As the day breaks , Alexa and Kim sat on their small but comfortable bed . They were both lost in a happy conversation . Alexa's mood suddenly changed.
She became so anxious and impatient, it was a Sunday already and the call she has been waiting for hasn't reached her yet.
"Why are they not calling ?" Alexa asked. with worry on her face while moving back and Forth.
"Calm down Lexa, the day is not yet over , just be patient," kim replied.
As soon as Alexa sat down , a call came from an unknown contact. ring ! ring ! The sound went off. Alexa quickly picked up the call .
"Hello , Hello, " Alexa called with calmness in her sweet voice.
" Hello you silly girl " Maggie on the other side of the call answered .
Alexa couldn't tell her emotions ,she didn't know whether to be happy ,disappointed or sad .She was not expecting a call from Maggie, her best friend back in the province. She was expecting a call from the company .But her mood quickly changed.she was glad Maggie called after a few weeks of being apart .
"Hi Maggie , how are you and Aunt ? Have missed you guys so much . " Alexa asked with a smile on her face.
" We are doing great , how are you ? How are things? Have you found your monster uncle ? How is it going?" Maggie asked with curiosity.
" Hey , relax girl, one question at a time .
I haven't seen him yet ,but have already applied at the company, though it seems it won't work out , they haven't called me yet. Alexa explained.
" Oh they just have too , if it doesn't work out find another way, and sorry I don't have a phone right now , I had to come by the station just to talk to you using a pay phone." Maggie replied.
" pay phone? , where is your phone ?" Alexa asked.
" It suddenly went off ,but I promise to save up and have it fixed or even buy a new one don't worry ." Maggie said.
"Oh you silly thing , will miss talking to you, have it fixed as soon as you can," Alexa replied.
" I have to hang up now, I don't want my bill to reach more than I can afford. Call you soon, my silly friend, always take care ." Maggie said.
" Alright Mag , please say hi to Aunt and always take care, love you." Alexa said while cutting the call.
Alexa quickly hung up the call and sat down in frustration, She needed to think of another plan ,in case the one she had didn't work out.
"That was a long call , who was that?" Kim asked.
"It was Maggie, my best friend back in the province. "Alexa answered.
" don't worry , we will think of something .
It will work out, Kim assured.
Hours went by, the sun went low , it was evening already . The girls were about to head out and get something to eat.
A call came in on Alexa's phone, with an unknown number. But Alexa was not as anxious as she was on the first call .It was almost like she had already given up on getting a job at the company and was busy thinking about another way of getting into the company.
She picked the call .
" Hello!" Alexa called out.
"Good evening mom, I am speaking to ms Alexandra Williams? The secretary asked.
"Speaking !" Alexa answered.
" You have been selected as one of the employees here at tiger shark ,kindly report to the manager's office tomorrow morning at 09:00 hours." The secretary explained.
"OK thank you mom!" Will definitely be there, Alexa replied with a side smile .
"We got the job Kim, '' she said with an excited face.
"I told you to be patient , didn't I ? At least now our plans will work , Kim replied.
But Kim was a little confused. She overheard the entire conversation as Alexa was speaking to the secretary. She wanted to be clear about why Alexa 's last name wasn't Webster . when Alexa explained everything to her , she mentioned her uncle's name As Luciano Webster.
"Wait , If your uncle 's last name is Webster and he was your father's twin , shouldn't your last name be Webster ?." Kim asked with a lot of confusion on her face.
"Yes , but my grandmother changed my name when I started school back at the province some years back." Alexa answered.
"Oh why though ? Kim asked.
"Well, my grandmother was one of the staff members of the school, so if she had a child, that child would not pay tuition fees. so my grandmother had to lie that I was her daughter, Just so I could get free education," Alexa explained.
" Oh that explains why your name was changed.
"Yea' now enough of the sad moment, let's go and celebrate the new job."she said.
" Yes please, we really need to , I'm starving, '' Kim said.
Kim suggested they go to the cafe where she works. Alexa was more than glad to go there , so the girls went and had their mini but perfect celebration that evening.
On Monday morning , Alexa woke up so early. She was busy smiling and listening to the sweet sound of the birds as she waited for the clock to go one round again before she could get up and start preparing for her first day of work.
She was anxious and nervous at the same time.
"I can do this , this is nothing I really need to focus on my plans, I have got this."Alexa whispered to herself.
Kim on the other hand was busy snoring and enjoying her sweet sleep. She was working a night shift that day, so she had a half of the day to herself.
At around 8: 30 am ,Lexa got out of bed and prepared herself . nothing too complicated of course she did her high ponytail and simple lip gloss on her lips ,but still looked beautiful as always.
"Kim ! Hey wake up , I am off to work now. How do I look? " She asked.
"Hmmmmmmmm .kim murmured."
"I have to go , tell me how I look, is what am wearing ok? Hurry ,I need to get there as soon as possible.
Kim immediately jumped out of her deep slumber and opened her small puffy eyes.
"Wow ,you look even more beautiful. I wish you nothing but good luck ,you can do this girl, She replied.
"Thank you so much , but now I have to run Good-bye see you later." Alexa shouted as she slammed the door behind her.
She quickly got on the first taxi she found on the side of the street.
Upon reaching ,she was told to go straight to the manager's office with the help of one of the employees there , he directed her where to go and immediately went back.
Just as Alexa was about to knock .the manager opened the door.
"Oh, come in miss Williams," said the manager.
"Sure sir, thank you." Replied Alexa.
"Please sit down ." he said.
"Thank you!" Alexa replied.
"So, your work here will be stock taking ,you will be writing down numbers of drinks made and packed before transporting them." He explained.
"Really , Thank you sir , will defiantly do my best. She said.
"Yea , so I gave you that position, you see my team wanted to give you something else .you have very good qualification and you are beautiful too." He said in a flirting manner while moving his long face closer to Alexa's.
"Really , So u gave me this position based on how I look? Asked Alexa in a rude manner.
"No ! No ! That's not what I meant, its just a compliment. He said with little fear in his eyes.
" Oh alright , am sorry I took it the wrong way, thanks for the compliment . Alexa replied.
The manager quickly handed the uniform to Alexa , of course a pair working boats, pants and a neat white shirt .
The manager called one of the factory employees to show Alexa around the factory.
The employe did as he was asked and started taking Alexa round the factory.
She immediately started her investigation right there and then as they were moving slowly around the building.
"So who is the owner of this company? She asked .
"Its Mr Webster , him and his son run this company. He answered.
" he has a son ? Wow ,so where are they usually found ? Do they come here to the factory?" She asked.
"Yes , but he is so full of himself and arrogant too, just like his father. And No Mr Webster doesn't come here and for his son , he only comes here when he wants to show the investors where the products are made from.
He answered.
" Oh, I see. Said Alexa. but where are they found exactly?" She asked.
"On the 5th floor opposite this building we are in. But factory workers like us are not allowed in that building , its prohibited." He said.
"Oh Alright." Thank you for the information, what's your name?
"Greg mom, and have worked here for almost four years now." He answered with a genuine smile on his face.
"Wow four years , that's a long time , I bet you are the most trusted employee here."
she said.
"I Guess , but there is another one who has worked longer than me here his name is sir James he has been here for 11 years now , he was the first employee here at the factory though he is planing to retire very soon he is too old to work, but he is the one who knows the Webstes very well." He explained.
"Oh really , wow sir James." Alexa whispered while nodding her head.
"Sorry! You saying something ? "Greg asked.
" Oh No! I Just said thank you for everything you are such a nice person. " She said.
"Thank you mom ! "He said with a smile .
Alexa was shown around the factory and finally given her duty post . she was glad she started work that day.