« Embre. » I’m still pressed up against him, my breath quickening by the second.
« Yes ? » I ask breathlessly, he place...
Dear Mr. CEO,
It was a cold afternoon on September 12th that I had shut my computer down, for what seemed like the one hundredth time in disappointment.
Becoming homeless wouldn’t be so bad right ?
I take that back.. yes, yes it would.
« This is getting ridiculous. » I mumbled to myself, I’m resigning myself to living on the streets ? This was the definition of hitting rock bottom.
The second question popped up in my head, why is it so hard to find a job in California ?
It’s simple enough… for starters I definitely couldn’t get anyone to hire me and secondly, California was expensive. « Screw it. » I mumbled to myself, resting my head on the wooden table. I knew just the thing to solve my problems..
Food solves everything temporarily. Right ?
Getting up from the table, I walked into the kitchen to go to my fridge, but before my hand could touch the handle my best friend walked through the door blasting music.. per usual.
« I only call you when it’s half pass five the only time that I would be !-« She stops to find me staring at her like a deer caught in the highlights. The Weeknd was her favorite artist. But sometimes I think it’s best if the artist just sings without the duet.
But moving on, Regina was the real definition of crazy and always prone on having bad timing. « Oh hey ! I didn’t realize you would still be up. » She pulled her headphones from her ears, I was starting to think she needed to go to the doctor for a check up.
Hell, I might even take her but I simply replied, « It’s only eight thirty Regina, and I’m pretty sure you woke up the neighbors. »
« So what are you doing ? » She asked me, changing the subject.
« Well I was hungry.. » I looked at the fridge in longing to see what I would stumble upon.
She laughed at how idiotic I looked and she gave me the perfect solution, « Want to order a pizza ? »
I smile stretched across my face like a crescent moon, « Sure. » I tried to keep my face neutral but nothing was getting past her.
« Are you okay ? You seem out of your element.. like down or something. » When have I ever been in my element ? I would compare myself to a silent mouse.
« Yeah I’m fine.. » I trailed off. I peeked back at her, and she had both of her eyebrows raised up at me in questioning, waiting for me to take no doubt.
« Embre. » She crossed her arms across her chest.. I knew this look from anywhere. Resting my head against the door handle, I released a sigh.
I told her the truth, « You know I can’t find a job. »
« That’s it ? I thought your dog back home died. » Well it sure did feel like it, this was a serious matter to me she couldn’t be the only one trying to support this apartment. And besides Scooter was only four years old, he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
« I’ve been out of college for a year, I need a job. » This wasn’t an unnecessary accessory, and the more time passed by the more I looked like a liability. It was time for me to become an asset.
« It’s not the end of the world you know that right ? » Regina questioned. She opened the freezer, taking out a water bottle that I placed there an hour ago so they could be chill at least ; that’s the best I could do.
« Easy for you to say, you have a job. » I state out to her, she didn’t know my struggle.
« You can thank my parents for that one, » She tells me, taking a sip of her water. « Helped me get on my feet that’s all. »
« That’s not true, you do a great job by yourself. »
« You think so ? » She fished for the compliment as if she didn’t know she was doing phenomenal, playing oblivious was not her specialty. After all her job consisted of being a photographer for the most part slash interior work.
I deadpanned, « I guess I have to stay on the look out. »
« I’ll keep a look out for you, there’s a lot you can do with a business communication degree. »
« I’m sure. » I mumbled.
« I’m bored. » Regina whined, resting her elbows on the counter putting her head in her hands, looking at me with an evil mischievous look.
« Then do something fun. » I brushed her look off with an awkward laugh, going to sit on the stool next to her.
« Like what ? » She said, acting like she doesn’t know what to do, and she is asking me as if I knew different ways in having a good time.
« You should know I don’t know anything about fun. » I laughed it off, in all fairness I knew it was to cover up the embarrassment I felt.
« Oh I know. » She laughed with me and I stopped automatically.
« Hey ! » I exclaimed dramatically, I knew she wasn’t joking when she had uttered those words.
« I’m kidding, I’m kidding. » She held up her hands in defeat. Regina then looked so excited all of a sudden. She grabs ahold of my hand. « You know what we need ? » She asked. I leant myself back from her, this time it was my turn to give her a look.
« What ? » I ask back, narrowing my eyes at her. I knew she was about to say something that I didn’t want-
« A girls night out ! »
Kill me.
« You know what happened last time we had a girls night out ? »
« Yes, but it makes it more fun ! »
« I don’t feel like holding your hair again Regina. »
« Well I’ll just have a hair tie to be my lover tonight. »
So she wasn’t backing down from going out…
Just. Great.
« But what about the pizza ? » I questioned, I was still hungry.
« We’ll do that another time. »
I was about to argue about that and realizing that’s stupid I dropped my shoulders « Okay. » I sighed.
« Good. Now let’s go get ready ! »
I was trying to understand how she had so much energy when she just got off of work. But like a bat of a hell she grabbed her things, hurriedly rushes to her room and I sluggishly go to mine.
Let’s see what she plans on this ridiculous night and mentally laugh at the thought, shutting my door.