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A story of secret love

« You forgot about your panties, baby. » His voice was husky and deep, he had the type of voice that made any girl fall to their knees. « Take them off. » I whispered while biting my lips. He jumped on me like a wild animal, my arms wrapped around his neck, getting ready for him to pound inside of me. He pulled my hair back roughly, I starred at him in confusion. « I love playing games, carina. » He growls into my ear, making me wet, dripping wet. - Adora Ridges gets a job as a nanny, bridges burn when she meets Faust Santos. A sexy, 40 year old married billionaire. Faust and Adora have a certain fascination with each other but is that all it is ? Things get even more complicated when Faust’s cousin comes back to town, Nicolas Fuentes. Nicolas has always lived in Faust’s shadow, he never gets the girl but this time he’s not giving up so easily.

love-triangleRomanceNew Adult

My father-in-law’s kiss

« My mom is coming home any minute » I moan against his lips, my hands tugging up his shirt that covered his tone body « Ya sè » His deep, sexy voice sent shivers down my back, his shirt was completely off, my hands were roaming free against his 8 pack as I deepened the kiss. His hand rested above my thigh the other rested on the hem of my white lacy underwear that were now soaked « Want to stop ? » He pulled back but still kept his hands in the same position, resting his forehead on mine « No » - Isabella feels some sexual tension with her step-dad, Carter, he’s clearly off limits but she can’t help it. It’s all fun and games till her ex lover, Ryan returns back to town and now things are just getting more complicated. Her step-dad is hiding a huge secret, Isabella wastes no time in finding out about his past and present. Bad men are after her now, she thought she was safe with Carter but little does she know, he’s the baddest, most wicked man she’ll ever encounter. They don’t call him the devil for nothing. Will she ruin her relationship with her mom for love ? or will she take an easier route with Ryan ?

love-triangleRomanceNew Adult

The mafia boss and his surgeon

(18+) « When you cry I’ll kiss away your tears and if you wake up with nightmares I’ll fuck them all away. » Nimfa has studied every inch of the human heart, failing hearts is what she knows best. She thought she knew everything she possibly needed to know until she was kidnapped by the Irish mob, Laurie Fraser isn’t a regular patient. Normally all her patients want her to save them but Laurie wants the complete opposite, he wants to live a miserable, painful life but Nimfa has never been one to give up so easily. Losing his wife changed him and his wicked ways, a women has never caught his attention after that till She stormed inside his life. His every thought is controlled by her, his body, his mind, his tongue. Both being sex deprived and trapped in a house together with no one else in mind things get steamy and desirable. Is this all it is, sex and games ? Or is there more to their relationship than just a bed and rope ? The irish mob boss & his russian heart surgeon.


The Secret of the Fœtal Mafia

« You’ve been avoiding me. » I whispered, softly. « Why ? » His stare was fixated on me, he was focusing on my chest heaving up and down. His fingers dug even deeper against my hips, he was fighting every instinct in his body. « I’m afraid I might ruin your innocence. » He replies very bluntly. « The last thing I want to do is scare you. » « Scare me ? » « The things I want to do to you, to your body, it might be too much for you. » My eyes flickered with innocence, my lips slightly pucker with curiosity, it was confusing deciding between my innocence and desires. « Show me. » I said. His eyes practically had flames inside of them, his breathing was now as deep as mine as he focused on my plumped lips. His huge tatted hand left my hips and softly crawled up where his fingers tightened around my neck, my lips parted when he dragged me closer to his mouth. « Open your legs, angel. » He said, very roughly. - Elara crashed her car right into the bogeyman’s hand, she has no idea how it happened because her memory was completely gone the next day. She woke up in a house she’s never been in before and in a room, she’s never slept in. Alistair comes from a long line of mafia-strong, fetal men that have made deals with death. Haunted by his last name he keeps his true identity a secret, everyone knows him as the bogeyman who lingers in the shadows preying on the innocent. He needs someone to save his humanity and she needs someone to corrupt her body. Is it more than just desire ? Or maybe she’s just another victim in his little game, the missing puzzle.

love-triangleRomanceNew Adult

A renewed love

Life was suppose to be easy or so they say. Haley Gardner had everything she could have ever wanted ; a hot boyfriend, a loving family, and the chance to go to college at UCLA, far away from her little hometown. But like everything good it has to be ruined. When Haley’s mother gets diagnosed with cancer her plans on going to college are put on hold. Her boyfriend, Brock Spencer, ends up going to college on a scholarship for baseball with the promise that she will join him in a year. Unfortunately life happens. The two of them think they can last long distance but how wrong are they. Now 6 years later they meet again. What will happen when two old flames meet again and see just how perfect they are together ? Will they fall back in love or just remain strangers ?

love-triangleRomanceNew Adult

My best enemies

THEY SAID NO WAY………………… Ashton Cooper and Selena McKenzie hated each other ever since the first day they’ve met. Selena knew his type of guys only too well, the player type who would woo any kinda girl as long as she was willing. Not that she was a prude but there was a limit to being loose, right ? She would teach him a lesson about his « loving and leaving » them attitude, she vowed. The first day Ashton met Selena, the latter was on her high and mighty mode looking down on him. Usually girls fell at his beck and call without any effort on his behalf. Modesty was not his forte but what the hell. You live only once, right ? He would teach her a lesson about her « prime and proper » attitude, he vowed. What they hadn’t expect was the sparks flying between them…Hell, what now ?


The millionaire and his mistress

« Embre. » I’m still pressed up against him, my breath quickening by the second. « Yes ? » I ask breathlessly, he placed his hand in my hair. « Do you honestly think I give a fuck about what’s professional or not ? » I shake my head this must be a dream I has to be. « Mr. Hal-. » I start but he cuts me off. « Landon. » I take a deep breath. « L-Landon. » I stutter out, knowing he wants to be called his name. He presses me closer if even possible, a sign of approval. « So do you understand what I’m asking you ? » « I-I don’t know. » I stutter out again. His hand still in my hair, he pulls it,but not painfully, for me to look at him. His eyes are dark filled with an emotion I didn’t understand. His eyes locked in on my full lips. My inner self is chanting Kiss Me ! KISS ME ! But my inner thoughts are shouting : Don’t do it, DON’T. I’m torn between two things I need to make a decision but it doesn’t come quick enough. He slowly leans in and everything just seems to disconnect. My eyes flutter close. I can feel his lips hovering over my lips, waiting for something ? My approval ? I don’t know but right before his lips could be sealed with mine… A knock interrupts us. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ||Embre Daniels.|| Is on the look out for a job but it seems useless at this point, she doesn’t think she has much going for herself until she meets him.. her life could change forever. For better or worse. •• ||Landon Hale.|| Is a successful millionaire , but nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors, his past follows him no matter how hard he tries to get rid of it… he’s not sure if he’s capable of love until he stumbles upon her.

love-triangleRomanceNew Adult

The billionaire who makes sparks fly

When Logan Hunt, CEO of Hunt Company tries to help his fiancée in getting into the desired fashion show, the last thing he expected was to come face-to-face with his last one-night stand after which he probably couldn’t think about anyone but her. Alexis Beckett, founder of Mirage, didn’t expect her one-night stand barging in, during the rehearsals of the show and demanding that she make his fiancée, the show-stopper for the show everyone has been waiting for. Unfortunately for Alexis, her brain seemed to shut down whenever the hot and sexy billionaire was in the same room as her. Striking up a deal that landed him being the show-stopper for her next men’s collection was the stupidest thing she ever did. And also the best. Sparks fly between them and they find themselves hard to avoid each other. But is it enough to overcome the obstacles they might have to face together and the demons of their own that they’d have to fight off, alone ? Would they find their back to each other ?

love-triangleRomanceNew Adult

The cold-hearted billionaire

Tessa Cole was done with the waiting. She wanted the same happy life her sister was living. So she decided to take a leap only to fall hard and lose. David Miles didn’t expect his fling to be there when he had been back from an unsuccessful surgery. For David Miles, there was no room for mistakes and relationships. He had left Tessa because of what he felt for her. And when she had been back, Dave broke her heart. But what happens when Dave returns back to the city where he met Tessa ? What happens when he gets into a trouble because of a mistake and there’s no one but Tessa that could get him out of it ?

love-triangleRomanceNew Adult

The pristine billionaire

Sydney Grey had been through enough for a year. So when she had decided to return home, she had kind of expected to be leg-shackled to her best friend whom she loved as a brother. But everything turned out well. Until her past catches up with her. For Sean Hunt, everything was black and white. Right and wrong. He was a perfect son, a perfect friend, a perfect gentleman. Having an affair with his brother’s supposed fiancé shook him to his core. He leaves her behind to live his perfect life. Until Sydney’s secret is out for the whole world to see. Will Sydney and Sean be able to overcome the vast gap between them ? Or will it tear them apart causing a gap between two close families ?

love-triangleRomanceNew Adult

A baby From The Mafia

PROLOGUE : Sophie Jhonson is a 20 years old women who lives with her grandparents since her mother died in a car crash. They treat her like a maid. She also had a terrible childhood but, yet she’s still innocent like a baby. What happens when her grandparents solds her as a dept for Luca Diaz ? He slowly rubbed It. „do you like it, kitten ? » he says while teasing you. He put his fingers in his mouth. „you taste good, baby »

EmotioncontemporaryArranged marriage

I am the luna of alpha

PROLOGUE : « What do you want ? » He asked. I clapped my hands together and sighed. « To go home. » His face instantly fell. He walked right into that one. « Well that sucks because you aren’t going anywhere, kitten. » I growled lowly at the nickname and crossed my arms. « Who says ? » I argued. « I just did. Now stop acting like a brat and tell me what the hell you want to eat, » he said frustrated. I rolled my eyes and turned around to exit the room. « Where the hell are you going ? » He yelled at me. I stopped and turned around to look at him. « I don’t want to have any food prepared by you. You’re hands are probably just as dirty as your mouth. Watch your language, » I stated simply and exited the kitchen.

EmotionFantasyTrue Love

In love with my partner

PROLOGUE : Spencer O’connor. A socially anxious wolf who is scared of everyone. He will only mutter a few words to people he knows. He has to leave his pack when he is kicked out for shifting late. To make it worse, when he does shift, he turns out to be an omega. Aiden Steele. A soon to be Alpha who is learning to run the pack. He is cocky, arrogant, and full of pride. He’s a scary boy, but is super nice when you get to know him. Spencer stumbles onto Aiden’s territory, a newly made rogue. How does Aiden react when he finds him ? Can little Spencer change the soon to be Alpha’s ways ?

EmotionFantasyTrue Love

The Million Dollar Man

PROLOGUE : Gangs. That was the one thing that had ruined Evelyn Summers life since the start. With her brother being the leader of “The London’s Eyes,”growing up in a world of cruelty was something Evelyn Summers had to become accustomed to. But thing’s about to get a whole lot worse. Gangs are starting to form all over London- with the intention of destroying London’s Eyes. What will happen when the leader of the most powerful gang offers protection in exchange for Evie ? Will Evie be able to survive Sebastian King ? She just might have to- because as we all know, Sebastian isn’t planning on letting her go any time soon. +++++ Our breaths were heavy and ragged, our chests skimming against each other. « You’re no good for me. » I whispered, my eyes searching his emotionless ones.

EmotioncontemporaryTrue Love

the victim of a bad boy

PROLOGUE : He leaned in closer, if that was even possible, his spearmint breath fanning across my face. My breathing got caught in my throat as he lowered his mouth to my ear. " ;You can deny liking me, wanting me, but let’s face it- You’re like all the rest. You’re that good girl who so secretly but desperately wants to change me. All girls want to be the one that makes the bad boy change, they want him to change for them. So you can go around, acting like you don’t care about me, go ahead Bella, do that. But let me tell you this, I enjoy a good chase, and that’s exactly what you are. Cause Bella, I get what I want, and I want you." ; ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My full name is Bellatrix Annaliese Brown. Yeah yeah, weird name. Anyways, I am from London, England and moved here once before when I was sixteen. After being bullied, I moved back to England, where I was living with my Aunt till my parents decided I should come back to America for my senior year in high school. As you can see, I don’t have the best of luck, which I guess is why- I became the Bad Boy’s Victim.

EmotionTeenSad love

The werewolf chosen by luna

PROLOGUE : Kade Brooks is new to Crosswell High School when he meets Joey Laine, who happens to be his mate and the Alpha of the White Water Pack – a werewolf pack that resides in town. Once their relationship begins with a rocky start, Kade must deal with helping run a pack that he knows nothing about. From rogues to elders to unusual bonding with his mate, there are many positives and negatives that Kade must decide if he wants to be a part of.


Werewolves bond with their enemy

PROLOGUE : Darren is a rogue werewolf with the ability to see the dead. One day, his aunt calls him back to his old pack to help figure out why their children are going missing. Unfortunately this means he has to work closely with the man who bullied him back in school, Jasper Trotter, who is also next in line to become Alpha. If that’s not uncomfortable enough, Darren becomes bonded to the guy. Can he keep the bond a secret long enough to solve the mystery and get out of dodge ? Or will Jasper figure it out and make him stay ?


Meeting my companion

PROLOGUE : Miles Eaton. A boy who has been verbally abused his whole life. He has always been too hyper for his own good, and has absolutely no filter. His big puppy eyes didn’t do much to help him. Calvin Reed. An Alpha who has been searching for his mate for 8 years. He goes to greet the new family in town, and meets his wild mate. Can this angry Alpha provide a hyper boy with tender love ?


Protecting my companion

PROLOGUE : Lilly Moore has been abused her entire life. Never having learned how to speak, she talks in fractured sentences. No one taught her about life, leaving her clueless about the world. After an accident, she finally escapes, only to have nowhere to go. Jaxson Steele, is a powerful Alpha who is known for being patient and kind. Hearing of a rogue on his territory, he sets off to check it out. He never expected to find his mate sitting on the fallen leaves, covered in blood. Having to work through Lilly’s troubles, their relationship isn’t as smooth as most mates. Throw in vengeful parents and surprise twists, their life just got a lot more difficult. Can Lilly learn to love Jaxson, even with all the challenges she’s facing ?


My hot kidnapper

PROLOGUE : Picture this : You enter the mall with your friends. As you’re making your way to buy a strawberry smoothie, you notice something more delicious walking right towards you. As he comes closer, he gives you a heart stopping smirk then takes you by surprise. He pulls you into a headlock, jabs a gun in your temple, then runs away with you. As I uncover why this mysterious model kidnapped me, I find myself tackling, punching, hugging, and watching Disney movies with him. Call me reckless, but something about this troubled kidnapper is quite intriguing yet heartbreaking. Find out if I, Skylar Scrowbar, end up dead in a ditch somewhere, or end up helplessly falling in love with my sexy kidnapper.


Angel : the most dangerous mafia

PROLOGUE : ️️ Cade is an art student in Italy trying to escape the demons from her past. Angel Falcone is Sicily’s most dangerous mob boss. With a heist that tangles their fates, Cade has no choice but to trust the ruthless Mafia lord – but what happens when love gets caught in the crossfire ?


The werewolf grotto

PROLOGUE : Layla is about to make a mistake when she goes to a new nightclub that’s just opened in town. The Wolf Cave is where everyone wants to be. The hottest place invented. But there’s a problem. Layla’s only seventeen and not allowed in. After striking a deal with her brother, she and her friends sneak in. But this club isn’t just any ordinary nightclub. After an altercation that threatens her well-being, the owner of the club intervenes, who also happens to the most powerful werewolf in town. And he’s not happy. The moment Colton Dawson lays eyes on the young, human brunette dancing with her friends, he immediately knows this is his punishment for breaking the rules of his world. Mates have been extinct for centuries. Wolves are on the brink of dying out. But for some reason, the bond is sealed between them. Something he doesn’t need but can’t fight. Even though she’s human. Even though revenge is sweeter than love to him. Unaware, Layla is shocked by her connection with this mysterious, handsome man. Before she knows it, her world comes crashing down around her when he bites her, thrusting into a world she will never escape from, were there are secrets at every corner.


The Queen of Crime

PROLOGUE : Twenty-two year old Lea Mason didn’t mind living a boring life far from the limelight that her parents enjoyed. In fact, she thrived in the solitude and mundane routines that she surrounded herself with. Carter Stephens, crime boss extraordinaire, enjoyed dishing out pain and punishment to those that dared to cross him. His only rules for life were simple : keep your friends close, but your enemies closer, know their every weakness and use that weakness to destroy them, never leave a witness alive, and never, under absolutely no circumstance, feel.


My life of vengeance

PROLOGUE : ️️ Brat, lazy, smartass, troublemaker call her whatever you want, one thing’s for certain. Eighteen year old Kestrel Seran is a magnet for trouble. But when her sister goes missing somewhere in the Himalayan mountains, Kes will do whatever it takes to find her. The plan is simple : Find Arianna and get her home. Screw the rest. Simple, right ? Now Kes finds out that she’s screwed up in the most spectacular fashion. She’s gotten herself involved neck deep in the Shadow Circle, a four hundred year old crime organisation that controls half the illegal activity in Asia and some parts of the western world. Oh, and the FBI. She’s also pissed off the FBI. Fortunately (or unfortunately) she’s not alone. A really hot assassin called Kaito, who puts the ‘ass’ in ‘assassin’, a spy who hates her guts and a hacker who has an annoying habit of pissing off powerful people become her only allies. Well…when life gives you a bunch of dumb options, just pick the dumbest and enjoy the ride. If you like powerful secret societies, hot assassins and lazy females with the mindset of a criminal mastermind, assassinations, this book is for you


Shut Up And Kiss Me

PROLOGUE : ️️ Talia Decker is sixteen, starting her junior year of high school. Popular, outgoing, and seemingly confident, she is wholly unprepared for the wildfire that is the new girl : Monroe Kingston. Dark, mysterious, and cocky, Monroe is everything Talia hates about the bad girl cliché. Determined to stay far, far away from this alluring, motorcycle-riding senior, Talia does everything she can to avoid her. But when sparks fly, can Talia really resist the temptation that is Monroe Kingston ?


The thief escaped by the mafia

PROLOGUE : Chevron Raynes ‘accidentally’ hacks into her college mainframe and finds blueprints to a billion dollar satellite belonging to none other than the Mafia. As if that wasn’t bad enough, when the blueprints and a certain Professor go missing, Chevron is thrown under the Mafia’s radar. Soon she’s running for her life with not one but three Mafias behind her, in a race to get the blueprints. Adrian DeLuca is a genius who has a talent for psychology and manipulation. He may be the youngest Mafia Boss ever, but his raw ambition and ruthlessness scares people twice as old as him. So what happens when his only chance of getting the billion dollar blueprint is a headstrong, intelligent little girl who was probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time ?


Mafia Arranged Marriage

PROLOGUE : Arturo Vasquez -Head of Spanish mafia- was planning on accepting the proposal of Russian mafia leader Ivan Volkov’s for his daughter, Aiyana, for her hand in marriage. Laying the cards down on the table, Marco Dominic Valentino – Head of the Italian mafia – makes a better counteroffer, hence it’s settled that Aiyana would marry Amren Valentino, the heir for the Italian mafia. They only met once before they’re married, but sometimes once is enough. Challenges and hurdles thrust their way left and right, leaving the couple no chance but to manifest this fake relationship into something real. ❣️•••❣️ Excerpt : « I think I’m strong enough to handle myself » She confesses with specks of anger darting through her eyes. I groan « You are, but it doesn’t mean I like you being away from me in case anything happens » I stress my words, my breath hitting her face in gentle waves. « Shall you put me on a leash too ? » She spits defiantly, smelling the tinge of alcohol on her breath, the knife digging deeper into my skin, I feel it’s only moments away from piercing through my skin. My eyes snap to her angry contortions, her eyebrows furrowed, mouth slightly agape. « Come on, dance with me. The earth is spinning, we can’t just stand on it »


Contractual MARRIAGE : The Billionaire And The Waitress

PROLOGUE : ️️ Adrien Vitale is one of the most powerful people in the world. Daughter of a business man, she will stop at nothing to inherit her father’s corporation. To every woman she has ever slept with, she is ruthless, ambitious and cutthroat, with no intention of ever settling down. Except when her father gives her an ultimatum, she needs to either present herself as a family woman, or risk losing her inheritance. Ever since Muse Gardner’s grandmother died, she has been scraping together a living in New York City, only one step away from the streets. For the past six months, she has been a waitress at one of the most high-end restaurants in New York City. But after the accident of the century―involving a bottle of wine, a hot-shot CEO and a ruined tuxedo―she’s left with a bad reputation and no job prospects. Until Adrien Vitale, a filthy-rich CEO, makes her a deal : Pretend to be the billionaire’s wife, for more money than Muse has ever imagined. There’s just one problem. With a fake proposal, a fake wedding and a fake wife, it might just be impossible to tell what’s true anymore. Can a relationship built on lies ever be real ?


Escaped from the mafia

PROLOGUE : ️️ Getting chased by the Japanese Mafia with a hot girl probably isn’t on your top ten of romantic first dates. The morning after Halloween, Kaya wakes up handcuffed to a beautiful stranger. Forced together on the run, it quickly becomes obvious that the lethal, terrifying girl chained to her, who can take out ten armed men with one hand, isn’t who she says she is. With an enemy at every turn, Kaya has no choice but to trust her instincts━and a runaway Mafia boss.


The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

PROLOGUE : ️️ « Oh fuck no, this can’t happen, why me ? » he says with a mixture of anger and frustration in his face. « What’s your full name ? » he asks me while looking if they were any people passing by. « Amelia knight » I mutter lowly. « Well Amelia, I really don’t want the Luna of the biggest pack of America be a fucking little nerd who can’t even defend herself. So I Harry Anderson, reject you Amelia Knight as my mate. » My heart feels like it was being cut in half and it wouldn’t go away. I felt the tears in my eyes but I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction, so collected myself and growled. I guess he expected me to break in tears Oh he’s so wrong ! « Well I guess were on the same page because I didn’t want my mate to be a fucking asshole with his head so far up his ass that he can’t see ». I said walking away and finally letting the tears fall. In a world where werewolf exist. 16 year old Amelia Knight was just hoping to shift into her wolf, find her mate, hope he will accept her, forget about the bullying and live happily ever after. But that clearly wasn’t the case. Because on her 16th birthday when she is destined to find her mate. It wasn’t other than the alpha of the biggest and successful pack of America, The Nightmoon Pack. After he rejects, Amelia decides to get a little payback that turned better than she ever expected. What happens when the alpha comes crawling back in… Guess you’ll just have to read to find out. « You screw me, I screw you back. I’m a lady like that »

FantasyTrue LoveSupernatural

The Mafia Lord

PROLOGUE : ️️ V a feminine boy who crossdress, his good look brings man and woman to fall for him. A University student and a famous model. Come from a rich family but always independent. Very soft and friendly but can be sassy. Damon a mafia leader, feared by all, master in martial arts. He own the biggest and powerful mafia group in the world. Love is never in his life diary but he never thought a crossdresser could make his heart go wild.


Mafia boyfriend

PROLOGUE : Mateo Rossi is your typical bad boy with tattoos and fancy cars. He has gotten everything he has ever wanted from his dad ; the leader of the Italian mafia. Mateo is juggling college and being in the mafia when he meets a girl that rocks his world, but he thinks he will never be able to love again after Rose. Angela Alfonso is a smart girl with straight A’s. She likes to party and hang out with her three best friends, that are also her roommates. She traveled from Albania to Italy, with her friends, in order to get a better education. As Angela and her friends are at one of the best clubs in Italy, she runs into Mateo. There’s a need for more people in the Italian Mafia. Mateo has an idea. What will happen when both their groups become friends ?


My mafia love

PROLOGUE : ️️ 18 year old Kelly gets kidnapped by mafias because of her mums other mafia squad, but she’s only to realise she’s falls in love with the Mafia Boss. At first she’s completely and utterly petrified, but will she be able to resist his manly personality, his charms and his unbelievably good looks ? And as for him.. the strong, in compassionate, emotionless mafia man, will he be able to resist her innocence ? ‘Without me even getting the chance to say a word he presses his soft lips onto mine’


Yours till hell

PROLOGUE : ️️ After a one night stand on New Year’s Eve, Lia and Derrick don’t expect to see one another again. After all, she’s a Harvard PhD student and he’s a professional hockey player for the Boston Knights – there’s no way their paths should cross again. Except when they do, it’s immediately obvious the chemistry between them hasn’t dimmed one bit. Too busy for the real thing, neither of them sees the harm in continuing to see each other in a casual sense. Though when Derrick gets traded to a team in California and things begin to go sideways with Lia’s research team, the pair can’t seem to shake the fact they’ve grown to rely on one another, even now that they’re thousands of miles apart.


The Alphas Human Mate

PROLOGUE : ️️ « Your mine » He growled, slamming his fists into the tree that was currently behind me I swallowed hard and looked down to the ground avoiding looking at his golden eyes that shined threw the darkness of the forest. « All mine » He whispered before his teeth sank into my neck

EmotionFantasySad love

King Alpha meets the thug

PROLOGUE : ️️ Athena was the pack’s punching bag. The slave ; as she was called by many of her pack mates. Her birthday was coming up and normally she wouldn’t care, but this was her 17th birthday. The day that she becomes of age and finds her mate. And hopefully, the day that she can say goodbye to her awful life. But what happens when she finds out that her mate is none other than the main source of her pain ? Will she forgive them all and become Luna ? Or will they reject her and let the beating continue ? ~*~ Ares was named Alpha King after his father’s death 10 years ago. And because he’s king, he has to go check on the packs around his territory twice a year to make sure everything is running smoothly. He was about to go check on a pack, but a rogue problem made him late to go see the girl that desperately needed his help. But when he returns to his castle, his Beta brings news of new female human that his wolf has taken a sudden interest in. No one seems to know who she is or where she even came from. Can they uncover this mystery ?


Alpha’s little rascal

PROLOGUE : ️️ Madelyn Rivera was kidnapped by rogues when she was only 15 years old. Her pack was attacked and everyone was killed. After having been tortured for almost 2 years, she was able to make her escape and run. Now she has been on the run for 3 years as a rogue. Nicknamed the rogue runner because no one has been able to catch her. Madelyn enjoys the game of chase with the boarder guards she comes across from different packs. But what happens when she decides to play chase with the wrong pack. Marcus Blackwell was the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. After taking the Alpha role at just 18 years old, Marcus was feared by many. Marcus has been trying to find his mate in order to help make his pack stronger. He knows the longer he goes without his Luna the weaker he and his pack could get. What happens when the Alpha finds his mate to be the rogue runner herself ? The alpha likes a good chase and it’s a chase he will get.


The dangerous companion

PROLOGUE : ️️ Lily Crawford was once loved and treasured by her whole pack but that stopped on her 14th birthday when she didn’t shift like she was supposed to. Instantly she became an outsider, a slave, a stranger in her own pack. She gave up on having a mate and being loved from anyone other than her brother. That all changed when an Alpha from a neighborhood pack visited her pack and uttered the word she thought she’d never hear « Mate ». -- He locked the door behind us, pressing me against its hard surface. « Mine » He growled pressing his face against my neck, breathing in my scent. « Stop that » I yelled, tears streaming down my face. I tried to push him away from me but he didn’t budge. « Just reject me already ». « I won’t reject you » His voice was low and dangerous. Was he worse than I thought ? He will actually make me think he wanted me and then break my heart into a tiny million pieces. « Well then I will. I, Lily Crawford reject you Logan Wa-«  Before I could finish he slammed me harder against the wall and covered my mouth with his hand. « Don’t you fucking dare » He yelled punching the door beside my face. I flinched back but that didn’t stop him. « I am your mate and whether you like or not you are now mine. And mine means, no one touches you, no one talks to you and no one fucking looks at you » He yelled again. Moon goddess, please help me.

EmotionFantasyTrue Love

Rejection From His Alpha.

PROLOGUE : ️️ Charlie is rejected by his mate who happens to be the next alpha. Humiliated and pained, he runs and six years pass. When he returns, he isn’t alone. Mpreg and ManxMan love ! This is a mature rating book ! Its violent and has some scenes that are only suited for mature audiences. 18+ So please be advised before reading.


Max's life

PROLOGUE : ️️ Max is running, running for his life, running from the basement of abuse and torture, running for the pup, he needs to make it. Just head West keep heading West. Kingsley has started again, no family, you can’t trust family but he is lonely, so what happens when his nose takes him to the packs clinic and he stumbles across his mate who is dying on the hospital bed, well someone has to pay.


My partner’s babies.

PROLOGUE : ️️ Sophia hasn’t had the best life so far. In fact, that would be an understatement. However, it seems like rainbows and bunnies compared to what her alpha mate, Chase, does to her. After making love to her, he leaves her for his girlfriend and head cheerleader, Nicole, who doesn’t go a day without taunting and bullying Sophia is some way or another. Not being able to bear the pain of it all, she leaves. Later, she finds out some life-changing news. . . .She’s pregnant. Determined to make a good life for her children, she gets a job in the local cafe where she sings and plays the guitar. Skip a few years and Sophia is one of the most famous singers of all time as well as one of the richest and sexiest woment alive after Alex Williams, son of the biggest record producer, discovers her amazing talents. Her life is finally going smoothly for once. However, things don’t last long because at her first concert, she meets Ryan, her older brother, who explains to her that her mother is in critical condition.

EmotionFantasyTrue Love

The luna desired by Alpha

PROLOGUE : ️️ Adrienne Gage has spent her entire life being shunned and punished for her mouthy attitude, and being loyal to a pack which doesn’t deserve her loyalty. It’s been a year since her last punishment, and she’s been walking on eggshells to keep herself in the clear. But now, that’s all being threatened to be taken away if she doesn’t abide by what the Alpha’s son wants ; and that’s her as his Luna. At the same time, terrified whispers are circulating around. Mentions of a tyrant Alpha looking for a new pack to conquer. Adrienne thinks nothing of everyone else’s paranoia. That is until she finds herself half conscious and being dragged away deeper into the woods with canines around her neck.


The powerful Alpha Companion

PROLOGUE : ️️ 19 year old werewolf, Madeline Night has never had life handed to her. When her parents left her at the young age of 7 she learned quickly that she would have to work for what she wanted. She never took anything for granted and never refused an opportunity. When her parents left, her pack labeled her as an omega and made sure she was constantly bullied day in and day out. Maddie always stays in the shadows, ignores anyone who tries to make fun of her, and never speaks unless spoken to. Her pack abuses her daily and with them being the second largest and second strongest pack in America, no one is willing to stand up for her. That all changes when she meets her mate – who just so happens to be none other than Ashton Kane. 21 year old werewolf, Ashton Kane is the most respected yet feared person in America. Being the Alpha of the strongest pack in America gives him the respect anyone would dream of while also being able to make another Alpha back down without a question. The only problem ? He doesn’t have his mate. He’s given up on the hope of finding his mate, with it being 4 years longer than most people find they’re mates he doesn’t believe his is out there anymore. So imagine the surprise when he finds out that his mate is none other than the regularly abused girl in the second strongest pack. Will Ashton want Madeline even with all her flaws ? Or will he walk away like everyone else ?

FantasyEmotionTrue Love

Living in love with the billionaire’s daughter

PROLOGUE : ️️ He was my fathers rival, but I couldn’t help it, I fell for him all of him. I was in a trap that i couldn’t get out of. An abyss I was too deep in to leave. I never wanted to disappoint my father but we were too infatuated with each other to let go. With his killer looks, dominant personality and name I could never escape what I fell into. I knew what I was doing yet I couldn’t stop. Ariella Luciano daughter of billionaire Rafael Luciano meets billionaire Dominic Amoretti. She instantly falls feeling a pull she has never felt before. The only problem was that he was her fathers rival. What they were doing was so wrong but felt so right.


Alpha seducer

PROLOGUE ️️ When I walked into the school people look at me. I was walking to my locker and I smelled the sweetest smell ever. Mate !!! Go get mate’s Reign was yelling and howling. Looking around, my eye a landed on the one person who I didn’t want to see and he was staring right back at me. Cole Black. His eyes looked through mine and Reign was howling with joy. I stood there shocked not able to move. Except when he stood up and started walking towards me, I did the one thing that I would have never thought I’d do. I ran. Just as I got into the parking lot and to my car, warm arms wrapped around my arm and I knew exactly who it was. Cole turned me around to where I was facing him and growled » Mine » « No, no, no, not yours !!! » I said in disbelief. His grip tightened around my waist and he growled. « You are mine. No one else’s. You will not touch another male and you will not talk to another male. You are mine. Mate. » He said before putting his head in the crook of my neck and inhaling.


My life of vengeance

PROLOGUE : ️️ Hudson Caldwell is being stalked, but the cops don’t believe her. Can she unravel the truth before it consumes her ? * * * * Just when Hudson Caldwell’s life is finally coming together, an unwavering paranoia threatens to tear it apart. Someone is following her – that’s the feeling she gets every time she leaves her downtown Chicago apartment. After a failed attempt to file a police report, Hudson’s stripper best friend gifts her with an unregistered firearm, but the weapon isn’t enough to stop an attack in the middle of the night. When rookie cop, Myles Young, responds to a complaint of gunfire, he instantly falls for Hudson’s quiet vulnerability and shattered past. He vows to keep her safe – much to the dismay of his case-hardened partner. As their relationship intensifies, the identity of Hudson’s stalker slowly comes to light. But the closer Myles comes to solving the mystery, the more he realizes he’s in over his head. WARNING : This story is a NA romantic suspense and contains references to mental illness and sexual abuse. Cover created by me, using MidJourney and Canva Pro.


Blackmail by a billionaire

PROLOG : I ran. Ran as fast as my legs could go. Away. Away from him. Hailey Pritchett loved her job as the secretary of Henry Caldwell, the CEO of the Caldwell Industries. She was a woman who liked safety, and stayed far away from danger. However, the company is bought by a ruthless businessman who is known as the Sniper. Theodore Benson is a ruthless billionaire, and is known as the Sniper in the business world. Because he kills his opponents without letting them know. He bows down to no one, and when he wants something, he does everything – whether legal or not – to possess it. When Hailey and Theodore aka the Sniper, come face to face, Hailey knows that Theodore is dangerous. So Hailey does what she does best in the face of danger. She runs. But will Theodore let her get away? Theodore wants Hailey Pritchett, and won’t stop until he has her – in every possible way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

UrbanEmotionArranged marriage

My player boss

PROLOGUE : Le boss joueur et sa princesse

EmotionUrbanNew Adult

My happiness to you

PROLOGUE : ️️ Noah davis is your typical college guy and he loves it. Used to being with a different girl every week, he relishes the chase of an impossible target. But when the new girl arrives there is something about her that catches his attention. Lily Masters is a girl with a past – one that she would rather forget. So when Noah decides to make her the next notch on his bedpost, she resists his advances and he can’t stand it. But as the reluctant pair get to know one another, they may both soon realise that they’re not so different after all. And when someone else takes an obsessive shine to Lily, it is up to Noah to grow up and fight for what he wants.

TeenEmotionOne-night stand

The Alpha King

PROLOG : ️ Pack life for Ivy Pierce was perfect. Although abandoned at the Red Moon pack when she was just a pup, she was completely accepted by the Alpha and Luna, and therefore; the entire pack by association. She becomes one of the top trained female warriors in the pack alongside her wolf Seles, and is chosen to protect the Alpha and Luna due to her strength and ability. That is until tragedy strikes and Ivy’s life is completely turned upside down. With her wolf locked away, Ivy has to adjust to life at the bottom of the ladder while trying to survive from the never-ending onslaught from her pack and the new Alpha. Convinced her life will never change for the better, Ivy admits defeat until a certain Alpha comes to visit and takes an odd interest in her. An Alpha that is respected, feared and is soon to be… The Alpha King.

EmotionFantasySad love

The mafia queen

PROLOGUE ️ Elena Morelli loves two things. Her family and baking. She’s learned to bake with her nonna and her father since before she could reach the countertop. The Morelli legacy is strong, but once her weak father passes away, it crumbles underneath the cruel and callous hands of her brother, Enzo. She’s forced to marry into another Italian mafia family to strengthen her brother’s role when suddenly destiny switches everything up for her. Oisin Callahan, the Irish Mob leader, who’s rumored to kill every single person he meets, is vicious and as savage as people make him out to be. The Irish are strong and known for their whiskey and intelligence. Nothing and no one could ever control the chaotic mob. He’s been stalking Elena for the past few years and decides what other day to swoop her off her feet than her wedding day. For better or worse until death do them apart, but in Oisin’s eyes, not even Death can take him away from his Italian beauty.

EmotioncontemporarySad love

The mafia king and his princess

PROLOGUE ️ “No?” he questioned as her eyes flew open and she nodded. “It wasn’t an option baby” he whispered as he placed a kiss on her thin neck, making her shiver and clutch onto his suit “When I say something you do it” “N-No” her answer wavered and his grip on her jaw tightened. He noticed a small adhesive bandage on her neck from when the knife dug at her skin yesterday. His thumb caressed the spot as her heartbeat quickened “See” his eyes met hers “I didn’t even touch you yesterday, but you already have a bruise. What do you think will happen when I finally make you mine?” She gulped hard but refused to give up to a person who was practically a stranger to her “I’m not yours” she breathed out. “Again, not an option baby” ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ Abigor Hayes, the mafia feared by nations. He was known for committing every single crime that the world has known, but never getting caught for it. Being the current head of the powerful Hayes family, no one could even touch him. What happens when the Mafia King attends the annual ball and meets Aria Leighton, a woman with unearthly beauty and magic in her fingers? He now wanted what he shouldn’t have, but are things really as simple as Aria makes them seem to be?


The billionaire’s true love

PROLOG : I sighed and finally relented. I knew. I knew it was a mistake, but I had no choice. Amanda Lawson always wanted to be a famous model, and after all the hardwork it looked as if her dream was about to come true. She was smart, caring, but had a temper that made her a force to be reckoned with. But, Amanda’s life takes a sudden, unexpected turn, which leaves her confuse and angry. Trent Benson is a notorious billionaire, who is famous for his nickname The Mind Reader. Not only is he powerful, he knows how to crush his opponents and leave them begging for mercy. When Amanda and Trent come fact to face, Amanda’s patience is tested in ways she never thought possible. Amanda is stubborn, but Trent is clever. And when Trent wants something, nothing can get in his way. Will Amanda fight, or will she surrender to Trent?

UrbanEmotionOne-night stand

The Alpha’s revenge

PROLOGUE ️ : ••• When the Moon Goddess created the first werewolves, she split one soul between the two of them, thus creating a perfect soulmate for every werewolf thereafter, known as their mate. Upon the birth of a werewolf, she assigns them with a supernatural ability, known as their Gift••• Ares is a killer. During the day, she is busy fulfilling her duties as the Gamma of her pack. However, before anyone wakes, she sneaks out to unclaimed territory and assassinates rogues to avenge her parents’ murder. The Moon Goddess made the mistake of granting her the ability to materialize weapons at will, and Ares fully intended to use her powers as much as she could to deal out vigilante justice. Cain, the cruel Alpha of the Blood Lake Pack, has given up on finding his mate. At 28 years old, it seems unlikely that he will ever find her. All hope is lost until he meets the shockingly violent Gamma from a neighboring pack. His only problem is, she won’t go with him easily.


The abused companion

PROLOGUE ️️ Abused all her life, Samantha ‘Sam ‘ Wolfe doesn’t trust any one. When she is forced to become Chem. Partners with Chris she starts to feel an attraction and it scares her. Chris Wayne is soon to be Alpha of Moonlight Pack. But when he finds his Mate in Sam, his priority changes. The closer he seems to get to her the farther she backs up. When he finds out about the abuse will he be able to stop it ? And will he be able to show her that not all men are the same ?

EmotionFantasySad love

His abused luna

PROLOGUE : ️️ Nineteen-year-old Angelica Winter is a human girl. She has little knowledge of life outside her mother’s torment and she don’t believe she ever will. For ten years she’s been verbally and physically mistreated, the horrible treatment makes her feel like she’s not human, like she’s nothing, but when she makes a mistake, a choice had to be made… have her only purity be defiled or risk an escape ? Twenty-Two year old Axel Moretti is a fierce werewolf Alpha. He’s searched for his mate for four years, slowly losing hope that he doesn’t have one due to his cruelty. He unexpectedly finds her. However, when he meets her something seems very wrong. She’s an overly startled human… and what’s worse, she refuses to meet his eyes.

FantasyEmotionTrue Love

Alpha’s ex-wife

PROLOG : Carrie’s pack life was going perfectly. Chosen mate to the alpha, acting luna to her pack, and in love with her fiancé, she had nothing to complain about. Until the alpha found his mate and everything Carrie loved and worked for quickly unravels before her eyes. Banished from her pack, she works to build a life as a rogue among the humans until the unexpected happens.

EmotionSad loveCounterattack

The unexpected encounter

PROLOG : Life is short; it should be full of fun. These are the words of Daniel Adams. Daniel Adams is playful, joyous, and is full of life. Despite being the CEO of the USA’s topmost company, he didn’t lose his ability to make people laugh. But when someone messes with him; he better get ready for Daniel’s wrath. Eloise Nicole; a perfect blend of beauty, elegance, and smartness. She’s a celebrity. Not to forget, little arrogance and tough nature to shoo men and haters away doesn’t hurt. Right? And this nature of her gave her a tag of an arrogant celebrity. Both are the eye candies of media and obviously, has to keep their other side secret. What happens when they both meet unexpectedly? Let’s see how magical, invisible powers of destiny entangles the playful and arrogant with each other. Let’s see how destiny makes them unleash their hidden side in front of each other.


The Mafia Boss

PROLOG : I closed my eyes and waited for the pain. I knew I was going to die. Die at the hands of my captor. Kelsey Blake wanted revenge. She wanted to destroy the man who had kidnapped her twin. Not only had her life taken a sudden turn in Italy, she had been separated from her only family. However, despite her thinking that she was free from the cruel, Mafia world, that was not the case; as Kelsey had managed to attract the attention of Severon Aresco. Severon Aresco is an enigma; nobody knows who he really is. In his world, he is known as Snake, as he strikes and kills without anyone realizing. People think that Severon is the weaker twin, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. When Severon comes across the unusual woman that is Kelsey Blake, he is instantly captured by the crazy, yet daring girl. And just like his brother, Severon would do everything to make Kelsey submit to him. Will Severon succeed in bending Kelsey to his will? Kelsey knows that Severon is dangerous, and she wants to run as far away from him as possible. But she also knows that escaping Severon is an impossible task in itself.


The love of a Mr. CEO

PROLOG : “What are you thinking about mia cara” he asks me causing my thoughts to drift back to me kissing his jawline. “N-nothing” I stutter cursing myself at how breathy I sounded even to my own ears. I watch his mouth curl up into his trademark smirk quickly glancing over with an eyebrow raised. “Didn’t seem like nothing when you were eye raping the side of my face mia cara” he responds almost mockingly trying to rile me up. Feeling bold and teasing, I open my mouth to share my thoughts. “Well if you must know, I was thinking about leaning over and placing a trail of feathery kisses along your jawline” I say nonchalantly pretending to examine my finger nails. I hear him suck in a breath and cursing before I feel him pullover on the side of the rode. “That’s it” he whispers huskily turning off the engine and reaching his arm over to lift me off my seat. He places me on his lap and I shift around trying to get comfortable but I can tell my movements weren’t helping. “God damn it mia cara, you’re gonna be the death of me” he whispers, his Italian accent coming out as he smashed his lips on mine. The kiss was nothing but aggressive, our hunger and need for each other evident. His hands grip my hair and pull my head back slightly to give him better access to my mouth. I break away to catch my breath while I begin peppering kisses on his jawline grasping his hair and tugging his head back to get more access. I easily elicit a growl from him and I teasingly bite his neck slightly before pulling away completely. I attempt to get off his lap and back into my seat but his iron grip keeps me still. “Mia cara, will you be mine” he asks huskily, his face expressing his nervousness as well as hope. I smile from ear to ear before giving him a sweet peck. “Of course you idiot” I say smiling for ear to ear.

EmotionSad loveNew Adult

The Alpha Princess

PROLOG : She is running for her life from her abusive brother when she finally finds a house deep in the woods. Without thinking, she opens the door to see more than 20 men watching a football game. They turn to look at her, amused and alarmed. “Please help.” Stella is an 18-year-old teenager who was abused for about eight years by her brother. He would hit her whenever he felt like it. She was lucky if he was in a good mood because he would only punch her in the stomach. He claims to have a reason for his abuse. Julian Woods is the soon-to-be alpha of the Graymod pack. He’s 20 years old and has been looking for his mate for about two years now. What will he do when he sees his abused mate in his house?


My beautiful wife

PROLOG : Silence speaks volumes but loudness always overshadows it. Sean Patterson is a silent and reserved person who tries his best to keep himself from the wild and loud world. He’s the kind of man who enjoys taking walks alone, in the silence of the night under the blanket of stars. Though he has had a fair share of women in his life, he always runs from being in a relationship because he’s doesn’t like sharing his thoughts and lifestyle with anyone except his two best friends. He maintains his life perfectly and takes every decision wisely but his one sudden decision makes him entangled with a woman named Lauren Hart. Though he has known her for years now, he had no idea that she is crazy, wild, sassy, loud, and talkative. And that’s when his perfectly balanced and disciplined lifestyle takes an abrupt turn. Will the darkness of silence be masked by the glow of a loud personality in their situation? Will he regret his reckless decision or will he rejoice it forever? Let’s see how this crazy woman snatches his peace and shows him how crazy and bombastic this world can be. Let’s see what happens when the silent and reserved one gets himself entangled with the crazy and loud one.


Contract marriage: My billionaire’s cure

PROLOG : “Are you okay?” The three words he fell for. The three words he wanted to hear. The three words that cured him. Marcus Anderson is a cold hearted billionaire entangled in his dark past. He is perfect to the eye but broken underneath. Family is not something he believes in. He prefers to bear the pain alone until one day he saw the light at the end of the dark tunnel. Camilla Graham is a successful billionaire with a warm heart filled with love and care. Family is everything she believes in. Little did she know that her smile, her jokes, her kindness brings light to the most darkest soul. She doesn’t need a prince to save her. She shines among those who never believed she could. Even among those with the most coldest hearts. A contract marriage brought them together. Never had they thought that their fates would change.

EmotionTrue LoveMarriage

Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man

PROLOG 01 ️ Ariana Jones is a sweet, innocent, and smart girl who has been battling a lot of issues all her life. She is broken and wants love, care, and respect, but all she has is hope. The hope of receiving what she hasn’t ever even a bit. However, her hopes crumbled down when she was told to marry a man whom she never met before. Xavier knight has it all that she’s been yearning for. He has everything he wants. But the only thing he didn’t want at the moment was to be emotionally blackmailed into a marriage by his own parents. He’s upset about the abrupt change in his life and blames it on her. He judges However, he has a change of heart when he gets to know her. ***It is usually said that a woman is behind a man’s success, however, in this story, you’ll see how a man changed the life of the woman he married to and proved that not every entanglement is painful… Because some entanglements are those from which you never want to come out….*** Let’s look into the journey of a girl who has nothing but the hope of living a peaceful life. PROLOG 02 ️️ What are the most important basic things a person needs in his/her life? A good living with a house to live in, clothes to wear, and good food to eat. A loving family including a mother who takes care of her child, the one who is in front of you to cheer you, behind you to have your back, or next to you so you aren’t walking alone. A father who always makes you feel safe and protected, the one who can fix anything with his tools, the one who portrays the perfect blend of tough and sensitive. A sibling with whom you can play and share all your secrets and stuff. Ariana Jones has it all..a house to live in, a mother, a father, and a sister. But everything is not like what it seems to be. Though she has a mother, Jade Smith, who loathes her own daughter. She has a father, stepfather, Andrew Smith, who is a prominent businessman in New York but he despises her because for him she is a burden. She has a sister too, step-sister, Scarlet Smith, who is of the same age as Ariana, but hates Arian because she envies her beauty and intelligence. Ariana is a polite, beautiful, smart, and intelligent girl. She has been on her own ever since she grew up. Her biological father, Peter Jones, died in a car accident when she was ten. She never got to know what kind of person her father was; she just knew that her father loved her the most. A year later after her father’s demise, her mother married Andrew Smith, and everything changed since then. In Smith’s family, she was treated as unknown and unwanted; rejected clothes of scarlet were given to her, she was not allowed in family gatherings and was not allowed to go on any family outing. Even the world didn’t know that Andrew Smith had two daughters. Only Scarlet was given the limelight. Ariana was not given any value in that family. She didn’t even know any relatives from her father’s side because her mother was always rude to them and had cut off all the ties with them after her father’s death. Ariana preferred keeping her father’s last name because she didn’t want anything related to Smiths. She worked part-time during high school so that she could fulfill her basic needs without asking for money from anyone. She never socialized and used to talk less and always worked in obscurity because her so-called parents didn’t want anyone to know that she was related to them. She even didn’t have any friends because of her less socializing and less talking behavior. She had worked a lot in her life. She had tried a lot of times to escape but in the end, she would find herself entangled in the same situation with her stepfather’s family. She wanted to get out of this house and wanted to live independently and the only thing she could think of was to study that could give her freedom, so she studied hard and got herself a scholarship in a renowned university in Chicago. She thought that she would live her life freely but to her dismay, she was sent to live with her stepfather’s brother’s family in Chicago. And that is when her life became more horrible than ever. But she always hoped for a good life. After graduation, she was sent back to NY to her parents’ house. She thought her life would become a little easy because she had a degree and would get a good job. To her luck, she got a job in a small firm as a data analyst in NY. She was happy as she was living peacefully though she didn’t earn much and had to live in her parents’ house/mansion; she was happy with what she had. But little did she know that her life awaits more twists and turns. Because all of a sudden she came to know that she had to be a part of the deal for the sake of her stepfather’s business. She had to be a part of an arranged marriage and had to marry a man she didn’t know anything about and she couldn’t do anything about it.

UrbanEmotionArranged marriage

A billionaire’s kiss

PROLOG : When Hailey Evans, an aspirant employee of the marketing department in one of the most wealthiest companies in the states finds herself in trouble with the arrogant, cold hearted CEO Ian Kingston, she pulls a trick no one has ever done. And in return he gives her a disastrous kiss that turn her world upside down. One party. One kiss. And the next thing she knows, she’s a billionaire’s fiancé. .


Mr CEO’s personal assistant

PROLOG “James McGregor, CEO of McGregor industries, has passed away yesterday evening after a long battle with cancer. James McGregor, aged 63, was one of the-“ Elizabeth shut the TV off, she couldn’t bear to listen to this… She had been there when it happened, she did not need it to be repeated. Elizabeth Waverton had been Mr. McGregor’s personal assistant for the last three years. During that time the two of them had gotten close. They became friends, as he was as a father to her. Ms. Waverton was seen by many as one of the best personal assistants that there was. Most didn’t last long at the McGregor’s, but Ms. Waverton did. She was known for making anything possible, having connections all over town and anywhere you can imagine. But now that her former boss and friend is dead the company will be taken over by James McGregor jr. The son of her boss. Elizabeth had never quite taken a liking to this man, but he however has taken an interest in her…

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