PROLOGUE : ❤️❤️❤️
Robert De Luca has everything a man could want in life. Lots of money, a fantastic job, fast cars ...
“You just had to break our bro code and get married. ” Rob hollered from the bed room as he finished packing his carryon for his flight to Italy.” What bro code ?” The voice came from the living room. Rob zipped his bag closed then placed it on his shoulder and walked into the living room, there his best friend since college Angelo sat playing on his Xbox.” The code that says no one gets married until you forty or fifty.” Rob let his bag hit the floor and picked up a remote as he sat down on the couch to join in the game Call of Duty with Angelo.
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it if I found the one to share my life with.”Angelo’s character ran into the building shooting the enemy.
“Found. Ha. Don’t you mean the one your mother set you up with ?’ Rob’s guy followed throwing a grenade, blowing up a tunnel.
“Whatever. Francesca is mine and that’s all that matters now.” There characters stood back to back shooting the enemy down.
“Yeah, well I can’t take it. “ Christina is driving me up a wall. All she talks about is you and Francesca. It’s like the only thing on her brain. Angelo has a wife and a family. What do you have Robert besides that Ashton Martin ? Tell me Robert. Tell me.” He spoke in his mother’s voice. Then turned to look at Angelo laughing at him.“It’s not funny man. This is serious.”
“So you think going to Italy is going to solve this ?”
“No, I’m going to Italy to visit my uncle and to have a little fun possibly between some beautiful Italian girl’s thighs. Now let’s kill these bastards and finish this mission.So you can take me to the airport and get home to your beatutiful wife and them bambinos.
« My beautiful wife isn’t home she’s with Lauren. » Rob looked over at Angelo the game forgotten his man dead. « What are they up too ? »
« I don’t know. » Angelo finished his mission. Looking at Rob. »Didn’t you guys all use to be best buddies. » Angelo gave him a funny look..
« Fuck you Angelo with that Frozen shit. » Rob stood up and picked up his bag. His mind on his two childhood friends. Why did he feel as if something was a miss.
Lauren’s House
“So you’re going to Italy for what ?” Francesca watched Lauren as she walked from the closet to her suit case.
“I need to get away from my crazy family French. They’re driving me crazy. It’s like now that you’re settled down they want me to be. My dad’s trying to go old school. He actually thinks he’s going to arrange a marriage for me.”
“Stop being silly girl.”
“Know I’m telling you he invited Ronny Benzeno and his family to dinner.”
“Noooo. Not the crosser.”
“Yes, he didn’t know Ronny was a cross dresser until he looked at him noticed the pearls around his neck his pink fingernails and the finally when he saw that he had on pink ballerina flats. He hit the roof and shouted to Ronny’s dad. “What kind of freak shit you and your son into Oscar get the fuck outta here..”Laure did the imitation of her dad. “Of course he had Carmine and Joey throw them out the house.”
“Stop it.” Francesca held her belly unable to breath from laughing. Her eyes full of tears.
“So what you going to do in Italy,”Francesca sat up wiping her eyes. Lauren sat down beside her.
“Visit nonna and think about my future.”
“What about your future Lauren.”
“I think it’s time for me to make changes in my life.”
“Such as ?”
“It’s about time I got laid.”
“You finally got the key to that Chasity belt from Orlando.”
“Funny, French. Anyway I think it’s time.”
“So Lady Godiva who are your candidates ?”
“Well not that I should divulge this information just know that Rob is on the list.”
“OHMYGOD ! You want Rob to pop that cherry.”
“I didn’t say that I just said he was a candidate.”
“Bullshit you wouldn’t have mentioned it if he wasn’t at the top of the list.”
“Whatever.” She paused. “So what do you think about it ?”
“It depends on the other candidates.”
“Their actually is only one other.”
“And ?”
“I let you know that one is a little more complicated.”
“Complicated how ?”
“Let’s just say that one comes with strings. Rob he’s more free and easy.”
“Lauren this is a need to know bit of information Robert Deluca is definitely not as free or easy as he pretends to be.”
Angelo and Francesca’s House later.
“They’re on the same flight.” Angelo laughed.
“Looks that way.” Francesca laughed.
“What are the chances they‘ll meet up ? “Angelo asked.
“Oh maybe one out one.”
“How is that ?”
“A friend of mine set up both their trips.”
“Now you’re playing matchmaker.”
“Know I’m not.”
“Francesca we have enough on our plate no matching making.”
“They’re so cute together Angelo and they’re co godparents. It only makes sense.”
“I’m not listening and I’m not involved French.”
“Angelo Ithink they could really work.”
“This is me ignoring you.”
“Angelo don’t walk away from me.”
“Later French. I and my boys are going to watch Diego.” Francesca watched as he rolled the playpen with the boys into the next room.
“And what about me and Lola.”
“You two talk matchmaking.”
“Ok but when the boys drop a load don’t come saying daddy daughter time.”
Lauren was happy her first class seat was a window view she had her iPad and her US Magazine with Bradjlina on the front she was ready for her flight. She just hoped the person sitting next to her wasn’t stinky.
“You got to be kidding me. Lauren what are you doing here ?” Lauren looked up slowly she had prayed the voice she heard was just similar to his. No it couldn’t be.” Awww shit, what are you doing here ?”