“Do I really have to go? "I asked if I have to necessarily play with Mark and my producer
"It's for the best Nick, we have to do it to get more publicity and you never got to finish did you?" So it's just for you to go back to school" Lucas my producer said
"But I'm done with school, can't you just have another publicity stunt" I asked
"It's the only one we have at the moment, Nick, it's for your good" Mark added
"But I really don't want to go back to school" I said
"You have no choice Nick, you have to go back and it won't be a bad experience, you will enjoy every time you go there" added Lucas
Feeling manipulated, I gave up and sat in the chair
I really don't want to go to school, since I was bullied in New York by kids from my other school, I dropped out and now I have to go back?
"Which school will I go to?" I asked
Mark said "The Diamond" and I was surprised
The Diamond was the school Alexia mentioned earlier
The school she's been dying to go to is the same school I'm forced to, I thought half listened to what they told me
"So what? Isn't this a great school for you" Lucas said
"Yes it is" I said and then an idea popped into my mind
“I will only go to Diamond School if someone else enrolls with me”
"I hope it's not those stupid blondes you take around" asked Lucas
"No, not them, I already have someone special in mind and I hope you would agree to sponsor her during her time there" I said
"If that's the only way to go to this school then fine, I'll sponsor it" Lucas reluctantly agreed
I smiled thinking of Alexia, at least if she's with me, life at Diamond High won't be so boring, I thought.
"God Nick, what's up. What's up with all these secrets" I said walking into the garden to meet him
He had called me on the phone and told me he had something to tell me and when I asked him what it was he wouldn't tell me until I was in the garden with him
"Take a look at this?" He said give me a form
"What is it?" I asked
"It's a form for Diamond High up students" he said
"Why am I being given one?" I asked
"It's because you're going to study there, my dear" he said smiling at me.
"But how come?" I asked
"Don't ask how? Just seize the opportunity" he said
"But how did you manage to do that" I asked
"I just pressed a little button and they decided to give you a scholarship," he said.
I feel so happy, I jumped into his arms
"You're the best" I said forgetting myself for a moment, I started to cover his face with kisses
I was about to kiss her lips when I pulled up
I quickly pulled out of his arms and looked at the paper
"Thanks Nick" I said giving him a smile
"It's no problem, just fill out the form and when you're done bring it back to my room" He said
Your room ? You know I'm never allowed" I said
"Don't worry, Mother Dracula isn't here, so it'll be totally safe, I'll wait for her" he said and left.
Strongly I went to take a pen and filled in the necessary question in the form
It's so good to know that I'm going to attend the school of my dreams and all thanks to this crazy best friend of mine
He may be crazy sometimes and act like he doesn't care but he always has someone who is most interested in my heart, I thought as I filled out the form and started imagining myself there -down
Well, it sure looks like Mother Dracula isn't here.
I always thought of his mother as a Dracula (Vampire) myself, but hearing him call his mother made me realize that this fight between them would go really far
I got to the second floor and I could hear his voice and stuff because he's talking on the phone and his bedroom door was opened
"Yes, I know, I will see you" he said
"Mary is ancient history now, it's you I want" hearing that I stopped
"Sandra I love you for a very long time now, you should have seen it with the way I kept looking at you" He said smiling
Apart from just breaking up with Mary he already had another one in the queue and if I remember Sandra came to his party and she was with her boyfriend a friend of Nick and now Nick wants to have a adventure with her, would it be so cruel
"Are you sure, I'll see you at the hotel tomorrow," he added before ending the call.
Yeah he's heartless he's ready to take his girlfriend and not only does that make me sad but it worries me Nick was never like that so why is he suddenly like that I was thinking in standing by the door
"My God Alexia!!! What are you doing here" He said coming out to stare at me
"I brought the form" I said giving her the form
"You could have done that tomorrow" he said
"I was just so excited to give it to you today, please submit it for me and tell me what to do next" I said
"The next thing is to get you a uniform and we'll do that tomorrow," he said.
"We ? "
"Yes! We, I will accompany you to buy the uniform" he said
"There's no need to do that, I......."
"No buts ok, tomorrow at four o'clock we'll find you a uniform" he said and reluctantly I nodded.
"Thanks Nick" I said
"Don't thank me again, you will surely pay me back in the future" he said and before I could stop him he took my hand in his and kissed it softly
With nothing else to say, I quickly left
The next day I woke up excited and a little sad.
Sad because he's out with a girl called Sandra, he's having fun with their lives and also excited that he's going with me to the mall.
When I told mom about the school change and how Nick helped me
She took it calmly and also told me to lure him to the kitchen, so she could thank him later.
With that in mind, I walked out the house
We were supposed to meet there, Nick chose it because it was the best place to get a high diamond uniform
I was standing just outside the mall looking at my watch it was already past four and he told me he would be there soon but there was no sign of him
Could he still be with Sandra, I took out my little phone and dialed his number but no answer
Maybe it's the traffic, he'll be here soon, I made sure hoping it was really the traffic that held him back
I waited till seven o'clock and there was no sign of him, when I heard the door to the mall being closed I started to go home
As always Nick broke my heart I thought sadly.