At this very moment, Lianna and Hazaki were filled with complete silence after what happened, back in that forest. They are still on their way to the palace and the road is covered with thick fog. There is not even a sight of forest because of how thick it is.
After several minutes, the car enters in a huge metal gate after the watchers bowed their heads. Lianna was looking up to see how the place would look like but she could only see the classic wall lamps because it was completely covered with fog. She could only see the large fountain they are passing now, and there was a huge garden on the other sides.
The car stopped in front of the palace as Hazaki went out to open the car’s door for her. She went out the car as she looked up to this massive classical architecture carved with a legend’s hands. Since she was this close, she could clearly see how elegant the palace is. This is beyond her expectations. Of all the palaces she had seen, this is the best one. This doesn’t look like a palace, this is a kingdom!
"Is... this where you... work?" she looked at him, while caressing her own skin because she’s feeling cold. She could feel the weakening of her legs because of what happened earlier.
He nodded as he took off his blazer and put it on her.
“Let's get inside? It’s cold." he put his hand into her back as they walked together to the grand door of the palace.
Two guards pushed the golden door and everything inside appeared in her eyes. She couldn’t blink her eyes just by the sight of the chandler that shines like diamond. It is an antique palace with all ancient furniture!
She was so mesmerized by the whole place that she didn’t even realize that she’s walking in the red carpet.
At that moment, she composed herself.
He let out a laugh as she realized that she is standing still and everyone in the surrounding is bowing their heads. He put his arm around her again as they continued walking. She blushed after seeing that they are walking in a red carpet and it makes her feel like… they are going to get married.
But then confusion strikes her. Why are they bowing their heads to them?
They started to walk upstairs and she is looking at their back where the servant-looking people are still bowing their heads.
"Hazaki, are you really a guard or something?" she then asked out of curiosity. So then, he laughed.
“I’m not."
"Then what? An official? A butler? Are you a prime minister? I never imagined a prime minister as young as you. Don’t tell me you're old?"
"I'm not a prime minister."
"Then you are the prince?” she chuckled. “I can't imagine that."
Hazaki smiled as they stopped into one room. "This will be your room, my young lady." he then opened the door in front of them, making her gaped with the appearance of a Princess’ room. But this must be the guest room of this palace. There is no way she could stay in a Princess’ room.
"Are you sure this is a guest room? It looks like a princess' room." she looked up to him.
"Yes. It is a Princess' room."
She gaped. "W-What?? Then why are you lending it to me? Isn't it unlawful for the King?"
"It is a personal order from the king to lend you this room." he beamed.
"Then, how about the Princess?"
He laughed.
"You really don't know about Palace of fog.
Jilianna, there has been no Princess and Queen in the Palace of fog.” he smiled before slightly pulled her inside the room.
"I really enjoyed my day with you, take a look at your room.” he smiled to her before closing the door behind her.