It almost slipped through Alexa's mind , she then vividly remembered she had to call sir James she quickly took out her mobile phone and called him.
She rang the first time , but then the call went unanswered . When she rang the second time, Sir James's wife answered.
"Hello , " Alexa called.
A weakening old but smooth voice answered. "Hello, who is this please," she answered.
"My name is Alexandra Ma'am, a workmate of Sir James here at Tiger Shark," she replied.
"Alright miss ,How may I help you? ," she calmly asked.
"Oh nothing really ma'am, I just called to check up on him , how is he doing," she nervously said.
"Oh that's so nice of you miss, thank you , you see ever since he fell ill , nobody has ever called to ask how he is doing," She explained.
"Really , I am sorry about that ma'am , but if you don't mind , can me and my friend come and visit him later today ?" she asked.
"Oh of course sweetheart, you are welcome. I'm sure he will be glad to see people from his work visit him , I will just send you the address , " she said.
Alexa's face Brightened up , she was worried that sir James's wife wouldn't allow her to visit him.
" Alright ma'am ,thank you," she replied with a wide smile on her face as she slowly hung up the call.
She immediately called Kim and asked her to meet up with her in the hallway. Alexa's shift ended early because Mr Michael had to go to the meeting just after lunch , so this gave Alexa a chance to inform Kim about her plans to visit sir James later.
Kim quickly came running through the hallway to meet up with Alexa ,she didn't have much to do at the factory .
" Hey girl "Kim said to Alexa, who seem to be so lost in her thoughts,
Alexa got startled by Kim's voice, " Hey ,what took you so long being waiting here for hours, " she jokingly said as she lightly pitched Kim's checks.
" oh come on , I came even before you called" she said while joking back.
She Wondered why Alexa had called ,"hey , why did you call me out here?" She said,
"We are going to visit sir James later today after your shift," she said .
Kim in wonder again couldn't figure out how Alexa was able to find out where sir James lives.
" How ? Do you know where he stays ?" she asked .
"I got his contact from Greg , and I called him , but it was his wife who answered and gave me the address," she explained briefly.
"Oh I see, sure, but for now I still have work to do. I will see you later, girl,"she said .
" Yes run along now , see you later ," she said as slowly walked away.
Alexa went back to her open office , and continued to read about the company's history ,
As she was busy going through the history book, surprisingly , She had not seen her parents name being mentioned in the company's history book ,
It was like the history started when Luciano stole the company and went ahead to make his own history . This made her completely sad and she was even more determined to carry out her plans of taking over the company and changing its history.
Hours flew in , everyone's shift ended. Alexa and Kim quickly met up and got into a cab without wasting much time ,they reached their destination and looked around, the address she was given was just across the street. They quickly crossed the street and rang the fence bell.
A young girl came out dressed in a maiden uniform and Sir James's wife's Mirriam followed behind and welcomed them into the house.
Jovial Mirriam, as she was called , was very happy to see people visiting them; they never received visitors, especially those from Sir James's work place despite him working for many years at the company.
"Good evening ladies , please feel at home ,let me go and fetch my husband," she calmly said while serving them soft drinks .
"Thank you ma'am," the girls replied at the same time .
"It's such a beautiful house ," they whispered to themselves while nervously looking around the living room .the living room was warm and nicely arranged .
Sir James came out.He didn't know who the visitors were even after his wife told him that it was actually Miss Alexandra ,it seemed like his memory was slowly slipping away from him due to his old age. Upon seeing Alexa's face ,His memory clicked back immediately.
"Hello girls , how are you?You are welcome ," he happily said as he struggled to sit down.
" We are fine sir , glad to see you doing well today ,by the way this is my friend Kimberly , she just started working at the factory today," Alexa replied .
" Nice meeting you Kimberly, sure I am doing well today just taking my rest as instructed by my doctor, " he explained.
His wife Mirriam joined them and sat beside her husband.
" I guess you have already met my lovely wife Mirriam , Darling, meet Miss Alexandra Williams ,my former workmate and this is Kimberly, her friend," he said while tangling his hand around her neck.
Surprised, Alexa smiled before she could ask him why he said former workmate.
" It's nice meeting you ma'am Mirriam , sir. Why did you call me your former workmate? Have you stopped working at the company? " she anxiously asked.
" Yes my dear ,I no longer work at the company ,I resigned. You see, my vision and memory are slowly giving up on me and my body can't handle work anymore. I actually applied for resignation even before you started working at the company, it was just recently approved by Luciano ," he carefully explained.
Alexa's face saddened ,she didn't want sir James to stop working ,he was the only key to finding out the truth .Kim mercifully looked at Alexa and quickly held her hand to assure her that things were going to work out eventually.
"This is really sad sir , I guess we won't be seeing you now ," she said with sadness on her face .
Ma'am Mirriam looked at the girls and saw how unhappy they looked. After hearing that statement from her husband she quickly stepped in to help the girl feel better.
"Oh no my dear , you can be coming to visit him here anytime you want don't worry its
not like he is going somewhere far away," ma'am Mirriam said.
"Yes sure , you are welcome here feel free to drop by anytime you want our door will always be open to you, sir James added.
This put Alexa and Kim at ease , at least they knew they could visit anytime and continue with their plans.
" thank you so much ma'am ,sir ,will we definitely be visiting , right Alexa? " Kim quickly said.
"Of course we will definitely be visiting," she replied with so much reliefness.
They all laughed out loud after Alexa's reply , Alexa then sincerely wondered if sir James had children , they didn't talk about their children .
" ma'am ,sir am sorry to ask , but do you have children?" Alexa asked.
"Oh no my dear , it's sad that fate never gave us a chance to experience parenthood .'' he sadly said.
" Yes dear , we don't have children but we are happy, you know , and we are grateful for the love we both have for each other ," Ma'am Mirriam added.
"Oh that is so unfortunate," but you two indeed love each other. We can see that, Alexa replied while Kim nodded her head in agreement to what Alexa said .
Time flew in so fast and it was night already the girls still had to go for work the next day so they needed to go home and rest , but Alexa needed to use the restroom first .
" Excuse me , can I use the restroom," She kindly asked .
" Sure dear," Ma'am Miriam answered . She quickly called one of the house help to show Alexa where the restroom was.
They passed down the hallway which was filled with different kinds of pictures both old and current ones. Alexa became curious, she really wanted to look at the nicely arranged pictures but also wanted to go to the restroom ,
She hurried into the bathroom like a person who has been persuaded by a masquerade and came out as quickly as she could just so she could have some time to look at the beautiful pictures.
As she was looking at the pictures , she spotted a picture where sir James ,his wife and her late parents were, the picture looked like they were celebrating something , a gasp of surprise flashed on her face ,she couldn't believe what she just saw "this is so unbelievable , sir James knew my parent ," she whispered to herself while unknowingly smiling aimlessly .she couldn't control her smile of joy which was filled with few drops of tears, Alexa realized how much she had missed her parents .
After a glimpse of other pictures , she quickly spotted another picture where her late parents and sir James were but this one had a lot of people including her uncle Luciano and her late grandmother who looked like they were also celebrating something , they were only two pictures where are patents where the rest where their family pictures and others were for him and her uncle Luciano.
After a long look at all the pictures, Alexa then realized that it was getting late the night already clicked in she quickly went into the living room I guess it was time to go home , but of course Alexa wasn't going to leave without having her questions answered, at least not after she saw the pictures of her parents on the wall.
She came in and sat down . " You have quite beautiful pictures , and they are nicely arranged, ma'am Mirriam, " she complimented.
"Oh thank you my dear , those are the only things that remind us that we were once young, you know," Ma'am Miriam jokingly said.
"But who are those people on one of the pictures where Mr Webster is and someone who looks just like him , are they twins ?" She asked as she pretended not to know anything.
Sir James slowly looked at his wife ,their eyes met and Ma'am Mirriam quickly gave him a go ahead signal .
"Oh that , that was 20 years ago , yes Luciano had a twin back then , his name was Leonard and the Beautiful woman he was holding was actually his wife , but they are no longer with us ," he briefly explained.
Alexa and Kim looked at each other and then both looked at sir James, Alexa was not convinced over sir James's explanations but she also knew that he.needed to rest.
"But sir, what were they celebrating ,was it someone's birthday ?" Alexa asked.
Ma'am Mirriam jumped in; she hoped she could explain better than her husband but again wondered why Alexa was so interested in the Websters.
"Oh no my dear ,it wasn't somebody's birthday , it was actually the day Leonard Webster was lunching the company ," she said .
"Oh okay ," Alexa said . Just as Alexa was about to ask another question, Kim immediately stopped her by interrupting her and said they were about to leave.
They said their goodbye and quickly went outside, sir James and ma'am Mirriam saw them off.
Sir James and his wife remained wondering why Alexa was asking them about the Websters and why she seemed so interested in knowing everything about them.
Alexa and Kim knew that sir James and his wife where hiding something , They both knew they were so close in finding out the truth but Alexa wasn't happy that Kim stopped her from asking the last question .
" But Why did you stop me from asking another question Kimmy , we were so close in finding out the truth" she nagged.
"Oh come on lexa, they were getting suspicious of us, couldn't you see that , that's why I stopped you. Besides, there is still time to find out the whole truth, relax girl, " she explained while holding Alexa's hand.
Alexa signs " you are right Kimmy they might not answer us the next time we ask them I guess I was too much," she said .
" You see , so let's just go home and rest. We still have work tomorrow, " Kim said as she dragged Alexa by the hand.
Alexa and Kim quickly rushed home , they were so tired ,they reached home , they had dinner that night and fell asleep while telling each other fun jokes .