Their eyes met again. She was so confused and he remained blank.
"Why are you leaving?" he spoke, calm but there is rage on it.
"I need to leave Hazaki.", she answered, looking back at his darkened eyes.
"And leave me alone?"
She was a bit stunned and then her brows furrowed.
"What are you saying?"
"The palace has informed me that you want to leave. I rushed to finish my work to stop you. So please don't leave me, Jilianna. Don’t stay away from me again." he walks towards her, his eyes were gentle now.
She wanted to believe that this is happening but this must not be true. This isn’t real.
She walks backward before he could close their distance.
"You don’t like me, right? So what's the point of staying with you? You will just break my heart every time you make me feel that I am only a friend.” she paused and looked away. “I don’t want to assume, anymore, Hazaki. I don’t want to stay with you -
And she was cut with his lips covering her mouth. It was aggressive and full of hunger and obsession. He was pulling her close as he devoured her mouth and nibbled her lips.
She was so shocked at that moment because it was becoming like what happened in her dream. She was confused whether to believe that this is really happening. She couldn’t stand it. She wanted to make this real. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.
They bussed with all the hunger they are feeling for each other. He wrapped his arms around her waist before leaving her lips as his lips go down her neck. He stung his fangs on it as he sucked up her blood. A loud moan escaped from her mouth, feeling him sucking up her blood.
It has always been painful to be pierced by his fangs but it feels so good when he is sucking her blood. She whimpered when his tongue played in her skin. When she felt him satisfied after licking her neck, she pulled his hair up, and captured his lips grinding her body to him.
When their lips parted, Lianna jumped into his body, wrapping her legs around his waist. Their eyes met. This is a familiar view.
He is looking up to her eyes as she is doing the same. The looks in his eyes is wanting more to her and this is the best view she has ever wanted to see. ‘Him getting hungry of her.
"Your eyes are turning red, Jilianna."
"Huh?" she was confused.
"Your X blood is awakening." he beamed.
"What?" she was still confused to what is he saying.
He looked at her lips then back to her eyes.
“I just...
love you, my silent x." and then he captured her lips again, with her in shock. So…
that dream wasn’t a dream?
She broke the kiss, making him grimaced. She cupped his face and leaned close.
“When did you find out that I was silent x?”
“That wasn’t a dream, Jilliana.”
This couldn’t be real.