Before heading back to our dorm, I sent Haze home. He’s not needed here anymore and I’m getting ashamed that he had to be here for me. They didn’t even need to send someone to check on me. Anthony can just call me and ask me if I am feeling better.
After sending him home, we started walking towards the dorms. Jaira and Sasha were leading the way. In front of them is Asher. He suddenly appeared when we were about to leave the hospital. He said that he’ll go with us to the dorms.
Kylie, Victoria and I walked side by side. I am in an awkward position since I am with the Dirigeants. This would be another gossip topic for all of the students here. It will spread like fire when they find out that I am with these respected people.
“Are you really sure that Shaina did that?” Kylie asked. “Shaina is such a sweet girl; I didn’t even have a clue that she has something of her sleeves.”
They said Shaina was the name of the girl who had a huge crush on Hiro aside from Trina. They also added that she was really good at making ciphers, that’s why they recognized her even if I just described her to them.
“Well, that’s expected in this school.” Victoria said and shook her head in disappointment. Shaina is one of the brightest students in our class. It’s really a shocker that she’s part of a gang that is against Hiro, her ultimate crush.
Kylie sighed again. She probably still can’t believe that our dorm was locked picked. It’s given that they thought that gangs won’t go after them since Geoffrey and Hiro’s gang are always by their sides. Looks like the gangs are having confidence because of that k.
A few minutes later, we already arrived at the dorms. Everyone kept whispering about the Dirigeants who were passing by them. They didn’t even get a chance to look at them because once they pass by, every student kept their heads down.
I opened the door since Kylie and Victoria were busy talking to the Dirigeants. They were answering their questions about our dorm since the both of them stayed here longer than me. Like always, I didn’t bother on listening to what they were talking about since they aren’t mentioning me.
I was about to walk in when I opened the door but I was frozen in my spot because of the mess I saw in out living room.
“What…” I couldn’t even finish any sentence because I am too shocked of how messy it is. When we were gone… they did this?!
“Is there any—“Kylie’s jaw dropped because of what she’s seeing.
“Hey, aren’t you goi— what the hell happened in our dorm?!” Victoria said. The Dirigeants immediately grabbed us and removed us from the door way then they went inside.
I also ran inside to see if my room was also messed up, and it is! For the second time around in just a day! They made it looked like my efforts in organizing my clothes and books are just a waste of energy and time! How could they!
After what I saw in my room, I went back to the living room where they were. The Dirigeants were busy looking around while Kylie and Victoria were just standing on one side of the dorm. Their eyes were the only one moving.
“Everything is broken!” Kylie said after looking around. She looked like she’s really confused because of what she is seeing.
On the other hand, Victoria was quiet and she was just looking around the room. She hasn’t said anything.
I have no words. The couch was ripped, the glassware was shattered. Our TV was broken! Our carpets are wet! It’s like a storm came in this room and Kylie and Victoria were only gone for a few hours!
“Check the rooms.” Asher said. I went back to my room to see if there were anything written on the walls or any paper that was left in my room. I also went to check my bathroom and I found nothing but a pile of mess.
All of my necessities are shattered on the floor and destroyed. My clothes were at different parts of my bedroom. Some of my books were ripped and my bed’s foam is ruined too. How could they?! Did they bring every single one of them to create such damage without anyone noticing?!
“AH! OH MY GOSH, MOMMY!” I heard Kylie screamed. It made me ran out of my room and enter hers. Everyone made their way to her room. She was in her bathroom door when she screamed. I went to her and saw what she was starring at.
"Give Her to us and everyone will be at peace - K."
"This is his fault again? That K wont rest until he gets her! We don't even know who's her!" Victoria said. I looked at her and then turned to the Dirigeants before dragging Kylie out of her room. They were all too shocked to move.
"Thats it. You're going to stay at Geoff and Hiro's Villa." Asher said with a tone of finality. Wait, I am going with them?
I was dragged by Kylie and Victoria towards the Villa. I was repeating that I’ll just stay at a different dorm but they wouldn’t let me go. I am not even related to any of them so why would I be a main target? I mean… I only helped them once, and I will make sure that it would be the last time that I will be involved with them but this two dragged me here!
“Don’t argue with us, Bella. Even if they let you stay at the dorm, we won’t let that happen.” Jaira said. I lowered my head and glared at the floor as if I was looking at everyone. I am so annoyed right now. Note that this is just my first week here. There are so many things that had happened already like I was staying here for a year now.
“Fine. I need my clothes.” I told them. If I can’t do anything about this set up, might as well take advantage of staying at this villa.
“We’ll let you borrow our clothes for now because your clothes need to be scanned for fingerprints.” Sasha said and left us here in the Villa.
The gangsters were still not here because of their rounds… that was according to the Dirigeants. They also told us that we are the targets of K because we are close to the Règles de Pique.
When they said that, I immediately excluded myself since I am not related to anyone of them and I was just a victim of that peron’s bullying. While Kylie and Victoria are directly related to the Dirigeants.
They probably just started with me since I helped Hiro and Geoffrey with Yna’s case. As far as I am aware, I just pissed him off because I helped them but I am not directly connected with anyone! I don’t even understand why I also need to stay in this goddamn villa!
Plus, is helping them really a big deal?! Why would they even do this to me? I massaged my temples with my hands. I can’t believe I am dealing with this situation at the third day of my stay here in this school. This is so frustrating. Why is everything happening so fast? I haven’t even got to memorize the names of my classmates yet I am already experiencing hell in this school.
“No one is going out without a company, alright? If you want to go out, tell someone. Never leave this villa alone.” Asher warned us. He looked at Kylie meaningfully after looking at us. Is it just me or did I saw that right?
“When can we get our stuff?” I asked. That’s my only concern for now. Hopefully I can also find a way to get out of this Villa as soon as possible.
Staying here would mean having to tolerate Hiro and his attitude. I don’t think I can do that everyday. Our hallway fights are enough to drain my energy, what more if the both of us live in the same roof? That would be a total disaster.
“After the examination of it tomorrow. We requested for it to be done as early as they could.” He said. Victoria and Kylie both nodded at him and I just rested my face. I can’t believe I have to wait for another day to get my clothes and books back.
He walked out of the Villa when Sasha and Jaira went back with their clothes. They handed over paper bags to us which has their clothes. I said thank you and asked where my room is. They gladly pointed it out and I went there to shower. Same goes for Kylie and Victoria.
When I came down from my room, Victoria and Kylie were already at the living room talking to Hiro and Geoffrey and the rest of the gangs. When they saw me, Kylie immediately called me over to sit with them.
“Where are we going to have dinner? I am hungry.” I said. The boys just shrugged and didn’t bother to answer me. I looked at Victoria and Kylie with confused eyes.
“Aren’t we going to the cafeteria?” I asked. That’s what we usually do, right?
“We aren’t allowed there anymore. We have our own full kitchen here. We cook our own food, f y i.” Yael said. I slightly nodded at him. Out of all the gangsters here, Yael is one of the most responsive. Most of them doesn’t really care about anything than themselves and thei gang.
“I want to know who that K is pertaining to as Her.” Victoria said. I looked at Kylie then at Geoffrey. I want to ask why she suddenly became so curious about that girl. I mean, whoever she is, I hope she’s safe and out of K’s radar.
“This is all her fault! Why don’t you just give that girl to K so everything would go back to normal.” Victoria said. My brows furrowed because of her statement. Did I hear it right? Did she really say that?
“Vicky, that’s not nice.” Yael said. I nodded unconsciously because I agree with him. It’s not nice to wish ill of someone.
“I know that everything is stressing you out, but it is still wrong to consider giving her up to a killer.” Hiro said with a hint of anger in his voice.
Instead of saying sorry for what she said, Victoria glared at Hiro. “Everyone will be at risk if you won’t give the girl to K. Her life can save us and our school from danger! She’s obviously the only solution for this mess.” She said.
I was shocked by her statement. I saw that Kylie was startled too. Is this really coming from Victoria? Is she even in her right mind? She would never wish something like that!
"Vicky, that's enough." Kylie said and even grabbed her arms to stop her from her outburst.
“Aren’t you afraid?” She said to Kylie. “They can kill anyone! Even us!” She added. Hiro and the others smirked in annoyance. Some already stood up and went to their rooms. I guess they’re offended because of what she said.
“What do you think about us Victoria? Do you really think we would let that happen? We aren’t assigned as the protectors of students for nothing. I assure you that the three of you will be safe, as well as everyone in this school.” Geoffrey said and glared at his sister. He’s really offended even though he is aware that it was just out of frustration.
“S-sorry...” Victoria said. But Geoffrey just looked at her and walked away. Victoria, on the other hand, rested her back at the sofa and massaged her temple. I just sighed at her because I witnessed how they fight as a sibling.
“Calm down. You should really rest already and reflect on what you had said. I know that you are frustrated and it isn’t different from what we are feeling but wishing something that can harm other people isn’t right.” Kylie said and tapped Victoria’s shoulder.
“Even though I only stayed here for a week, I may say your brother and Hiro’s gang can be reliable. I am certain they’ll protect each and every one of us from k. We trust them, so you should too. Besides, it’s you brother. He wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you.” I said and stood up. I went to the kitchen and Kylie followed me straight away. It was like she wanted to avoid Victoria because of what she had said.
I can understand her. Victoria needs to breathe and reflect from what just happened. What she said doesn’t only affect one person, it affects everyone because giver ‘her’ up to k means raising a white flag in this battle field.
“Everything will be fine right?” It was Kylie’s turn to ask.