Emily's POV.
I woke up to an empty bed and realized that I fell asleep once again while watching a movie with Luca.
I jumped out of bed to get ready for school and also change my "baby" for school.
I ran downstairs and seen Jake at the breakfast table deep in thought and I thought of an idea, I went behind him and saved him, "BOOOO!" And he jumped, "EMILY." He screamed and I laughed.
He looked at me with a glare but soften when he seen me laughing, "It's been awhile since you laughed like that." He said and I just smiled at him.
"Come on I need to go to school." I said and he smirked, "Luca is taking you to school today." He said.
And I smiled, "Okay bye I love you Jake." I said and walked out to see Luca waiting in his car, "Good morning princess, I thought I'd have to wait here for another 5 hours." And I rolled my eyes, "Stop exaggerating I wasn't even that long and I didn't even know you picking me up." I said.
"Okay, let's get to school before we miss health class, did you bring Riley?" He asked. "Whose Riley?" I asked and looked at me with a funny expression, "Our child, that you named." He said and I laughed, "Oh yeah." I said when remembered.
"I'm not a bad mum Luca I wouldn't forget my child at home." I told him teasingly, he just smiled and we sat in comfortable silence while Luca drove I started out the window.
Once we reached school we still had time and Luca took this opportunity to introduce me to his friends but I made an excuse to get away, "Come on princess I swear they not snobbish stuck ups like Victoria." He said and I looked at him, "Luca I'm not a social person plus I'm fine with you." I said and he smiled, "I'm glad that you fine with me but what if I'm busy and you alone at school you'll need someone so come on." He pulled me towards his friends and I got nervous.
"Hey guys!" Luca said and they all looked at him and then looked at me.
"This is Emily David, my friend and tutor." He said.
"Let me introduce you to everyone." He told me and I nodded.
"The one with blond hair is my best friend Ryder and the one his making lovey eyes with is his girlfriend Valeria she's the sweetheart and the one to Valeria's left is Freddy the gay one as you can see the way he dresses." He told me and I looked at them and seen they all looking at me, "Hi I'm Emily." I squeaked and they al looked at me and chuckled.
Freddy came and put his arm around me and I flinched I wasn't used to people doing that to except for Luca it seemed like Freddy noticed and moved his arm right away and then he spoke, "Don't worry Emily, we not snobbish brats we actually like you as much as Luca does." He said and I smiled.
Valeria squealed, "Finally I got a girl bff!" She screamed making me laugh, "I'm glad that I'm already your BFF." I told her and she came to give me a hug.
"See princess I told you they won't be snobbish." He said with a smirk and I just smiled at him gratefully.
"We need to get to health class, we'll see you'll at lunch." Luca told them and they al nodded Freddy came to give me a hug and this time I didn't flinch i hugged him back and waved to them as Luca and I walked.
"Thank you." I said gratefully and he kissed my forehead. That's the first time Luca did something like that.