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The dangerous companion

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PROLOGUE : ️️ Lily Crawford was once loved and treasured by her whole pack but that stopped on her 14th birthday when sh...

EmotionFantasyTrue LoveSupernaturalSweetWerewolfPossessiveDominant


Werewolves are not suppose to exist, well technically they don’t. At least that’s what we made humans believe.

The cold bitter truth is that they do exist, along with vampires, witches and other supernatural creatures that many people haven’t even thought of. They just get represented wrong in the media, they don’t all stand around and howl at the moon or have all of this excessive body hair. Let’s just say that if a werewolf stood in front of you, you probably won’t even find out.

Werewolves shift at the age of 14, once your body is physically able to handle the pain. The first shift is the most painful one. Your bones break, you grow fur, your nails turn into claws, fingers into paws and your mouth into a snout. After that first horrible shift it doesn’t hurt anymore.

At least that’s what I was told because contrary to everyone I ever know or knew, I didn’t shift on my 14th birthday or any other birthday after that. That’s why I didn’t use the word « we » when describing werewolves, I was raised by them, born by two of them but I am not one of « them ».

Let’s just say that when the pack found out they weren’t that supporting. I became a slave overnight, forced to cook, clean and serve as a punching bag for when the Alpha got angry.

My family and friends turned their backs on me. They weren’t too happy that the once loved Beta family was now the family to an Omega. Packs hate having a weak link, a weak link is something that can ruin an organization. I was their weak link, they didn’t kill me because of my blood line but I know that if my family was another, I wouldn’t be breathing right now.

They kicked me out of my house and made me live in the Pack house’s basement along with rats. They couldn’t even let me live in the attic, anywhere was better than in the dump I call a home.

Sometimes when everyone else is asleep I sneak into the lake that is close and take a quick bath. I don’t understand but it always feels like water takes my worries away. Water is my escape from this cold and bitter world. Swimming makes me feel like I am free and running away. I wish I could swim away and never come back, but where would I go ? Everything I learned is here, everyone I know lives here unfortunately.

I wished the water I bathed in healed my hidden scars, I like to imagine as I float in the lake how I am given a clean slate or even had a wolf just so I could heal these scars that has haunted me since that night when I was prepared for the pain but not for this kind. The Alpha and his friends like to take their anger out on me whether it’s with a knife or with a punch. The usually target my stomach or back, somewhere that can’t be seen if anyone takes a look at me.

The only person in this pack that is nice to me and helps me is my twin brother. When he goes out to shop he always brings me back new clothes so I don’t have to wear the same one. Or if I outgrow the ones I already have. If it wasn’t for him I would probably be running around naked and dirty and no one would even bat an eye.

Since I’m the one that cooks I always make extra so that I can eat after everyone else has finished. I guess that’s the only advantage of being a slave, fending for myself.

That is the situation I am in right now. I’m currently making breakfast for the whole pack. I make the usual eggs, bacon, pancakes and toast and placed them in the separate plates.

« Lily » I heard William’s voice rip through the air. His cold Alpha tone told me this wasn’t going to be a pleasant talk. Something I’m already used to. « I told you that Megan wants a fruit salad for breakfast » He growled at me and my body immediately backed away in fear.

If this were 4 years ago I would’ve told him off and had a laugh with him but it wasn’t. He wasn’t my friend anymore, he never was.

« I’m sorry Alpha, I forgot » I said, bowing my head in surrender. He likes knowing I live under his will.

« You incompetent waste of air , you can’t even do that right » He said scoffing. « Hello sweetie » He whispered lovingly and I lifted my head seeing him and his mate locking lips.

Mates. Mates is a person who is made for you. He or she is your perfect match, the one you’re destined to be with. The only true love you will ever have.

I have always wanted one but I know that is impossible. I’m a human and humans don’t get mates. And if by the moon goddess decides to play a mean trick and actually give me one, I would be the laugh of the town once again. The stupid human who got a mate and got rejected just for being her, an omega, an imbecile, a waste of air.

Alpha William’s mate was my sister. I was once jealous of her looks but when she turned into a cold hearted bitch all envy I had for her vanished. She still had her long wavy blonde hair, hazel eyes and model like body, but her personality ruins it. I don’t know how the Alpha stands her.

« Baby, food can wait I want something else for breakfast » Megan said seductively trailing a finger down his chest. Now I know how. They were really made for each other.

William growled and took her by her feet earning a squeal on her part and carried her up the stairs.

I caught a glimpse of her mark and smiled. It was a brown colored wolf barring it’s teeth. It was quite weird but it was still gorgeous. Another thing to add to her beautiful exterior, if she just wasn’t so rotten on the inside.

Claiming your partner is one of the steps of the mating process.

Step one is eye contact. This usually makes your world stop. This is when the wolves connect with the other whether you notice or not. You start regularly thinking of the other and can’t get them out of your mind.

Step two is kissing. The moment your lips touch the others, the sparks start getting stronger. Your need for them intensifies and you can’t sleep from the passion you feel. You need them close, you seek them.

Step three is claiming. This consists on sinking your canines into your partners neck. For Alphas and betas it is only required for them to mark their mate but it can be both ways. The mark appears just hours after the bite. When you have no sort of power it just looks like a giant hickey. But when you’re of rank it will usually be an image of your wolves or something related. I don’t know how that biologically works, but since it is magic I’m guessing I’m not supposed to.

The last step completes the mating process. Which is of course sex. Once you’re done doing the nasty you are automatically linked together by soul. You can actually have sex before claiming your partner, it would just feel like sex though, no soul bonding out of world experience. Just plain old sex and pleasure.

If your mate dies you do not die you just lose half of your self. Regularly wolves take their own lives after the loss of their mate because they can’t handle the pain. Losing the love of their lives can take a toll on anyone but they are those who can manage it. Those are the true strong ones.

I was left alone until the rest of the pack came downstairs and started eating. I was just placing the bacon on the different plates when I heard my brother, the beta, talking to his friends.

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