Alexia POV (POV)
"Come on, let's hurry, or we'll be late mum" I said as I finished doing the dishes
"And it's all because a special person is coming back, right?" My mom said as I undid my apron.
"Yes mum so please hurry so we can go with them to the airport to meet her I want to see her face it's been five years since we last saw each other or even talk for the last time
"Well you better go with them, I'll stay here to finish the dishes; as you care so I'll do it" said my mother
"Are you sure? I wish I could have stayed and helped you, but the feeling of seeing my best friend is eating away at me" I said
"Don't worry, you'll be fine, just go" She said smiling at me.
I went to see Frank, the driver who was about to enter
"Mr. Frank! You'll go get Nick" I asked
"Yes, I'll go get it" He said
"Where are his parents, they said they'll pick him up from the airport" I asked
"Yes, Of course, but something happened and they asked me to go get it" He said
I smiled feeling happy that at least Nick's proud mum wasn't coming with us.
She never approved of our friendship, she always took me as the housekeeper and I will continue to be that no matter how close I am to her son.
Well I'm glad Nick doesn't think the same way ever since my mom started working for them I've been Nick's friend his best friend he always said he was always locked in the big mansion and he hardly had anyone to play with except me.
He was only five and I was four when we started walking together, our friendship grew and before we knew it we became teenagers who still cherished each other
Maybe that's what Nick's mother saw and to separate us she decided to send him to the United States to finish his studies.
Then he was fourteen when I was about to turn thirteen
He had no choice but to leave at the time and although I was sad about it, I still tried to write to him, but he never replied
Then about three years ago he left school and started his first song, I wasn't surprised because I knew he loved music and I knew he would definitely make it
And he did, now he's known all over the world and he's only nineteen, a young star; I thought then that the car had stopped right in front of us
I wondered if he would still remember me, after all he is now a famous singer and he might have forgotten his best friend; and what's more, you don't forget your best friend because you've become famous.
"Let's wait for him here, he said he'll be out soon" Frank said and I stood next to him feeling agitated
Well, for two years I've been following everything he's done
Although he didn't answer any of my letters, I started following him on IG, Facebook and any social media account, I will even go out to get diaries just to follow his life
I knew what he looked like now, thanks to the media that kept talking about him, I wonder if he will recognize me
If he saw that I was no longer that best friend of thirteen years he left behind.
The doors opened and there he was walking towards us, he looked more handsome than I thought.
I touched my beating heart and felt it beat the same way it always does when I'm around
I didn't say it well? Well I'm in love, I've always been in love with my best friend
''It all started when I knew the meaning of love and I fell in love with my best friend, maybe because he had been the only boy around me, I fell in love with him but I've kept this a secret and it will continue to be a secret' I thought as I watched him move towards us he was wearing his glasses so no one would recognize him
Even though nobody recognized him, I did, he's the most handsome guy ever
He became the perfect guy, every girl wanted to be with him and I wouldn't deny that I also find him more attractive than before.
"Mr Frank" He said and kissed the driver
His parents had never been close to any of their workers, but Nick had been.
He had been close to all of us and we all love him just for that.
He turned to me and for a moment I thought he was going to walk towards me and carry me while hugging me tightly.
He's done this in the past and I sure missed it
But it never happened 'cause he looked at me and looked away
"A new worker, right? You shouldn't have brought him, I would have handled it just fine with just you around," he told Frank.
Frank looked at me and tried to speak but cut him off asking for something else
I felt like crawling and hiding somewhere
He didn't remember me, he called me a new worker, his best friend just was a new worker, It felt like my little heart was slowly expanding inside me.
I took his bags and put him behind the car and while he got in the front seat I got in the back
As he talked to Frank about things he had done in the past, I remained silent fighting the urge to shout at him that I am Alexia, his best friend.
But common sense told me to shut up, if I had been important to him he would remember me, it just proves that Nick never valued our friendship.
When the car finally drove into the estate, the other guards came to take her bags and I returned to the kitchen looking so sad.
"What happened? Didn't you see Nick?" My mother asked me
"I saw him but he didn't recognize me mum my best friend called me a new worker i said sadly and she pulled me to her
"He could have been so busy, maybe it slipped his mind, don't worry, he'll surely remember you" my mom said
“Stop trying to console me mom, there is no justification for what he did, he easily forgot about me and that was it” I replied
"My darling" mom said wanting to touch me but I moved away
"Don't pity me, that's the last thing I want right now, if he can certainly forget I was his friend, so can I, I'm going to go for a walk and then do the races" I said and quickly left the mansion
I wandered around for a while and then went shopping, it was quite dark when I broke into the mansion using the workers quarters.
I was passing through the garden when suddenly the light that had been turned off suddenly came on
I stood for a while, wondering who could have turned on the lights
Just as I was about to leave I saw him standing at the end of the garden looking at me
"hello" He said looking at me as I still felt angry about how he could forget me
I replied "I'm with the groceries sir and the sooner it gets to the kitchen the better" I said and turned to walk the other way when he called me
"Alex, is that really any way to treat your best friend, a friend you saw almost five years ago," he said.
So he remembered now I thought as I turned to look at him
He alone calls me Alex and I and I happen to only like it when he calls me that.
"Oh really? I thought I was just a new job................." I couldn't finish my sentence because he came towards me and pulled me into a fierce hug
"How could I think of you as a worker, You believed my lies and I'm sorry, all I can say now is that I missed my best friend for five years" he said. -he said and pulled me closer
I smiled and held it as tight as I could
"I missed you too Nick" I whispered back