A gloomy Sunday it was for both Alexa and Kim , Alexa told Kim everything that had happened to her the previous day at work.
"Still thinking about what happened yesterday ? you are too deep in thoughts ," Kim said.
"No not that , just thinking about how hard it is going to be for me to take back the Company, I feel like I haven't even made any progress yet," Alexa complained.
"Be patient girl , one step at a time , but I can't help but feel sad over what you have gone through in the short period of time that you have worked at that company, " She said.
Alexa and Kim were both in low spirits, but then Alexa quickly realized that it was useless to worry about such a thing. She decided to lighten up .
"Hey get up , let's not mop in a corner anymore , let's go have some fun, '' she said .
" mmmm I love the sound of that , but wait , where are we going ?" She curiously asked.
" any cheap place , where we can just chill and forget about everything," she said.
"Alright and it's evening already , that makes it even better," she said.
They both got ready and went to a nearby cafe to have coffee . Alexa and Kim enjoyed their evening walking down the cold streets laughing and telling each other funny stories.
While going back home, they saw a girl who was being harassed by two pipo a male and a female just outside the restaurant They immediately went there to check what was going on.
When they reached the scene and tried to help , surprisingly it was April, her work mate who was being harassed.
"April? "Alexa said in shock.
" Wait , you know her?" Kim asked .
"Yes , she is the girl I told you about from the factory," She answered.
"Sir , ma'am ,why are you harassing my friend?" Alexa said.
April, who was standing there with shame, couldn't say a word. She suddenly went mute and kept looking down.
'Ma'am stay out of this , your friend owes us money and she is refusing to pay. She paid half the amount , she is not going until she pays the rest or we call the police," the woman explained.
"OK ma'am , how much is she owing you , here is my credit card , deduct whatever she's owing you ," Alexa offered.
Kim, who was on the other side was definitely not in support of the idea.
"Hey , are you crazy , those are your savings and you willingly giving them up, for goodness sake that girl fought you according to what you told me and now you are helping her ," Kim whispered in anger.
"Hey relax," She replied.
They settled everything , Alexa and Kim then decided to escort April and made sure she was OK.
"Thank you so much Alexa , and I am sorry for everything I did to you. I have now realized that you are actually a good person and am the bad guy," April said.
"Whatever," Kim answered rudly .
"Hey Kim , be nice, she already said sorry." Alexa said.
"It's OK April , but what really happened back there?" Alexa asked.
" Well I met a guy earlier , we talked for a while, he said he liked me and asked if we could go and have dinner, "she said.
" And you accepted?" Kim asked.
"Of course, we went to the restaurant where you guys met me and he told me to order whatever I wanted which I actually did, but little did I know he was a thief , he stole my mobile phone which was on the table and told me he was going to the restroom I Let him of course without realizing he got my phone and disappeared. You know the rest of the story right , obviously I couldn't pay the bill. I only managed to pay half of it from my credit card ,that's what happened. She explained
" oh am sorry that happened to you," Alexa said.
" It's okay , thank you so much guys." April said.
They reached the bus terminal and made sure April got on one of the buses , Alexa also took care of her bus fare back home.
"Oh Lexa what will i do with you ? OK won't say anything but now that you are done being kind , can we please go home now am tired," Kim begged.
"Yes ma'am , we can," Alexa jokingly said.
Early the next morning Alexa woke up late for work, but she quickly managed to get ready with the help of Kim and went straight for work .
"Oh my goodness am late," she whispered, as she quickly came out from a cab .
She went straight to the factory and started her shift .
April, who was standing at a distance, came close to Alexa to thank her once again for what she did .
"Hey Good morning , how did you move last night ?" April asked.
"Good morning, well not bad, the most important thing Is that we got home safely," she replied.
"So since everything is okay between us , can we be friends?" She asked while forwarding her right hand to her.
"Oh of course , friends," she said while forwarding her right hand back to her.
They both had a calm conversation while working and everyone was surprised at the factory , but held back the questions as they saw it as none of their business.
Hours flew in and it was Lunchtime already , everyone else was having lunch but Alexa gets her lunch and decided to go to sir James .It was almost like she never got a chance to talk to him.
"Knock Knock!" Alexa called.
" Come in please," sir James answered .
" Hello Sir James , how are you ? Am here to have Lunch with you as promised, " She said.
" Oh my dear , come in and sit down , I am fine and I can see that you are okay now. He replied with a smile on his face.
"Yes I am fine sir, thank you," she said while smiling back .
They sat down and started having a conversation while eating their Lunch. But Alexa couldn't wait any longer to find out something about the websters hence, she started asking the questions she had about the Webster family.
"Ah sir , is it OK if I ask you something?" She said.
"Sure my dear , go ahead." He answered.
"How well do you know the Websters ?" She asked.
"For as long as I can remember, my dear , I have been with this company for a very long time now , " he answered.
"How many children does Mr Luciano Webster have? Where is his wife?" And where does he live?" She asked.
"Well to begin with , Mr Webster never married any woman and he only has one son with the woman known as Stacy but she,s late now she died when Michael was just a young boy and Luciano was the one who took care of Michael after his mother died and he lives not too far away from here ,"he explained.
Time wasn't on Alexa's side as lunch time was slowly drifting away and she still had more questions to ask.
" wow you seem to know a lot about the Webster family , I heard you have been with them for 11 years now," she said.
"11 years ? No my dear I have known this family for 20 years now , you seem to be so interested in the Websters my dear "he said.
" Yes sir James , I just want to know the kind of people I am working for , you know, " she answered.
Alexa was so surprised by this information, all she knew was that sir James had been with the company for 11 years.
"Sir, what do you mean you have known the Websters for 20 years now?" She asked.
Before sir James could even answer Alexa's question , Lunch time was already over and sir James had a client to attend to , Alexa got up quickly and went back to work.
" Does this mean sir James knew my father, i need to find out the truth Alexa whispered to herself.
Hours later , Alexa knocked off and went straight outside to wait for a cab. It was so cold and she could feel the sound of the wind Wavering so loud in her ears . as she was busy on her phone waiting for a cab, a man came and held her from the behind Behold, it was Daniel, the former manager.
" Hi beautiful , did you think I was gone? Hell no was just fired from the company but not from the street and now that i no longer work here am free to do whatever I want ," he said while holding her from behind.
" you jerk , let go of me ,I have had enough of you ,am going to sue you," she shouted while struggling to push him.
Micheal , who was on the phone in the opposite building came running and punched Daniel , he immediately called security on him. Then he later realized it was his former employee Daniel.
" What's your problem man, don't you know how to respect ladies? Miss are you OK ? " he asked .
" Yes sir, I'm fine , thank you but I want press charges on him," she replied.
" sure , we can go to the police station Right now , we can use my car , let's go ," he offered.
They went to the police station and Daniel was given a restraining order against Alexa. everything was sorted.
It was time for Alexa to go home , it was already late but Michael offered to take Alexa home , on their way Michael realized he had seen Alexa before.
" Have we met before ? Oh my am sorry what I am saying of course you work at my company so obviously have seen you from there ,"He said .
"Yes , we have met before , but not at the factory , we actually met in the main building , you were so angry that you bumped into me and refused to apologize," she explained .
" Oh , I remember you , the rude girl. I am sorry I just had a very heated argument with my father plus my girlfriend just broke up with me that day , that why I was in a bad mood," he said.
" Oh that explains it , apology accepted," she said.
" So can we at least be friends ?" Michael asked.
"Sure , Friends ," Alexa replied.
Michael drove and dropped Alexa home that night , Alexa was so happy that her plans were finally working as expected.