It has been a week already since we started staying at the villa. I still haven’t encountered Hiro yet. They seemed so busy with trying to figure out who K is because what he is doing is too much and so much damage had been made in a span of on week since Yna’s death.
One laboratory was destroyed, all of the apparatuses there are destroyed. One classroom was destroyed too. They didn’t even let the library pass. They said three people broke inside during curfew hours and scattered all the books at the floor.
I went out of my room and went straight to the living room where Victoria and Kylie were at. We just usually watch tv is the three of us have nothing to do but I kind of feel weird today. I feel like I wanted to go out.
“Hey, I’ll head out today.” I told them and they both nodded at me.
Today is a Saturday so most students are inside their dorms to rest or just do the rest of their school works. I, on the other hand, don’t like staying at the Villa to chill out. I am still not comfortable to hang out with those gangsters. I just get awkward with them and I am not sure why.
“Oh, you’re still here.” Hiro said. I just rolled my eyes at him and continued walking. The way he talked to me when we bump into each other is just like that.
I went to the cafeteria first to grab something to eat. When I got there, some students were already there eating their lunch. Some of them even looked at me like I was a distraction of something. I just didn’t mind them and just ordered food for myself.
After ordering, I went to one of the vacant tables and started to eat my food and left when I finished it.
While walking, I decided that I’ll go to the dorms. Maybe I can get some of my stuff there.
I walked inside the dorm while hoping that I can enter our old dorm room since I still have the key. I think I might get one of my books so I can read.
Our clothes are already given to us but our other stuff is still there for further examination. They prioritized our clothes because we need them for our days. But I don’t have the rest of my things, like my books.
When I reached our floor, I saw a bunch of people flocking in front of our door. Did something happen here again? I ran towards them and excused myself so I can pass by.
When I finally reached the door, I saw that the Dirigeants were inside, specifically Jaira, Sasha, Asher and Vincent. They were examining the whole place themselves. I snorted and turned to the students who were flocking over.
“Can you please get lost? There is nothing to see here.” I told them. All of them rolled their eyes on me before leaving. I just smirked a little because I knew that I pissed them off.
When everyone left, I walked inside the room. “Can’t you even close the door so students won’t flock here?” I said that captured their attention.
“Bella, what are you doing here?” Jaira asked me. She stood up and went to me. She removed her gloves while walking up to me. I was just looking at her because she is really pretty yet even the sight of her just walking is making me nervous. She is THAT intimidating.
“I was hoping that I can get one of my books now but it looks like you guys aren’t finish examining this room.” I said honestly. I really want to read now. I have stopped for a week now and it’s not normal for me. I only skip reading for one day depending on how busy I am.
But in this school, I am not that busy since I finished all the subject that they are talking. I am just waiting for them to finish this semester. I am getting grades too by just attending the classes and they will combine that grade as ten percent of my grade from my previous school.
“You can get one of your books that are in you bed. Don’t touch the one on the floor.” Asher said. I nodded at him and turned to Jaira. Although I am intimidated by her, I need to tell her honestly that they need to do their investigations quietly.
“Please try to investigate without the students knowing what had happen here. It might cause fear to them.” I said and went inside my old room. It was still a mess when I entered.
True to Asher’s word, some of my books are already in my bed and luckily, the book that I was still reading is one of them. I grabbed it and immediately left the dorms. I went out of the building while holding my book at one hand.
I guess I just need to find a place where I can read peacefully. A place where there are no students or a place that no one will claim as theirs.
I kept on walking around the school until I noticed a tree besides the laboratory buildings. I went there and checked if there is a branch where I could lay and there is! I started climbing it and positioned myself so I can read comfortably.
I don’t know how long I was reading. I didn’t even notice that it’s almost dark. I guess I need to go now. Victoria and Kylie might be looking for me now. I’ve been out of the Villa for too long now.
I was about to hop down the tree, but I stopped when I heard someone screamed from the building. It was coming from the first floor. The tree where I am is at the entrance of the building though I cannot see what is happening inside.
After the long scream, no one came out of the building. After a few seconds, I saw Hiro’s sister came running to the building. She kept on asking if anyone is around until she stopped.
I waited in the tree until she comes out of the building but it has been ten minutes already but she isn’t coming out. Should I check on her?
I was about to get down from the tree but I heard footsteps coming out of the building and I was right. A few seconds after, I saw a guy running out of the building. He looked around like he was searching for someone.
Wait, he looks so familiar to me. When I realized who he is, I gasped. “Sir Jiro?” I whispered to myself. What was he doing there? Did he do something to Jaira?
What the hell was he doing here?! Why is he even here when I didn’t even see him enter the building and why isn’t Jaira getting out of there! Should I go now or should I wait?
Right when I was about to make a decision, the Dirigeants came running to the building that they didn’t bother to look at their surroundings. I decided to wait for them to come out since they haven’t noticed me yet.
“JAIRA!” I heard one of them screamed. The sound of their shoes made me realize that they were in a hurry to get to her. What exactly happed to her?
After a few moments, I saw Hiro, Geoffrey and the rest of their gangs running to the building too. Did something bad happen? Wait, I was here the whole time but I didn’t notice anything suspicious. If someone will go in the building I would definitely notice it. I would have even stop reading because of them.
“Jaira!” I heard one of them yelled again, but this time I can already tell who it is. It’s Hiro and something definitely happened in there.
Some of them stayed outside the building to be on guard. They weren’t noticing me probably because I am wearing all back and it’s getting darker by the minute. That’s why it’s getting hard to tell if anyone is in here.
“There’s the ambulance!” I heard Yves said when they heard the siren. I looked at where the sound was coming from and I saw that there is ine ambulance and a van coming in our direction. The lights were blinding, good thing this tree has thick leaves.
“They’re inside, please hurry.” Yves said to the ambulance paramedics. Another one of them were talking to the persons inside the van.
“When they get the person alive out of there we will start our investigation.” The person who got out said. What?
When they all got out of the van, I noticed that they were starting to prepare their white protective gear. Wait…. Are they forensics? Did someone die again?! This is ridiculous! Why do they keep on killing a person!
A few minutes later the paramedics
A few minutes later the paramedics went out of the building while carrying a stretcher. Jaira! Oh my gosh! Jaira was laying there unconscious! Hiro was following them until they got inside the ambulance. He also went it to accompany his sister. Vincent, a Dirigeant also went inside to come with them.
“It’s Hannah.” Yael said. Everyone got out of the building and was just staying outside.
“What? A hacker?” Eric asked. A hacker? Oh my gosh, I just saw them yesterday!
“Stan would be in rage! Fuck.” Blake said. Geoffrey looked so defeated. Another person died. Only one week had pass by since Yna’s death yet they killed another person. What is their reason anyway? Regardless of that, this is a grave sin.
“The hackers are the target this time. I also learned that Yna was a potential member of the queens. Who would be their next target? Us? The Ace? The Jokers?” Lenard said. Everyone sighed because of it.
Yna was a potential member? She was about to enter queens then she was killed? So, this just mean that she knows something right? Like what the receptionist said, they don’t harm anyone who is innocent.
“Let’s hope that nothing like this would occur next week or the following days.” Geoffrey said and instructed the rest of them to look around the other parts of the building.
“One of you needs to call Stan and his gang. Tell them about what happened here and tell them to go here.” Asher said. He looked so cold yet his eyes screams concern over the Hackers and everyone else. Who wouldn’t be? This is the second time that someone was killed.
After thirty minutes, a group of people arrived at the building. Stan went inside the building to check what had happen while the rest of them stayed outside with Geoffrey and Hiro’s gang. I could already tell how emotional they would be. Some are already crying their hearts out.
I can’t even leave this place because I know that they would catch me. They might even accuse me of being the killer if I show myself to them now. I’ve been staying here for too long!
“They left a code again.” Sasha said and haded it over to her brother, Asher.
“Numbers?” He said. Stan suddenly showed up. He went to Asher and looked at the paper. Since he’s a hacker, he’s definitely good with codes.
“This was in Jaira’s hand. I had a hard time figuring out what the paper was for… but she was the one holding that and not Hannah.” Sasha informed them. The others just nodded as an answer.
“Is there anything wrong in the note, Stan?” Asher asked. Stan just shook his head and focused on the codes.
“Miss Gi!” Yael said as a girl in all black appeared. She was even wearing a mask to cover her face. This isn’t the first time that I saw her but it’s definitely the first time that I saw here in that outfit.
She didn’t talk until she was really close to them. I even saw her look at me before looking at Asher. “I’m sorry to pull out Asher and Sasha from here, but I believe that we are needed in the hospital since Jaira is there. I’ll leave everything here in your hands, Geoffrey.” She said and glanced at me before finally turning around and walking away.
What the hell… she knows! She knows that I am here! Oh my goodness! But why didn’t she tell everyone that I am here? She could have call me! Oh gosh!
“We’ll leave now.” Asher said and they made their exit.
The three gangs are the only ones left here.
“Numbers and codes… this is Nihilist cipher! Hannah always use this when she wants to tell us where she is going.” Another hacker said when Stan handed her the piece of paper that was left on Jaira’s hands.
“A cipher?” I whispered to myself. Is this from Hannah herself or is it just a set up? It probably is.
Argh, I wish I could see the code so I can read it too! This is frustrating to see! I can’t even figure out what is happening because I cannot see the code!
“This is getting serious.” Stan said to Geoffrey. He nodded as a response. Everyone went silent.
“We’ll find them.” Geoffrey said, and his gang agreed with him.
“We’ll help. We need to know why they did this to Hannah.” Stan said.
“We’ll help too.” I looked at the group of people who suddenly appeared in front of the building.
Are they the Queens? I think the person in front is Jane. I can’t see her properly because they were too far back and the tree’s branch is not that long. So I can’t figure out who’s who.
“Queens.” Yael said, it was more if a greeting.
“Yna isn’t just a potential member, she’s a former Queen member’s sister. We can’t just let that pass.” The one who sait that is definitely Jane, based on her voice.
I cannot believe that she is one of the gangs when she hersef warned me about them. She’s such a hypocrite to do that!
“You guys were off the hook for the past week, huh?” Geoffrey said. I heard some of them laughed at his remark. So they had been laying low.
“We did a little break from it. Jane’s a bit emotional this week, so…” What did she just say? So their moves are depending on what emotion this Jane is feeling? Wow.
“Whoever that K is we have to find him soon. The sooner we do that, the less damages they will cause.” Jane said. The two leaders, Geoffrey and Stan agreed to her.
“Are you sure that you would participate? This is serious and dangerous, Jane.” Geoffrey said. In deed it is! Just look at what had happened to two students! K is merciless!
"Danger? Did I hear danger??" They all looked at the person who talked.
"Jokers." They said. A small smile was formed on the lips of the person standing in front.
Riley? Oh my gosh. Riley! Kylie definitely said that the leader of the Jokers and I didn’t know that it was that Riley! The Riley from my childhood!
"Consider us in this game." He said to Geoffrey and then he glaced at me. Oh my gosh, he saw me! I am in big trouble!
But nevertheless, I am witnessing an interaction between the five top gangs and if Hiro was here with them, I am sure that they would look so powerful.
“I don’t want any in my gang to die.” He joked. Wow, I didn’t know he can joke about that kind of things. They really looked like they had a mini reunion because of what had happened.
“Let’s go so we can start our plan.” Jane said and all of them started to walk away.
I was waiting for them to all get away but Riley was just standing there and was waiting for everyone to walk further from the tree.
“You can get down now.”