Sophie Jhonson is a 20 years old women who lives with her grandparents since her mother died in a car crash...
If you are rude now, don’t be sorry at the end of the story.
« bitch, you’re fatter than the last time I saw you » Amelia said in judgy tone. « you won’t fit in my clothes anymore. » she threw her old clothes on my bed and laughed.
It’s not like she’s perfect. She’s flat. Skinny legs, her teeth aren’t straight and nose ? Let’s not even talk about that. I don’t know how but she still manages to make me feel insecure about myself.
I went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. Am I actually that ugly ? Probably… But in school boys always used to run after me and not Amelia.. But it was 2 years ago.
I heard my grandad screaming. I didn’t want to open the door. It’s useless.
So I started cleaning up my room. There wasn’t really something to clean but at least it was a reason why I’m not there.
I put my airpods in my ears and started listening to my favourite songs.
A few minutes later I felt someone’s appearance behind me and after a few seconds someone grabbed my arm. I know this hand. Sounds stupid right ? But I just know by touch what person is it. It was grandma. I took a deep breath and turned around I didn’t feel like arguing so I need to be intelligent. And just when I turned around my eyes met someone’s else. The sight made me let out a small gasp.
I took my airpods out and my grandma said « it’s her. Take her. »
« what ? » confusion filled me and I asked. I was looking at the men. They both were around 35-40 years old. But let’s get one thing straight they both were really good looking.
« shut up. » my grandma said. « pack your things and go with them. » with that she left. « We will be waiting for you downstairs, sweetie. » the guy with green eyes said and smirked.
They left.
What am I supposed to do ? Pack my inner girl said.
I started packing my clothes or others would say Amelia’s clothes. But it’s not my fault they don’t buy me clothes.
A few seconds later the door swung opened. And I knew it was her, because how would it be someone else ?
She came into my room and said with annoyed voice « what are you packing, bitch ? »
« clothes ?.. » I told her annoyed by her appearance here already.
« are they yours ? No. They are mine. » she came closer and slapped me across the face.
I was shocked. She just did not.
« I hope you will get raped there but do you know what ? Do you know that you’re ugly and no one will want to look your way ? » she slapped me once again.
She grabbed me by the hair and started pulling it.
« Beat the fuck out of her » my inner girl said.
I hit her in the face.
She backed away. I hit her once Again.
How dare she to slap me ?am I some toy to her ?
Well guess what bitch ? I’m not.
I fixed my hair and she started screaming « HOW DARE YOU TO HIT ME ?! » « YOU FUCKING STUPID BITCH ! ». she tried to hit me once again but the doors opened and she stopped moving.
It was our grandparents. « SOPHIE ! WHY WOULD YOU HURT HER ! » grandma shouted at me. :she started.. » I said quietly. „oh just go downstairs and stop talking. » « Idiots » I said before going downstairs.
« Well I think you did a good job upstairs didn’t ya, ma’am ? » the guy with blue eyes said. I scoffed. The guy with green eyes took my hand and said « let’s go. I’m pretty sure Luca wants to see you. » we walked out of the house.
There was only 1 car. 5 seats. 5 people. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. The brown eyes guy opened the door for me. I will be sitting in the back seat. In the middle of 2 guys.. „can I sit in front seat ? » he shook his head. „I would let you but I’m not sure if you dont kill me,now go and sit. » his voice was deep and sweet. I sat in the middle of 2 guys. On my right there was sitting a blue eyes man and on my left was sitting a brown eyes man.
The blue eyes man was staring at my boobs the whole time until I got uncomfortable enough and said. « can you stop, please ? » « stop what ? » he said and narrowed his eyebrows in confusion. The green eyes guy was looking at me through the mirror. « Staring at my boobs. » he rolled his eyes « I wasn’t. » and he looked away. « we don’t want problems, man, stop making her uncomfortable. » the green eyes guy said.
The brown eyes man fell asleep and now his head was on my shoulder. But I can’t complain he’s kinda cute. After 1 hour we got there. It was a huge house more like a mansion. The blue eyes man opened and hold the car’s door for me.
The green eyes man looked at me and said « let’s go » we started walking towards the mansion. 3 guys went upstairs and I was left with the green eyes guy. « come on let’s go we need to get you your uniform and meet the other maids. » « I will be a maid ? »
« yes, now let’s go. » he seemed annoying by my company. No wonder why, I’m annoying. At least that’s what all of them used to tell me.
We went to the mansion and there was standing a women with a unfirom. I’d say its one of the maids. I can almost see her niples this uniform is very exposing.
« Marina, show her around she’s new here. » she smiled and said « sure. » he smiled at me « see you later, Sophie » and he left. Probably went were the other guys did.
« hey, I’m marina » I smiled « I’m sophie. » « we gonna be roommates let’s go. » she lead me to our room » it was a big room with 2 huge beds. It had 2 different bathroom and 2 different clothes rooms. What kind of boss do I have now ?
I smiled. « let me show you around. » marina said. « this is our floor. Feel free to walk here around just don’t go in different rooms. There are mean maids who try to show off even tho they are flat as the doors. Also we have a Matilda. She’s 59 years old and she’s like a mama to all of us so don’t piss her off. Now don’t go to 4th floor. It’s our boss’s floor and only with his permission you can go there. His name is Luca Diaz. Don’t simp over him because he’s a manwhore. He will fuck you and leave you also don’t trust any men here they will do the same. All they want is some pussy. » I nodded my head and we walked downstairs.
« this is the dining room. To eat breakfast, lunch and dinner usually comes all the men who works for him. Breakfast starts at 9a.m., lunch at 3.p.m. And dinner at 9 p.m. , this is the kitchen where we make food for them. Our dinning room is right there. There are only 35 maids with you so we don’t need a huge dining room. Also there’s a women named Katherine she acts like Mr. Diaz’s wife. She might give you some attidute but don’t be afraid to give her some back. »
I nodded my head. « okay so this is it. Its 5pm we should get started, okay ? » « okay but what about my uniform ? » « oh, right let’s go. » we got to our room and she gave me uniform she told me to dress up and go downstairs to the kitchen. I dressed up but it was a bit to small for me. I felt uncomfortable. But I don’t think I have a choice. I left my room and saw the blue eyed guy.
He smirked. I turned around and was about to walk away when he said « Sophie, were are you going ? Don’t you think you should at least say hi ? » I didn’t answer him anything I started walking away.
He grabbed my hand and turned me around, so I would be facing him. « you have huge tits and I’m into tits more than into ass. But you have a pretty cute butt too. If you will feel like you want to get the stress of your shoulders tell me, I’ll for sure help you. Also I think you need a bigger size uniform, dont you ? » he said. I was red. I didnt know what to say he was calling me fat. Again. I’m getting called fat by everyone. Am I really that fat ? I barely eat food. I work out a lot of yet the weight doesn’t go away.
He shook his head and said. « I think you understood be wrong. I don’t think you’re fat. You just have huge boobs, big ass, thick legs and skinny waist. So I think you need a bigger uniform because this one is really small. Only a flat women can wear that and you’re far away from that. I’ll tell boss to order um like L size uniform ?.. »
I nodded my head « okay thank you » I said shyly and was about to walk away when he said « wait ! Also I’m sorry bout what happened earlier. But I’ll keep staring at your boobs if I’ll see you. It just ah- it looks really tasty and good and- it’s just hard to explain. So cover up Sophie, I think boss is gonna lose his mind when he will see you. » he said and smiled. I nodded my head.
« I gotta go now. Bye » « cya Sophie » and with that we both walked away different ways. I got downstairs and there were 6 maids. « where were you that long ? » Marina asked.