I snatched my hand from his and started running
I didn't want to give him an answer but Dave was determined
He was standing right in front of me, getting in my way
"Let me through" I said feeling mad already
"I just finished telling you something, you didn't even give me an answer"
"There's no answer for you, Do I really look like an idiot to you! I know you're trying to get close to me to spite Nick, I know you're his enemy and you I would do anything to hurt him and I won't be used in your plan" I said
"But I don't plan to use you"
"Liar, did you look at me, am as simple as a Jane, guys like you I know them and that you come to me saying this nonsense makes me feel that you only have to come after me so that upset Nick or someone sent you but I won't fall for your lies" I said angrily
"But I'm not lying Alexia, I love you" he said
"But I don't and you're going to find someone else to fool with these lies, I'm not interested"
"You heard her right Dave, she's not interested" I heard Nick's voice behind us
Nick walked up to us and held my hand looking at Dave murderously.
"Why do you like to ruin a special moment?" Dave asked
“If you call stalking a girl a special moment then you are as dumb as I thought” Nick replied
I saw the hostile look the two gave each other and quickly I got between them
"Let's stop it ok Dave please I only came here to study and I don't care what you just said now Nick please let's go" I said
I noticed the look Dave gave me before looking at Nick and then looking at me again
Nick taking my hand and pulling me away made me look away from him
I wonder what that look meant, does he know... I thought looking at the angry Nick who continued walking without saying anything
I was standing by the balcony, standing in the same place Alexia was a while ago
"I only came here to study" just remembering his words made me smile
If Nick is so blind that he can't see that girl is madly in love with him, I see it and I could use it to get back at Nick.
This bastard had taken Mary from me, he knew that I was in a relationship with him and he still slept with her and even dated her
Just remembering the last time I saw them made me so mad, they were both making out in the garden of her house and that's the same place I first met Alexia
She had cried on her way home after seeing Nick and Mary having sex
At that time I kept wondering why she was crying but seeing her today made me realize she was crying for him
She may not care about me, but I'm sure she cares about him
Nick, who I notice, doesn't see her the same way, but he cares for her and caring for her will be his downfall
I will make him suffer the same way I suffered when he took Mary from me.
"Scheming again?" Stella's voice behind me made me turn
"Why are you here?" I asked feeling stupid being surprised by Stella among all the people
"To see you of course, I did not miss to see the battle between you and Nick" She said smiling at me
"This guy really gets on my nerves" I said
"Do you maybe feel like this because of that stupid Alexia" She said
"No I'm not, I'm just so mad he must have interfered with my plan"
"And what plan is it?"
"Look our dads maybe co-owner of a successful business, that doesn't mean we have to be close too, so while you're in this school stay away from me" I said in wanting to leave
"It's Nick you want to hurt, isn't it? Well, I can help you get there" she said suddenly
"Why would you want to help me, what would you gain by doing that?"
"Let's say I have a score to settle with Alexia" She said
"Do you know Alexia"
"I knew her a very long time ago and she did something that made me swear that I would have my revenge, it was because of her that I was transferred here
"So you have an old score to settle with Alexia and I have an old score to settle with Nick too" I said thinking aloud
"Yeah, together we can get what we want, just by looking at Nick I can tell he's a fucking playboy and I'm sure he's trying to hit on me, while I'm playing with Nick's feelings, you should play with Alexia's feelings too"
"I doubt Alexia is into me like Nick is into you, you see she's in love with Nick"
"And in my opinion, Nick doesn't feel the same"
"Yes, I believe too, but with you distracting him and helping me get revenge, I will also do the same with Alexia and help you get revenge too" I said
She smiled sternly and pulled his hand
"Let's Shake Hands About This"
"Well, if that's how we're going to close this deal, that's the perfect way possible," Dave said.
"Just make sure your revenge on Alexia is as painful as what she did to me"
"And may I ask what she did to you?"
"It's none of your business Dave, just make sure you hurt him"
"Fine, I'll mind my own business as long as you make sure Nick suffers the same way I do," Dave said.
"You can count on it" She said smiling at me
"You should really stay away from Dave, don't trust him" Nick kept saying as we walked into the cafeteria to get our food
"I know Nick and do n't worry I know how to take care of myself"
"Really? It was all over you a while ago," he said sternly.
And for a moment I felt my heart beating, is that a feeling of jealousy that I feel in him
"I was just telling him I wasn't interested, so don't worry" I said
"Fine then, whatever," he replied as we took our seats at the other end.
I could feel some people staring at us and I didn't care, I was quite happy to know that Nick was jealous of Dave
While we were eating he kept looking at his cell phone
I couldn't bear not knowing what he was looking at, I asked him and his answer clouded my good mood
"It's Stella, she gave me her number and said she would call me but still nothing"
"Oh really? Why hasn't she called you yet, a lot of girls would like to be in her shoes" including me, I sadly thought
"She's playing a bit of a hard-to-get one and I like that, you know, I'm used to approaching a girl and getting her answer right away, but Stella made it clear that she didn't. was not interested
"It makes me want to conquer it and I will succeed, you can bet on it" he said with determination
Just then his phone started ringing and when he saw the caller he smiled so hard
"I'm not doing anything in particular, I'm with someone but she won't mind if I leave her and come to you" He said looking at me
"Okay, I'll be there soon" He said and hung up the phone
"Stella?" I asked making faces so he wouldn't see I was in pain.
"Yes I have to go Alexia, just help me with my plates, see you later" He said and ran away
I acted sad, watching him go, if only he would look at me and know how I feel about him, if only........
Unknown to Alexia, Dave sat on another table with his friends watching her…….