He was my fathers rival, but I couldn’t help it, I fell for him all of him. I was in a trap that i cou...
As I walked downstairs I mentally prepared for the day, going to the bank, working with dad and a couple meetings with a few clients. I had just graduated from university with a masters degree in business and management. Thankfully all my hard worked paid off, I started a charity with my best friend Sofia and have been working nonstop throughout the summer.
Entering the living room, I see mum walk in from the foyer. « Ari, Sofia told me to remind you about the Charity gala next week. I just ran into her at Hatton Garden, she was buying herself a diamond bracelet. It was beautiful, you should treat yourself too you know. » My mother says as she sits down next to dad, looking stunning as always. My mother was the epitome of beauty and she always carried herself well.
I was surprised that she was home this early, and was even shopping, I was sure she’d be at the restaurant getting ready to work. Mum was the owner of the La Romano restraunt chain, she had branches all over the world. Uncle Tony was the co CEO, my mum and him together were the unstoppable power couple. I loved uncle Tony, even at 70 he was a lively old man.
She kissed dad and he had leftover lipstick on his lips which mum wiped off. As they chit chat my little sister comes into the room with her book. « Ava ! » I say when she jumps onto my lap. I kiss her chubby pink cheeks and she smiles, the grin reaching her eyes, making my heart flutter, she was growing too fast.
One by one everyone comes downstairs and into the living room, as they each came the louder it got. « Dad I need to get this new game console, can I buy it ? » Lorenzo says while sitting next to mum. She caresses his cheek and runs her hand through his hair. What a brat, he was a mummy’s boy and if dad wouldn’t by him the console mum would. « I’ll see, if you keep those good grades up. » My father says making lorenzo roll his eyes and my mother scold him. She doesn’t let anyone disrespect my father and vice versa.
« Ana what were you doing at Hatton Garden ? » My father asks, « Getting you this chain. » She pulls out the beautiful silver chain and places it on dads wrist. « Oh that reminds me » he pulls out a navy box from his pocket. « Thank you for the chain love, you were asleep last night so I figured I’d give it you in the morning. » He opened the box and inside was a single pearl on a silver band.
I smiled, they were so in love. It was annoying at times but mostly beautiful.
« Rafa ! » mum hugs him and dad looks at Lorenzo and Adam while punching the air like a little boy.
I laughed at their childishness.
« Dad the public display of affection is getting a little too much like we’re kids. This is traumatising. » Lorenzo jokes while making gag noises.
« Well son when you get a woman like your mother you tend to do that a lot. » Dad replied whilst chuckling. Mum playfully hits Lorenzo and we all laugh.
« Lorenzo how’s Alysia » I tease him, I figured getting on his nerves would cheer me up for this busy day. Alysia was Aunt Nailah’s and Uncle Isaac’s daughter she was so pretty and it was so easy to see they both liked each other. But obviously being shy teenagers they can’t admit it.
« Why would I know ? Just go hang out with Sofia or something. » He tries to change the subject. I was victorious and very much happy, but as he mentioned Sofia I reminded myself to call her so we could meet up later since I had to give uncle Ethan some files.
Sofia was uncle Ethan’s and Uncle Seth’s daughter, I love her so much. Ever since we were little we’ve been inseparable.
« Well I should go and change, dad professional or casual ? » I say, « A bit of both princess » nodding I make my way up to my room. If there’s one thing I cherish it was my room I absolutely loved it. I designed it when I was thirteen- before it was all pink and princessy.
The walls were white and the furniture was off white, I had rose gold fairy lights going around my room. On my wall was polaroids of me and my friends. Mostly Sofia and me with my family. The ceiling was a canvas of Paris, France. I’ve been to so many countries and cities but Paris is where I want to go with my soulmate. After all it is the city of love.
I quickly pick out an outfit and embellish my face a little to look presentable. I put some diamonds studs on and a diamond ring that dad gave me on my middle finger. I put some black heels on and a beige trench coat. Wrapping a Burberry scarf around my neck to keep me warm I grab my bag and head downstairs.
While passing through the kitchen I pick up a doughnut and devour it. Reapplying my lipstick I glance at the time to see it was almost eleven am. Rushing to the garage I see dad in his car waiting for me. I completely forgot to tell him I’d be going to the bank before going to work with him. I knock on the window and tell him, « Dad, I’m going to rush to the bank I have to deposit some checks. I’ll take my car and see you at half past eleven. »
« That’s fine but don’t be late, this meetings important. » He clarifies.
« Okay dad, I’ll bring you some coffee and please if mom’s going to send you pictures like that turn your brightness down, I could see it from the door. » He smiles a little embarrassed. I walk to the other end and take my car out making my way to the bank.
Once I had gotten there I cashed the checks and left to find the nearest coffee shop. Ordering a latte with extra coffee for dad I get a few treats to snack on during the day. The company building was fifteen minutes away but ten without traffic. Placing the drinks in the cupholder I speed my way through the busy roads.
As I came to a stop I look at the time, I had seven minutes to park and get up to the top floor. I practically ran inside and into the lift pressing the button and waiting to arrive. The elevator stops and I quickly walk to the conference room to see a everyone seated.
I take my coat off and sit next to dad, giving him his coffee and sipping my own. The room was silent. It was as if we were waiting for someone. Then I hear the door open, I dont look as mum was texting me, gushing about the ring and how I needed a husband to shower me with diamonds. I mentally rolled my eyes I’m twenty two and definitely not ready for marriage.
« Let’s begin the meeting, your proposal Mr Amoretti ? » My father says. I look up to see him. A Greek god, he was devilishly handsome. When I looked into those eyes, those Grey eyes I knew that I would be in for one hell of a ride.
Hearing my alarm go off I slowly get up and feel a weight on me. Opening my eyes I see a blonde by my side, her arms on my torso.
I get up and wear my robe to go shower not giving a second thought about the woman in my room. I had a long day today, but the most important thing was my meeting with Rafael Luciano.
Once I had finished my shower, I got out and looked at the girl in the mirror applying her lipstick. I had no idea why she was still here, she smiles when she sees me and I ignore her. It’s no stings attached, I’ve not got time for relationships and I make sure to tell these women that. It’s the least that I owe them.
I leave to make way to my room, I never slept with anyone in my own bed, just a rule I kept. As I finished getting ready Gerard walked in with my morning coffee.
« Gerard make sure she leaves, will you ? » He nods and chuckles.
« Will do Dom. »
I grabbed my things and headed out, as I walked to my car I mentally prepared myself for the meeting. Rafael Luciano was a tough man and so was I but getting this across him would be difficult. After all he was my competition.
At forty six he was a legend in the business world. I admired him, he had a big family, beautiful wife and a worldwide company worth billions.
I mean don’t get me wrong, I had a worldwide company worth billions but not a family nor wife. I’m twenty three, I want to live before I get trapped by a woman.
As I drove to my company, I get a call from my mum, I groaned as I already knew what this conversation would be about.
« Yes mum. » I say, the tiredness evident in my voice.
« No, Hi mum, how are you, you should visit. » She says accusingly and I immediately feel bad.
« Sorry mum, I’m just tired. »
« Of course you are, but I’m even more tired seeing pictures of you and random girls. Dom why don’t you settle down with a nice girl ? »
« Well they’re girls and you never know I could settle down with one of them. » I lie to calm her.
« Oh please, they’re husband hunters looking for six figures to pay for their lifestyle. I’ll let you go to work, just please for me, settle down. On a classy, modest, smart and beautiful girl. » She says softly.
« I will see mum, goodbye. Love you » I say.
« Love you mi figlio, goodbye. »
I park the car and enter the building. Once on my floor I enter the office to see Amber my secretary lust in her eyes and her demeanour seductive.
I smirked, not a chance, I dont mix business with pleasure. She tries too hard, doesn’t even dress professionally and if I’m going to be blunt, she irritates me. Lucky for her she’s good at her job, which is what I prioritise.
I sat down on my chair and sighed deeply. Asking amber to get me coffee as I needed the energy.