Miles Eaton. A boy who has been verbally abused his whole life. He has always been too hyper for his own goo...
I’m walking towards my next class when I feel my body slammed into the lockers. The hard locks ram into my back, causing me to wince.
« Hey guys look, here’s the faggot who embarrassed me in class, » my main bully, Tyler, spits.
« All I did was answer the question correct, how about next time you actually get it right, » I say without thinking. That is one of my main problems, I have no filter. I say everything that pops into my brain.
Tyler’s face scrunches up in rage, he slams his hand against the lockers, right beside my face. I flinch away from the sound, causing Tyler to smirk.
« Looks like this little twink is scared, » he states with a smile at my fear.
« Well this little twink could beat you up, » I say, faking confidence. I couldn’t hurt a fly, let alone beat up someone with my 5’4 frame.
« Well let’s see about that, » as he says this, he throws a punch, which I don’t have enough time to dodge. His friends join in on the beating, pushing me to the ground and kicking my stomach.
Once they are tired of beating me up, they start walking away. Tyler’s buzz cut retreating. I stand up, blood spilling out of my nose. « Is that all you can do ? » I ask, practically asking to get killed. I fake confidence once again, and stand proud and tall.
Tyler turns back around with a sneer and starts running at me. Before he has a chance to lay a finger on me, finally, a teacher stops him. My favorite teacher, Mr. Phillips, stops Tyler before he can jump me. Mr. Phillips sends both of us to the principal’s office.
When we arrive, we are called in one at a time, I go in first. I explain how he hit me and called me names, and how this has been going on for a while. Many others bully me too, so when I get home, and my mom says that she got the call, I’m worried. Will she care for me ? Or will she just tell me to tough out my senior year ?
« We have decided to move. If this is a constant reoccurrence, then we need to go somewhere you will be safe, » she starts, with a sympathetic gaze. « I know I haven’t always been the best mother, but I don’t want you getting hurt. Your father and I have already gotten an offer from a business in Fall Haven. We can move up to South Carolina, and be done with this. »
I nod, not wanting to talk back in case she insults me like she usually does. She usually only insults me when my father is around, to make him happy, but I don’t want to take the chance. A mother’s words hurt more than anyone else’s.
I’m fine with moving, I don’t have any friends. The only thing I’m worried about is starting a new school. What if they bully me too ?
We pack up the house, it takes about a week for them to find a house and for us to move. I drive my own car there, with all my stuff in the back.
It’s a long 8 hour drive, but could be longer. I jam out to whatever is on the radio, not caring much. Once we arrive at the house, I take it all in.
It’s a two story home, with a garage and a large backyard. The backyard borders the vast forest. Why do we need this much space ? Not caring, I grab my bags and head into the house. I stopped along the way for some food so my parents are already here. Using the key my mother gave me, I open the door and make my way upstairs to a bedroom.
I find a bedroom overlooking the backyard, with a large window with a seat against it. I love looking at the forest, it’s so calming to imagine everything that lives in there.
« Miles ! Get your ass downstairs, now ! » My father yells up at me. Taking my time down the stairs, not caring that I’m pissing him off, I finally arrive in front of my father.
« Did you pick a room ? » He asks, getting straight to the point. I nod, not wanting to talk and accidentally snap at him.
« Good. While your mother and I are working and are on business trips, you better keep this house spotless. Your worthless ass isn’t going to have any friends so I’m not worried about you throwing a party. Just behave and don’t ruin this house like you ruin everything else, » he rants, belittling me like he usually does.
« Got it, » I mumble, and with a nod of his head, I am dismissed.
I go upstairs to my room after grabbing some Oreos for dinner, not wanting to be near my parents. I know they aren’t going to fix dinner so this is the best I can do.
I sit at the window seat, and look out into the forest, hoping this town brings me some form of happiness.