getting ready we left the house and started jogging, "so where are we jogging to" i ask 'well not too far away" jazz said
While jogging we passed a few guys who were starring at us well mostly me but it was kinda weird nobody looks at me.
And i hear someone shout "nice tummy pink" and i was the one wearing pink and i start blushing that was the first time a guy ever complimented me well Andy does but he's my friend and it's normal.
It was getting brighter and brighter and then we saw a park and we decided that its where we'll stop.
We stopped by at a bench at the park and we see someone with a hood covering sitting at a bench beside us and he was holding a dog
When the dog's eyes saw me he or she ran towards me and was licking me and i laughed and the person who i assume is the owner came up to me and said thank you but when our eyes met i got up the bench feeling annoyed it was Caitlin one of Christina's minions.
And jazz too got up the bench "i wouldn't have said thank you if i knew it was you nerd" Caitlin said and i rolled my eyes and took jazz's hand and we jogged away
When we got home i was so exhausted i just fell on my couch and noticed a note by sophie on the table it said;
If you are reading this girls i went to the café to take my shift and i know you Alexis would be too lazy to prepare breakfast for our guest so i prepared bacon and eggs for you two enjoy breakfast
With love,Sophie.
When we were done with breakfast we took a shower and started watching TV we were watching 'Home' a cartoon but Rihanna voiced one of the characters. It was cool but i think jazz didn't think so because she was sleeping.
When she woke up it was getting late and she decided it was time to leave so i walked her to the café and left it was weird that she didn't bring her car along with herself but didn't bring it up.
Hey loves, i think Alexis's and jazz's friendship is boring. Don't you??