"THIS IS THE THIRD TIME!" My father yelled. His wrinkles became more emphasized. He held his head and massaged it a little then slammed the table… his precious table.
This is also the third time that I got scolded for the same thing. Who wouldn't be mad if I got expelled again? For the third time and in the middle of a semester. If I were him, I would have made myself leave this household.
I raised my head to look at him. He is already in his 50s and he is still stressed about me. A grade twelve student. He's a great dad, I must say. He hasn't lifted his hands to hit me just because I made a mistake, but he always tries his best to correct my actions.
When I saw him looked I me I instantly looked away. I sighed as my eyes trail off to where his hands were. This is the first time that he looked so mad at me.
"You punched another girl! You know that you shouldn't use force on anyone unless they harm you first!" He said. I just sighed before I answer. I know he wants an explanation from me.
"She went too far this time; I couldn't hold myself from reacting to what she had said and done!" I tried to reason out and then secretly played with my fingers while looking down. I can say that I am quite nervous today, and I know why. It's because of my mom.
I had never seen him this pissed off because of what I did. He looked so stiff and tensed. I hope my brother was here to chill him out. He's the only one who can calm our dad.
Oh dear, wait till my mother appears, everything will be surely fucked up. I am certain that she'll find a way to enroll me in my brother's old school. I think she knows someone there and that person would be glad to accept me in their school because she's Gracia. The most well-known person in this country because of her background.
"You're a girl and you cause too much trouble! That girl's parents almost sent you to jail! What do you think people would say about you and our family?" He paused. "Your brother is not like that, he's more feminine that you, Bella. When will you act like one?"
He tapped the table to get my attention but I refuse to look at him. I heard him sighed and then I felt like he already sat on his chair. He lifted his hands to his temple and gently massaged it. Did I mess up big time?
I looked outside his window. I am trying my very best to avoid eye contact with him because I know that he's furious. I made the girl's nose bleed, that's why. She's so desperate to have me out of her sight. I only did her a favor; she won't see me again in that school.
"Won't you give me an explanation, at least? Don't you think I deserve to know why you did that to that girl?" He asked calmly. He's still mad, I know. He just wants to understand why I did what I had done. But I know that for him, whatever the reason is, it is still not enough to justify what I had done.
"Dad, she called me names for weeks and said to get lost. I tolerated it until she decided to involve our family! If mom only kept my sister's de—
I stopped talking because of the loud bang that the door made. Dad and I both looked at the person who did that: it was my mom. My heart started to go berserk just at the sight of her.
She looked at me furiously and walked her way to my father. Dad greeted her but he did not get any response because mom picked up the folder were my letter if expulsion were at.
I just sighed and let her read all of it. That manipulated piece of paper where they made the girl the victim of bullying.
Mom would certainly try to get rid of me by enrolling me in that school so that I can't taint her name anymore because of the things that I do. Argh, lucky me.
After reading it, she looked at me again. "Are you serious?" She said. I just stood there and stared at her. She won't need any explanation from me. She's close-minded.
"Mom I-
I pursed my lips when she looked at me furiously. "You punched your classmate in the face and made her nose bleed, then you refuse to give her an apology?! Then you got yourself expelled again?! Bella Gisella Montenegro are you out of your right mind?!" She yelled at me. I saw dad held mom's arm to prevent her from going to me. I looked down and played with my fingers again. She's the worst when she's angry.
"You are the worst! Your brother doesn't even lay any of his fingers to anyone!" I sighed. She compared me again, don't they realize that I am not my brother? They didn't even ask for my explanation—well, dad was the only one who asked for it.
"That's it! I'm going to enroll you in that school! Whether you, your dad, and your brother like it or not. You are going to study there for the rest of the school year and your college life!" She said. I slowly nodded in agreement since I can't argue with her anymore. The last time I was expelled I promised her that it would be the last time but it happened again.
"Love, isn't that too cruel? Can't she transfer in college?" Dad asked. There's no point in asking that. Once mom made her decision, it's already fixed and you can't make amends on it anymore.
"No! Don't you even try to convince me! That daughter of yours needs to know when to use her strength on other people." She said and walked out of the room. Dad followed her. I was left alone in the office. She spoke so confidently like the school would help me control my temper more.
A few minutes later I decided to leave the office too. I went straight to my room to pack my things. Mom certainly has the papers done already. I know she already asked for it. She's just waiting for me to mess up again. I sighed at that thought.
"That's what I get for ruining her name!" I whispered to myself while packing my clothes.
Funny enough, my brother appeared in our house tonight to convince our mom to not enroll me at his former school. He came before dinner and went straight to mom. I was in the living room when he arrived. He didn't even have the time to greet me because he was too occupied.
I can already hear them talking on the second floor's hallway. Mom is already ignoring Anthony, my brother. She's just casually walking down the stairs; she doesn't even look at him! Seems like she's truly determined about sending me to that school.
When mom reached the first floor, she grabbed her keys and went to the front door. Before going out, she looked back at my brother. "Your dad didn't convince me; you cannot change my mind also." Then she went out.
Anthony sat beside me and glared at me. I only gave him the 'what' look and got back to watching the television. He sighed and sat beside me then reached for my chips at the coffee table.
"You messed up incredibly, Bella." He said. "Do you even know how much I tried to not get you enrolled there the last time?! Why did you even have to punch that girl in the face?!" He asked.
I covered my right ear because he was yelling at me like I wasn't beside him. "Can you lower it down? It already happened. Besides, you graduated there so what's wrong with it?" I said and rolled my eyes at him.
"You're not suited there." He just said and sighed.
"Nothing will go wrong. What are you nervous about?" I said. He just looked at me with disbelief and stood up. I followed him with my eyes. He was going to the kitchen so I just continued watching.
Mom and dad are out of the house so I'll probably eat alone again since Anthony is already eating. Whatever, I'm used to eating alone anyway.
That is what was written on its gate's arc. The walls were high, the gates too. On the two posts, the letters S and U were engraved. Wow, this university must be no joke, huh? All I know about this school is that it's a school for exclusive persons like models, artists, and even children of successful businessmen. I don't know much about it since it barely appears in news. They keep this school very private. There is not a single problem here that was exposed to the media.
"Mom, are sure about this? Are you serious about enrolling her here?" My brother asked. He was at the house earlier. He said he wanted to go with us. He's just hoping that he can change mom's decision while we're on our way. That's impossible. He is impossible.
"Why are you so afraid for her? You graduated here, Anthony." She said. I wanted to laugh at my brother's face because I felt like he's been burnt by mom. He's honestly weird at times. Mom has a point, he graduated here so why is he so afraid?
"Cut it out, Anthony. We're already here and I am already enrolled. So just wish me good luck." I told him. He glared at me while mom smiled. Does she think that I enjoy her decision? Not even a bit! This place is like a dungeon. No one is allowed to get out unless you have special permission from the principal, dean, president, or whatever you call them.
"I'll go now, see you!" I said when our driver placed down my luggage. I brought two luggage full of clothes, books, and other essentials.
Mom nodded at me and kissed me goodbye. Anthony just nodded and waved at me. He looked so defeated to see me entering the school. Why is he even sacred that I'm going to study here? I am so confused about it.
I turned my back at them and walked towards the buildings. No students were walking around the parking lot so I assume that they're in class. It's the middle of the semester already so I guess their busy listening to the teachers.
"Geez!" I said and held my chest. I feel like my heart is about to jump off my chest because of her. "Can you not appear like that?" I asked the girl. She suddenly said hi when I was about to enter the building.
"I'm sorry! I thought you noticed me." She said and smiled. "I'm Jane, by the way. Our student body president could not attend to you so he sends me instead. I'm the secretary of the student council." She added and held her hand out for me to shake.
I shook it and looked at her. "So, you're here to tour me inside this university, I assume?"
"Bingo!" She exclaimed. Her excitement annoys me. She seems like she's full of energy but she also looks like she's too annoyed because of me. What is she?
"But I don't need to do that, I just want to know where my dorm is at." Sabi ko. She nodded and still managed to smile at me despite my rejection for the tour.
"Follow me… while on our way, I was also asked to discuss some rules for you." She said. I just look around and didn't bother to listen to her. That's basic information and I can read it in the manual too.
She suddenly stopped walking so I stumbled because of her. She was in front of me, and I was just following her. I was not looking at her because I was busy looking around the grounds of this school, then she stopped! What is her problem anyway?
"Are you even listening to me?" She turned around and asked. "I keep on talking here and I don't even receive any questions or comments. Are you always like that?"
I just smiled at her. "You're cute but no, I don't listen to those things and yes; I am a quiet person," I said.
She rolled her eyes at me and sighed. "No cellphones, laptops, and other gadgets outside the dorms. You can only bring out your laptop if you have the special slips that the teachers give when you're going to report or your research. You are not allowed to stay out of the dorm if it's already ten in the evening. Breakfast is served at seven in the morning, classes usually start at nine. Lunch is at noon and short breaks are given in between subjects and classes end at five. Dinner is served at seven pm in the dorm’s cafeteria, breakfast is served there too. Only our lunch will be served at the school cafeteria. You'll receive your school uniforms, p.e. uniforms, and your food card later at the registrar; you can go there after you drop off your things at your dorm." She said and entered a building. I followed her there.
It was a bit difficult to climb up the stairs since I have my luggage with me but the guard at the dorm was fast enough to notice that I am struggling so he came to help. Jane was already at the reception. She got my keys too.
"Your dorm room is on the third floor and you have two roommates." She said and handed me my keys. "Please help her with her stuff." She said to the guards. One of them nodded at her. She's known here, huh? Well, of course, that's already given since she's the student council secretary.
"Thanks," I told her. She nodded and turned around.
She was about to walk away but she stopped. "Ah! I forgot." She said and turned around. "Make sure you don't piss off the gangs." Then she went on her way.
I was so caught off guard by the word gangs. Did I hear it right? Are there gangs here? As in groups of people who get together as an organization?
"Ma'am?" The guard called my attention.
"Let's go." He said and I just nodded at him. He walked first and I just followed through.
"Thank you, I can manage," I said when we reached the elevator. He just nodded and handed me my luggage then went back inside the elevator.
So that's why Anthony doesn't want me here. That's why he didn't stop convincing mom to not transfer me here. It's because of them… the gangs.