Most people dream of the stars and the things that come from them. They even have the infamous saying « Sh...
Alexa sat down, pulling her legs underneath her butt as she clicked through the channels, hoping to find something worth watching. Finally, she stopped it on a comedy channel, laughing quietly at the stupidity people were doing to get paid—to make her laugh.
Just as she was finally easing into the show, the TV screen turned black and made a high pitched noise. She groaned, covering her ears as red lettering began to appear on the screen ; the President’s announcement.
This programme has been temporarily interrupted for an important announcement.
Alexa rolled her eyes, shifting on the couch as she muttered under her breath about the stupid announcement interrupting her show.
« Dear fellow Americans, » President Goodhart smiled, his pearly white teeth glittering along with his dark brown eyes. Out of all the latest president’s, Goodhart looked the oldest in the shortest time. His light coloured skin wrinkled quickly and his brown hair had silver lines alongside.
« I am proud to say that our relationship with the extra-terrestrial community is still great. We have managed to keep them happy with the piece of land we gifted them and no wars are seen on the horizon. » He shifted against the podium, tightening his knuckles against it and continued reading the speech, « Due to their advanced technology we cannot afford to anger them or become their enemy ; which leads me to the point of this announcement. »
Goodhart stared up at the camera, his brown eyes shimmering as he spoke smoothly. « The Xrions have asked for our help yet again ; their women have died of an incurable disease and they are in need of our support. » He cleared his throat, his eyes staring at his paper quickly before he said, « This is where our part comes in, the leader of the Xrions has requested that we give them women. »
Murmurs and questions quickly began drowning him out and he raised his hands, hoping to calm the people down. « It sounds inhuman for us to approve of this, but they have granted us protection against the other possible threats roaming just outside our atmosphere. They have come in peace and we hope to keep it that way. We have issued a new law that states that any American women citizen that is fertile and single will be sent to them. »
He nodded once and said, « We will be sending about a 100 women. I bid you goodnight and any questions may be taken to Mr. Johnson. » He waved once, ignoring the questions being fired his way and walked away from the podium.
Alexa snorted, turning the TV off and walked over to the kitchen to check on her Bolognese. The house phone rang, making her jump slightly as she breathed out and cleaned her hands on the rag before answering the call. « Hello ? »
« Alexandra ! » Her mother, Veronica breathed out. « Honey, did you hear the President’s new law ?! »
She nodded, walking over to the fridge to grab some water and cradled the phone in between her ear and shoulder. « Yeah, it’s stupid. Those stupid little green Martians can’t just come in this damn planet and terrorize us ! »
« You know, » her mother murmured, « how come we have never seen these « little green Martians » like the media portrays them ? What if they’re deformed demons ? Or what if the government is lying to us and trying to conduct experiments on us ?! »
« Mom, » Alexa narrowed her eyes, washing the silver spoon, « I, personally, am glad that we haven’t seen them. The less we know about those monsters the better. Anyways, can we talk about something else ? How was your day ? »
She could practically hear her mother rolling her eyes and pursing her lips. « Fine, » she sighed, « it was great ; yours ? »
« It was okay ; I’m making some Bolognese ; I’m hoping that Seth can stay the night. I’m starting to miss my fiancé’s arms at night. »
Her mother laughed, shaking her head in amusement and said, « That sounds lovely. Hey ! Are you and Seth coming down for dinner on Tuesday ? »
« I can’t, » she sighed, « I have an art exhibition on Tuesday. » Alexa began stirring the pot of Bolognese as her mother argued with her about her non-existent career as an artist. She bit her bottom lip, to prevent another dreadful argument about her degree in art.
« Art won’t get you a job as a lawyer or a doctor. It’s a dead end, Alexa, » He mother chastised. Well duh, it’s an art degree.
Luckily the front door opened, signalling her fiancé was back, saving her from the dreaded conversation she would have had for the 30th time that month.
« Mom, I got to go ; Seth’s home. Can we talk about this later ? » Alexa muttered.
Veronica let out a dejected goodbye and hung up. Sighing in defeat, Alexa placed the phone onto the counter and continued stirring the pot of Bolognese as Seth wrapped his arms around her waist.
« I’m guessing that was your mother again ? » He questioned, kissing the side of her cheek.
A smile appeared on her lips ; she no longer felt upset about her mother’s constant hounding about her choice of career path and she nodded, glancing up at him. Her eyes sparkled in joy at his early arrival. « It’s fine. I just want to sit down and have a nice meal with the man I love. »
His face dropped, the glint of guilt washing over it. « Oh. » He deadpanned, his arms loosening from around her waist.
« What ? » She asked, knowing that it meant he probably wouldn’t be staying for dinner as she struggled to keep her face neutral.
Seth bit his lip, awkwardly deciding whether to mention it or just skip the get-together with his friends. He found her a pain when she didn’t get her way and telling her about his sudden plan with his friends wouldn’t help his cause in trying to stay on her good side. He sighed in defeat and looked guiltily down at the floor. « The guys asked me out for a few drinks. »
Alexa tightened her grip on the spoon, her knuckles turning white. Again ? You went out for a few drinks last week and I ended up eating all the damn pasta by myself ! However, she breathed in deeply and tried her best not to snap.
Deciding it best to get out of slapping-range, Seth took a step back, leaning against the opposite counter. Not telling her sooner wasn’t the best decision, but she would have found out sooner or later. Perhaps later wasn’t such a good idea though…
She released the spoon, turning away from him, as she refused to let him see her tearing up over it. How dare he ?! She mentioned it 3 nights ago. How did a 3 days’ notice go over his head ? She was his fiancée. What did the guys have that she didn’t ?
Seth placed his hand over her shoulder, trying to calm her. « I’m sorry, babe. I honestly forgot. » He watched her cautiously, making sure he was ready for her to possibly push him away.
She suddenly turned around, her eyes narrowing into slits as she glared at him. « Three days, Seth. Three fücking days ! » She emphasized, the anger pouring out of her. « I gave you a three days’ notice and you still forgot ? » She asked, her voice raising an octave at the end.
« L-listen, I said I’m sorry, » Seth breathed, feeling himself getting annoyed. She knew he wouldn’t remember, so why was she getting so bitchy ?!
« Sorry, » she gritted, « didn’t do this to me. Sorry doesn’t make up for me slaving, » she smacked the stove, « over this cooker to make you dinner, only for you to hang out with your buddies again ! »
« Well, maybe if you reminded me more often we wouldn’t have this problem ! » He snapped back, waving his arms in the air for emphasis as he assumed the accusatory side of their argument.
« Oh, oh, I’m sorry ! » She exclaimed, her hands balling into fists at her sides. « Was a three days’ notice not good enough for you ?! » The veins at the side of her neck popped out in anger as her face turned a darker shade of pink, « Last time, a week was « too long » and the time before that a day was « too short. » It’s not so fücking hard to remember when it’s always the exact same day every damn week. »
« I planned this a couple of days before ! » He reasoned, although they both knew it was a last minute thing. It always was.