- It is not my fault. I have to feed my muscles, I smile at him.
- But of course !
- Aren't you hungry?
She lowered her head, admitting that she was a little hungry. I leaned back against the counter and she was against the bar. Proximity was definitely not his thing.
- And you say about me! I laughed.
- I'm not eating all the time.
A small amused smile appeared on his face and his eyes deliberately avoided mine.
- Come closer, I tell him softly.
She timidly took two steps forward. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her close to kiss her. I felt like I could spend my life kissing her. But this was all new to her so I really wanted to take it slow. Take my time. Because finally, it was new for me too.
- Oh shit !
Jess pulled back, laughing softly. The water had overflowed from the pan. I lowered the heat and quickly poured a bag of pasta into the water.
- It's your fault, I laughed, taking a sponge.
- Why would it be my fault? she replied in a falsely surprised tone.
- You destabilize me, I said to him, noticing with a smile.
- Well, I'm going to leave if I destabilize you.
- No, no, I'm kidding! I laughed because I knew she wouldn't leave. Sit down, it's almost ready.
She sat down at the bar that separates my kitchen from my living room and I put the plates and cutlery in front of her. I served it and we started to eat. After her first bite, she asked me a completely stupid question:
- Where do I sleep tonight?
She really thought I was going to let her sleep somewhere other than me?
- Are you really asking me the question?
She must have read the answer in my eyes because she replied:
- I have a fairly restless sleep at night and get up early in the morning. I don't want to wake you up. I can take your cousin's room, that's fine. Or the couch itself.
- No, you sleep with me Jessica. I don't mind you waking me up in the night, don't worry about that at all.
I gave her a smile to which she responded with a tiny smile. Come to think of it, I've never seen him really smile before. Nor heard frank laughter. I would like. I can't wait for her to open up a bit to me. Just a little bit.
- You won't say the same thing tomorrow morning when I wake up at five o'clock.
She took another bite and I put my fork down, my eyes widening.
- Do you get up at five o'clock on weekends?
- It depends on the times, she replied, shrugging her shoulders.
But she is crazy! It's not called a weekend if you get up at five o'clock! But hey, as long as she doesn't set an alarm clock, that's fine with me.
- Don't worry about me. You will sleep with me. And don't argue! Anyway, if you sleep in the next room or on the couch, I'll come and join you, I laughed.
- You'll see tomorrow morning, she smiles at me.
We finished eating quietly and I asked him while clearing our things:
- Well, otherwise, are you tired?
- Not really, actually.
So much the better. I could spend some more time with her. And it was only ten-thirty.
She wiped the bar despite the fact that I told her to leave it to me, then we settled on the couch.
- Do you want to watch TV? Or play Xbox? Or something else, as you wish.
I didn't really know what to offer her since I never had a real girlfriend, let's say. I didn't know what I was supposed to do with her, and I was more nervous than a fourteen year old.
- I've never played Xbox so I prefer...
- Have you ever played?
This had to be remedied. I turned on the TV and the machine and asked her to choose a game. She told me to put the last game I had played since she knew nothing about it, but no luck for her, I had played Warcraft. I explained the buttons and how to play to her and she was doing pretty well. Even though she was struggling a bit, she seemed relaxed, just like me. We didn't really talk, but I heard him laugh from time to time. I even surprised myself several times looking at her rather than the screen. Seeing her laugh was much better than a video game.
Around midnight, she was getting tired so we went to my room. I saw her embarrassed. She didn't know where to go or what to do.
- What's the matter ?
- It's that… I don't have anything to put on to sleep. I hadn't really planned to sleep, you see.
"You don't need it," I scoffed.
She glared at me and I laughed throwing her a t-shirt.
- Could you pass me some shorts or pants too please?
Even though I didn't feel like it, I gave him some shorts. She thanked me and left for the bathroom. I therefore also deduced that she is very modest. Yet I imagine that she has nothing to be. She is gorgeous, and she has a perfect body. Well, from what I've seen so far. But I think the rest is the same. But I have to stop thinking about her like that or she'll soon notice.
When she entered the room, she had a moment of hesitation, put her clothes on my chair and sat on my bed. Opposite where I was. I was only wearing shorts and I noticed that she didn't dare look at me. I lay down and looked at her. Even with a simple black t-shirt too big for her and sports shorts, she was hot.
- Is it because you think I'm ugly that you don't want to look at me? I teased her.
- You know you're beautiful, so why are you asking me that?
At the sound of her voice, I understood that she had guessed that I wanted to annoy her.
- It's true, I know it. But that you find me hot, I didn't know that.
I lay on my back, hands behind my head, looking at the ceiling.
- Hey! I said pretty bad, she corrected, turning to look at me.
- But you meant it.
- It's true… she mumbled more for herself than for me.
Jess was now staring at the wall in front of her and didn't dare look at me anymore, which made me laugh. She was blushing and looking embarrassed, like always, but she laughed softly. Her smile was beautiful.
I pulled her around the waist so she lay on the bed and straddled myself on top of her. I looked her in the eyes.
- You're hot too, you know.
- Stop, I know it's wrong, she replied, rolling her eyes.
- We say thank you when someone pays you a compliment, I smile at him.
She shook her head from side to side and I moved closer to kiss her. She didn't push me away. His hands came shyly to my chest and mine were on his cheeks, tangled in his hair, and exploring his face.
She broke the kiss a few seconds later, and I lay down next to her. I managed – with great difficulty, I admit – to get her to sleep next to me, and not opposite my bed, as she had planned.
She was really shy. But I'm going to make it less, if not more so. At least with me. No, only with me. I don't want her to go talk to other guys.
In the middle of the night, I felt her move my arm, but I put it back where it was. Namely, on her stomach. But she moved him again.
- What's the matter ? I asked completely sleepy.
- I would like to get up.
- What time is it ? I asked harshly.
- I do not know.
I straightened up and looked at my phone.