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A story of secret love

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« You forgot about your panties, baby. » His voice was husky and deep, he had the type of voice that made any girl fall ...

love-triangleRomanceNew AdultmillionaireSweetSex


My first time entering a club I was only 15, I was naive and stupid. I didn’t even drink, all night I was just watching my best friend chug down whiskey and shove her tongue down a man’s throat. My parents were never invested in my life, dad was too busy being a successful businessman and mom was too busy having an affair with my uncle.

« I mean your dad had to know, the affair has been going on for so lon-«

« Tori, I called you so we could have a good time and forget about my daddy issues. » I told my best friend, Victoria. We’re currently at the same club we came to so long ago, this time I was actually having fun.

« Alcohol isn’t going to fix your problems, Adora. » Victoria says.

I sloppily raised my shot of tequila to my lips, the hot liquid traveled down my throat. The burning sensation filled my body, numbing my pain. The look Victoria has in her eyes shows how worried she is about me but right now I could care less. I rolled my eyes when she declined the drink the bartender was giving her, I grabbed ahold of it. I chugged it down, Victoria tried stopping me but failed.

« It sure can substitute it. » I laugh.

« Rock on. » The bartender jokes.

Victoria starts arguing with him, I distract myself by walking onto the dance floor which was filled with people. The music was blasting throughout the whole place, the slow sexual song was turning me on. Maybe if I fuck someone it’ll make me forget about the hell I’m living in.

My body started to vibe to the music, Victoria found her way next to me. We both started dancing, sexually. We’ve always been touchy, touchy with each other.

That’s when I spotted him. He was sitting at the bar, drowning himself in alcohol. I could barely see his face due to the harsh lights flashing everywhere but I could tell he was hot and exactly what I needed.

« Tori, go home without me. » I whisper inside her ear, hoping she’ll hear me over the loud music. She nodded cautiously, I gave her a quick sloppy kiss on the cheek.

« You’re lucky I’m going over Jakob’s house ! » Victoria yells over the loud music. I wasn’t surprised, Jakob is her loser boyfriend who’s cheated on her multiple times with different girls. I continued to walk away from her.

I made sure to sway my hips while walking towards him, his eyes instantly found mine. Now closer I could see his face better, he has black hair, greyish blue eyes with a sharp jawline that I desperately wanted to lick. My body has a mind of its own. I took a seat on his lap with my arms wrapped around the back of his neck and my legs dangling beside his thighs. He started choking on his whiskey, I have that effect on people.

« I’m Adora. » I introduced myself.

He studied me for a bit, his heavy eyes were trailing down my body and it was making me heat up.

« Adora, I want to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to move tomorrow. » He says. His finger stroked my cheek.

He was blunt and I liked it. Who wouldn’t want to fuck me ? I have a rocking body, a pretty face, I’m young and fresh. I like playing games and he seems like the type to like it also, a smirk appeared on my soft, plump lips. The thought of him ramming into me over and over again as I yell his name sparks a deep excitement.

« So do it. » I purr.

It was like a switch flipped off inside of him, his lips slammed against my plump ones. My fingers ran through his short, black hair. His hands found their way over to my hips, he stood up with me wrapped around his torso.

« Put it on my tab. » He mumbles to the bartender who seemed a little too excited for him.

Probably envy him, I would.

This hot stranger carried me through the crowd, his lips remained on mine the whole time. I noticed that he was carrying me up a staircase in the club.

« You have a room here. » I pull back from our hot kiss, I saw how eager he was for me.

« I know the club owner. » He says quickly, he kicks open a door. Talk about hot, he reeked of hotness.

He threw me on the bed, and I bounced back a little. He locked the door before heading back over towards me. We both started to undress. I like teasing, and testing their patience. I like to see them want me just as much as I want them. I sat up on my knees, I kept eye contact as I slowly removed my bra. His eyes were filled with salacity, hunger.

I tossed my bra to the side and gripped onto the side of my panties. I stopped, I wanted to see how much he craves me.

He took off the last piece of clothing he had on which was his boxers. Let me just say, I’ve been with plenty of men in my past but not once have I been with a man with a dick as big as a horse.

I decided to lay back on my back with my legs wide open and I released my hair from the bun it was in.

« You forgot about your panties. » His voice was husky and deep, he had the type of voice that made any girl fall to their knees.

« Take them off. » I whisper while biting my lips.

He jumped on me like a wild animal, my arms wrapped around his neck, getting ready for him to pound inside of me. He pulled my hair back roughly, I stared at him in confusion.

« I love playing games, carina. » He growls into my ear, making me wet, dripping wet.

He suddenly reached down between my legs before thrusting his fingers into me, my head rolled back in pure intoxication.

« You like that don’t you. »

He was teasing me, only I get to do that. I nodded my head, I was completely in his control. He pulled them out just to shove them back inside of me, my toes curled so hard. My breathing was heavier, my lips were dry with the need of him. He pulled his two fingers out, bringing them to his lips. He sucked on them while keeping eye contact with me.

« Deliziosa. » He mumbles.

Holy mother of god.

« Stop teasing and fuck me. »

« I don’t think you could handle me, baby. » I decide to play his game. He wanted a show. I’ll give him one.

His hand traveled to my neck, tightening around my small neck. I lifted my head a little with a smirk. He rips off my lacy tong before thrust fully inside of me, this time my head almost left my body. I could feel him deep inside of me, his grip on my neck didn’t crumble. He pulled out just to slam back into me, hitting every spot. My eyes rolled back.

« Baby, I don’t think you could handle me. » He mocks my words.

He thrust in and out non stop, I was basically screaming. It felt good, real good. Clearly he wasn’t a boy but a man.

He threw my legs over his shoulders, he thrust right back into me. Hitting me from a different angle, my body was shaking in elation. His hands were holding my legs up as he pounded inside of me, I was a moaning mess.

I kissed his dry lips, coating them. My legs slid back to his torso, I flipped us over so I was on top. I arched my back as I deepened the kiss. Both his hands were around my neck, he thrust his hips up.

« Ride me, carina. » He bites my bottom lip before kissing me.

I started to move my hips back and forth, he sat up with me still on him. I started to bounce up and down, he kept thrusting up making my body feel filled. My head fell back, my body was on fire in a good type of way. I’ve never been so satisfied before, this man was like a sex god and he knew it. I screamed once he hit my g-spot, my whole body shook with satisfaction. My breathing was hard, exhale, inhale. My forehead was placed against his sweaty shoulder, his hand was behind my neck.

« I don’t think I’ll be able to walk tomorrow, I can barely move. » I whisper against his shoulder.

His chest rumbled as he chuckled, he kissed my neck and my cheek. He carefully laid me down on the bed, making sure not to touch my sore places.

« What’s your name ? » I caught myself asking. I have no idea why, I normally don’t give a fuck about names when I fuck strangers but this guy was different.

He stayed quiet, it seemed like he was thinking.

« Ricky. » He says.

Something didn’t seem right, his mood changes like reality hit him. He didn’t look like a Ricky but it’s none of my business.

« You should rest, Adora. »

« Right. » I exhaled before my eyes started to close, I was in and out. I noticed that he was picking up his clothes from the floor, and he was leaving. Sleep finally took over.

What a fling.

Growing up in a very unstable family has taught me many things. If I don’t like it, replace it. If I want it then I’ll get it. The Ridges family has many secrets, secrets that my father has made disappear, others buried 6ft underground.

When I say my family is fucked, I mean their fucked up.

When I crashed my dads Bugatti La Voiture Noire after my parents told me about their soon to be divorce, my dad claimed I was out of control, that I didn’t know the value of money, maybe I was just upset that my mom is fucking my uncle and my dad is fucking his assistant.

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