I sat down the couch after we sent Victoria inside her room. She was crying nonstop because of Yna’s death. I don’t know why but it seemed like she was really affected about it. She was already close to fainting because she kept in crying and crying! At first, I thought she was just too scared of what she saw but the way she cries looked like she was mourning for Yna.
Kylie sighed when she went out of Victoria’s room. She sat beside me as she massages her temple. “It’s really hard to calm her down. She’s really close to Yna because they are both class presidents.” She said.
Now, I understand why she acted like that. She was close to Yna since she is also a president of the class. Maybe Yna is a really sweet girl, that’s why Victoria looked so broken.
So that girl is a classroom president and was killed? Why was she killed? I thought gangs don’t harm students who are innocent? Does that mean Yna is hiding something in her sleeves?
I excused myself to Kylie and went to my room. My eyes widened at the sight of it.
My room is a mess! It looks like someone entered our dorm without permission and did this to my room! My clothes were all over the floor as well as my books! Who did this to my room?!
I went out and closed the door and went to Kylie’s room. When she opened it, she was already in her pajamas and it didn’t look like her room was a wreck so I just made an excuse to her and then went back to my room.
I started picking up my clothes and putting it back to the cabinet. I also checked if there is something that they’ve left here or if they stole anything. I am really scared right now but I can’t be scared of this. I am not even involved in such mess and now they’re targeting me!
I grabbed my keys and just walked out of the dorm even though we weren’t allowed to walk out of there. Maybe I’ll ask the receptionist if anyone went here when all of the students were sent to the field. I went down to the first floor but the receptionist wasn’t there. The guards aren’t there too. Are they all busy because of what had happened? But I thought they wanted us to be safe? Why aren’t there guards or a receptionist on the lobby? Aren’t they scared that someone might trespass?
I sighed, why am I even full of questions today? I think my curiousity is getting ahead of me and that’s not good. Being too curious about something that doesn’t even concern me can only get me in trouble, and I don’t like that.
I took another look around the lobby, I was hoping that someone from the staff might show up so I can ask him or her about the cctvs at the hallways. But I guess luck isn’t on my side today, no one showed up so I just went back to our dorm.
Before I opened our door, I squatted down to see our locks closely. The key hole has scratches all over it. Someone definitely locked picked. That’s illegal! Whoever he or she is, they better hide from me. I am not letting this pass!
I went back to my room and I started arranging my books again. I feel so tired already and I usually have a strong stamina. I don’t get so tired easily. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
I heard my phone rang, so I stopped arranging my books and answered the call from my brother. He usually calls me when he feels like it. But I also know that he is quite busy these days to even call me so I was a bit surprised that he did.
“Are you okay there? I heard the news.” He said. He already knows what happened?
I sighed before answering him. “I’m alright, where did you heard the news? It wasn’t even released here yet.”
How come it reached him already when it isn’t even released to the students yet? Does he have connection here? “I have my ways, Bella.” He said and giggled a little.
“Yeah, your friends that works here?” I asked him and giggled a little. “I didn’t know that they are allowed to tell their friends about the confidential stuff that this school is facing.”
“Whatever you say dear sister.” He said. I laughed at his response. I can already imagine him rolling his eyes at me.
“How’s dad?” I changed the topic. “You know you should visit him as often as you could. He’s not used at being alone in the house when mom is not around.” I said.
Dad usually works at our house. He’s the CEO so there is nothing wrong about it. His time is on his hands and he often just stay at our house to rest and work, if needed.
“He’s already an adult, Bella. You should be worrying about yourself more than him at this point.” He said. He really can’t stop worrying about me now that I am here in his alma mater.
“Stop worrying about me. Everything is fine here.” I said.
“Oh yeah? Then why did I hear that you helped the gangs in solving a cipher for that case, huh?” I was caught off guard by that. “Still there?”
“U-uh yeah. I helped. Of course. It isn’t even a big deal.” I reasoned out. I heard him sigh at the other line.
“Gangs don’t like it when other people intervene. Don’t get yourself involve next time.” I just sighed and didn’t bother to answer about it anymore.
“Do you have anything more to say? I’m quite busy.” I told him. He sighed. I can feel him glaring already. He hates it when I do that to him. He feels like I am shutting him out by saying that I am busy.
“Alright. Call me if you need anything.” He said and ended the call. Just like that, I started arranging my books again.
There was nothing missing when I finally finished cleaning up my room. I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I noticed that Kylie was watching at the sofa. I sat beside her and she offered me a bag of chips. I took a few pieces and gave it back to her.
It took an hour before we both finished the movie. I was too immersed in what she was watching that I ended up finishing it with her.
“You think everything will be okay?” I asked her. She sighed before answering my question. She looked like she’s also unsure of what would happen now.
“It should be.” She said and changed the channel of the tv. I just sighed and got up to go back to my room.
When I came back to my room, I went to my study table. I was planning to do my home works but I noticed a white paper sitting on top of my notebooks there. It wasn’t here when I left for class earlier. Did someone intentionally left this here?
Why am I sure that this might be related to Hiro and Geoffrey’s case earlier? I unfolded the paper and it revealed a series of letters. I don’t even know why I am wasting my time with those gangs. I don’t like to be involve with them but they keep on coming to me.
M E I L K . L L E S
That is what was written in the paper. What do they even want from me? I only helped the gangs in solving the cipher that was left for them. Did they leave that for the gangs to not be solved? Obviously not. It was made to be solved. Otherwise it would have been useless for everyone including them.
I starred at the cipher on the paper and try to figure it out. They really like wasting my time over nonsense things. They didn’t use the Ceazar Cipher but it doesn’t look too compicated as well.
Okay, what kind of code is this? Rout cipher maybe? Whoever wrote this better be worth my time. This is so irritating and who ever messed with my room and trespassed in our dorm will pay for it! How dare he ruin what I've organized for hours!
If I am correct about this, I need to go there ASAP. But who am I kidding? They might be waiting for me with their weapons and all. Will they kill me for helping the gangs once? My gosh, whoever they are… they’re so childish for doing this.
I got up and changed my clothes into all black. I wore a hoodie and a facemask before going out. Kylie and Victoria, were both calling my name and asking me where I am going but I just got out of the dorm without any word.
I grabbed my phone when I entered the elevator. I can at least leave a message for the both of them so they wouldn’t be too worried about me, besides, I am not going to do anything that can endanger my life. I don’t have any plans about being dead today.
To: Victoria
Don’t go out to look for me, please. Don’t look for me, I've received a letter from K. Be sure to lock the doors and don’t let anyone strange come inside. Okay? I'll be safe and I’ll be careful, don’t worry about me.
I send the text message when the elevator opened on the first floor. I looked around first before hoping off. The guards and the receptionist are still not here. That’s good, I can leave the building without interruption from them.
I ran outside of the building towards the classroom buildings. Behind that building is our gymnasium where K wanted to meet. Ha, he can’t outsmart me. He’s not going there. He will just send his minions to kill me or whatever. I am not dumb to not realize that this is a trap.
I mean, who are they fooling? Victoria and Kylie are protected by Geoffrey’s gang. One wrong move against them, they’ll be punished by that gang. Include Hiro’s gang in that list too.
This would be the first time that I am going to that gym. Kylie and Victoria doesn’t let me go there because they said that it was the illegal gang’s den and they only leave that place when our school have an interschool festival. Weird, right? It’s like they only let the school borrow the gym during that time.
Instead of brave and entering the gym without knowing what’s ahead of me… I climbed up a tree on the side of the gym. Of course, I also made sure that no one noticed what I am doing.
I carefully climbed until I reached the part where there are windows. I almost scream in frustration when I saw a bunch of people waiting for me to enter that place. They are all too stupid to think that I would enter that hell when I am not aware of what’s ahead, huh? Does that K know that his underlings are as stupid as him?
“Where the hell is that girl?! We’ve been waiting for two hours now!” One of them said.
I covered my mouth with one of my hands so I can limit the noises that I make. They were all making noises with their baseball bats and some are even holding a gun.
… a real gun.
“Where the hell is that girl?! We’ve been waiting for two hours now!” One of them said. Everyone kept on complaining after that. They all made noises with their baseball bats.
I gasped when I saw a few of them were holding a gun. Are they even allowed to carry that?! How could they even have one without getting caught?
“Can you all shut up?! She’s going to some here if she doesn’t want her friends to be in trouble!” Another girl said. She was glaring at the entrance like I was already there. She’s kind of familiar to me. Is she from out section? I could only remember some of our classmates because some of them already talked to me. But she really looked so familiar to me.
“My patience in waiting is on its limit! Why did we even get this mission from k? What good will we get from that girl? Seriously?!” Other one said. That’s right! You’ll get nothing from me! Just convince all of your gangmates to leave me alone already!
There were about ten people inside the gym now. They kept on shouting and banging their baseball bats because I wasn’t appearing in front of them. They looked so frustrated because of me.
Well, if they are frustrated then I am so annoyed with them. Do they really think that I will appear in front of them? I mean, Victoria and Kylie are protected by the gangs. How can they even bring harm to the both of them?
I was about to get of the tree and just let them be when I noticed that some group of people going inside the gym. I adjusted my position to see them better.
“Oh dear.” I whispered when I saw Hiro standing in front of his gang and they were facing those people who was waiting for me. Gosh, this is such a disaster for them.