"What are you saying, should he know the truth?" Dave asked looking down at me
I looked at Nick who was watching us now, if Dave told Nick then he definitely wouldn't want to be friends with me, he wouldn't even want to be close to me and I don't want that
I'd rather he not know the truth than lose his friendship
I look at Dave who was also looking at Nick
That asshole, he sure would tell Nick and I can't let that happen
Taking his hand I started running and having no options he followed me
"Hey Alexia, what are you doing..."
"Just keep running" I said and he did
When I was sure we were away from Nick and everyone, I stopped and let go of his hand
"What was all that?" He asked as he breathed heavily
"Nick must never find out, he must not know that I like him, I won't let you tell him that" I said looking at him angry
"Wow, so fierce! I like it" he said with a smile
“Just tell me what you want in exchange for keeping quiet”
" What I want ? "He suddenly asked with a serious look
"Yes, what do you want? "I already asked enough
He started walking towards me and I came back nervous
"Do you really want to know what I want?" He asked, still looking serious.
"Y....yes, I replied that I was already feeling nervous
It kept coming 'til I felt the wall behind me
I would have moved if he hadn't put his hand on the wall
"You really want to know ? "
"P.....Why are you behaving like this, tell me what you want me to do and stop..."
"You'll be my cleaning lady" he said cutting my pain
"Your what ? "
“My maid! You will meet my every need, whenever and wherever, if you agree to my lips being sealed and if not, I will just have to tell Nick. "
" It's crazy ? You don't really think so, do you? " I asked
"I mean everything I say, so tell me?" What will your answer be? "he asked me to smile at myself
"Well, I agree to be your...... Your... your housekeeper" I said closing my eyes
"It's a very good decision, Come on FM let's go to class, the way we took off earlier, people will think we're in some kind of a relationship," he said.
“They wouldn't and by the way, what is FM? "I asked
"Maid, I just made it up, isn't it nice"
"Nice foot" I said and started to leave
"Hey FM wait, I said wait" he kept saying behind me but I never answered
Later that day we were in class studying literature
Nick was sitting next to me and he didn't say anything
Could he be mad because I talked to Dave anyway?
I had a massage on my phone and watched it
"This literature class is really boring me, bring me some water, I'm dying of thirst, my FM" knowing who the message was from, I looked at Dave who was at the front
He turned around and gave me a smile, At first I didn't want to go but I remember he had my secret with him and I stood
Make the teacher and the other students look at me
"What's wrong?" the teacher asked
"I... I need to do something urgent sir, it's really urgent sir" I said holding my stomach
"Okay" he said and I quickly ran off to get Dave his water.
I came in with a bottle of water and went straight to him, put it in front of him and then went back to my seat
I knew Nick was looking at me but I pretended not to see his questioning look
As soon as the teacher left the class I turned to Nick to ask him something but when I saw his expression I stopped.
"I told you to stay away from Dave, didn't I?" "He asked
"I really want to, but I..."
"Never mind, it's your life, not mine, I've already warned you like a friend should" He said and just then the bell rang as soon as the teacher gave us his homework and left, everyone got up to leave for the next class
Nick also got up after getting a message from someone, presumably Stella.
"I already warned you like a friend should" once again he addressed me as only his friend where the hell did he put the BEST in the sentence
This all started yesterday and kinda how I feel Nick and I are slowly drifting apart...........
"Come on, let's go down the hall quickly or we'll be late for class" Jessica said pulling my hand
"Come on, we're not even late yet, so what's the rush?" Mary said walking behind us slowly
"It's so easy for you to say, after all, you're one of the brightest kids in our school, if you come to class late the teacher won't scold you while us boring people get scolded back” said Jessi
"So you're saying you're both suckers," Mary asked.
"I'm not as smart as you but I don't see myself as a sucker" I said starring Jessica and we all laughed
It's been a week, A week since I started scoring high and I would say things are going well.
In just a week they made friends, Jessica and Mary, The pretty girls from Diamond High, Well one is pretty and smart while the other is pretty and mute
They have been great friends, guiding me through the class and also telling me what to do for a particular class
I always thought Nick would be the only friend and companion I have here, but it turns out he's busy making friends of his own.
Since the day in class, Nick hardly treats me as his friend
He has no more time for me, all he thinks and talks about is Stella.
The two have been very close and although we still come home together, sit next to each other in class and talk about unnecessary things, I think we are drifting apart
We hardly follow the same course anymore and that saddens me a lot.
I thought being here with him would bring me closer to him but it turns out we're growing apart, The only consolation I have in all of this is that Stella hasn't accepted it yet.
He keeps telling me how Stella avoids talking about dating him and that he would rather she say yes
As long as Stella continues to refuse him, I can rest assured that Nick will always be single and that he will always consider me his friend.
Even though I'm sure Stella tried to stop him from being my friend, but knowing how loyal Nick is, I'm sure he wouldn't give in
"You should really change your look Alexia, the way you were smiling now lights up your face, I'm sure with the necessary stuff you would look as pretty as THE ANGEL" Jessica said as we all washed our hands in girls toilet sink
ANGEL was a Nick name given to Stella because of her beauty and the way she behaves, if only they knew her like me I thought
"Stop making fun of me Jessica, you know I'm not beautiful" I said putting my reading glasses down nicely
"Yes, you are beautiful, the only thing you miss is a change in appearance" Mary said
"You too Mary?" I said already seeing where their conversation is leading
"With the right makeup, you'll be perfect, A beauty, much prettier than Stella, since everyone called her Nick, she's been acting like an angel," Jessica said as she used the cloth to dry her hair. hands
"Well she's considered the number one beauty in our school, a lot of guys fall in love with her and that's why they gave her that name Nick, if she's so proud of the name Nick we shouldn't blame her, the only one who should be blamed is those guys who call her that” added Mary
“Bit someone on the back is not good at all” someone said behind us and we turned to find Stella and her minions behind us
"Is it a crime to be pretty or is it just jealousy eating away at all three of you," said another of his minions.
“We are not jealous at all” retorted Jessica angrily
"Then why talk about Stella?" You must be jealous because you three are so ugly” Another said
"Look who's calling who's ugly" said Mary
“Looks like these three are looking for trouble,” said the now angry first minon
"No no fight please" Stella said looking at me
"But Stella!"
"Not everyone will like you , There will always be people who hate you among those who love you and they are among those who hate me and there is really nothing serious there, I am accustomed to those who will hate me
“Bitches! "one of his minions called us
"What did you just say?" Jessica said angrily
"It's no use Jessy, let's just go" I said
"But... "
"Alexia is right Jessy, they're not worth our time" Mary said as she walked out.
Jessica followed suit and I was about to leave when Stella pulled me by the arm
“Put a tight leash on your friends I may not be able to do anything next time” She said looking at me with hate and instead of giving her a proper response I left but not before hearing from her minions say :
"Pretty, can this ugly ogre be as pretty as our ANGEL"
I left to meet Jessica and Mary not wanting to hear more
"God, I felt like kicking him in the face" Jessica said still angry
"Leave her, she ain't worth our time" I said
"She thinks she's all that because Nick always follows her around," Mary added.
"Nick! This guy isn't supposed to be your friend? Why would he talk to your enemy" Jessica asked
"Nick is someone who makes a lot of friends, if he wants to make more friends who am I to stop him" I said
"But his friendship with this Stella is not genuine, I think he loves her" said Jessica
"Enough about Nick and Stella guys, let's go to class or we'll be late" I said changing the subject
"You're right Alexia, Come on" Jessica said pulling me away as Mary ran after us.
The music lesson had been great but all that was missing was Nick's presence.
For three days now Nick has been absent from school.
A sudden call from his manager made him leave whether he liked it or not
He never told me when he would be back but it will be in a few days I thought
"We're going to the next class, are you sure you don't want to come" asked Mary
"I'm sure I'll just be in the library until you finish" I said and they both nodded.
I was walking to the library when I heard some students say "He's back, my God, I miss seeing him"
"Wow Nick looks so cool dressed in his uniform" said another girl
Hearing that. I quickly went to them "Sorry but has Nick come back?" I asked
"Of course he's back, you're his best friend, you should know that" One said bitingly
Without bothering to give them an answer, I started heading for the door
The photo I saw just now was taken by the entrance and he may still be there.
I missed him so much, I thought I ran for the entrance
The big headed guy didn't even bother to call me I thought as I kept running for the door
I got to the entrance only to see him smile at someone and when that person came out it was Stella
"You're finally back," she said as she went into his open arms to give him a hug
I stood in my exact spot and watched them both kiss fiercely
I've always been the first to know where Nick is but now it seems someone else is taking over, I thought starring the two and Dave was behind looking at me... .........