Blushing, she made a coffee for herself and went to the living room to watch while waiting for him. But she can’t stop to glance at him secretly, admiring how he looks good in his morning look. His hair is a bit wet and it is still covering his attractive eyes. It is her first time to see him in the light and he is more stunning than in the morning.
He is even attractive by just the view of his back with his broad shoulders...
He is really attractive, day and night, there has to be no question in his look.
"The TV is more entertaining, Natsuka.”
And now she just realized that Hazaki caught her watching him. And she knows how embarrassing it is because she doesn’t even know how she looks while almost drooling with her fantasy.
"Y-Yeah… ha.ha.ha” Her heart is pumping crazy and she doesn’t know how to face him anymore.
“The show is more entertaining… so yeah... I'll watch. I'll watch a show… y-yeah." And she doesn’t know what she is saying now. She bit her lips, hiding the view of her face to him because she is so embarrassed now.
How could she get caught in that moment? Damn. How embarrassing!
She take a look at him and their eyes met, making her hid her face again as she heard him laughed.
This is the result of being friends with him, Natsuka!
They talk about her life last night that they got immediately friends. And now that he is comfortable with her, he had the nerve to tease her.
"Do you have a work today?"
The kitchen is not that far from living room so she heard him.
"It's Sunday so I am off." She answered as normal as she could, watching a show for nothing.
"Can I ask what your work is?" She heard from him.
"Just an employee in a company nearby. How about you? Why did you migrate here?" She put down the coffee she just sipped and looked at him.
"I have a mission to accomplish."
She nodded. "What is your work anyway?"
"Let’s say, I am working in the palace." He answered, stirring something in the pot.
"Palace? Are you a butler? A Knight? A royal guard?"
This time she is looking at him, excited to know what work will he be doing. Working in the palace has always been good and interesting. People look up to them like they were all high class people.
He is already imagining him to be holding a sword and fighting for his country. That would be so cool and amazing!
She saw him stopped stirring and turned to look at her with a scoop on his hand.
"No. And I am searching for my mate."
She got silenced as her eyes landed on his. It was like everything has stopped.
"What kind of mate? Do the people in palace need a mate?" She asked for more information.
"It is my mission."
So he is here in this village to find his mate? That’s a bit nerve racking.
She nodded as an answer and turned to look back at the show.
Does the 'palace' he was referring is the Palace of Yanderes? Just thinking about that palace, it is creepy.
But what palace did he come from?
"What palace were you working?" She looked at him.
"I came from the Palace of Fog." He answered, preparing the food he made for serving.
Her eyes went wide.
Palace of Fog?