Emily's POV.
Luca and I came back to my house to watch a movie while "our child" sleeps.
I feel guilty for not telling Luca about the accident but I'm not ready yet.
"So princess, what movie are we watching? A horror or romcom." He asked.
"Definitely a romcom, horrors and I aren't really friends." I replied.
"Horror it is then." He said with a smirk and I gave him a glare, "Don't do that." I said and he smiled, "Don't do what? I just want to watch a horror movie so that everytime a scary scene comes on, you can cling on to me." He said and winked.
"Only in your dreams pretty boy." I said and turned to take out "The kissing booth"
"At least you think I'm pretty, you know princess that's just like 10 away from beautiful." And I just gave him a weird look.
"You know for a bad boy, you really weird." I told him and he just shrugged, "It's just a image I put up after my brothers, kind of like you, you always keep to yourself and you quiet and shy in school, but check you now chilling with the so called bad boy of the school, watching "The kissing booth." He said.
"I'm gonna go get the popcorn, you can go sit in the lounge I'll be there once the popcorns done." I told him and he just nodded.
Once the popcorn was done I walked in the living room but Luca was on a phone call, "Yes dad, don't worry I'll ask Emily if I can gatecrash tonight if it gets to late, dad I know you worried but I'll be okay Emily doesn't think of me as her friend yet dad!" When he said that I felt a little hurt but I can't do anything because I was the one that told him we just partners in a project but now I'm starting to re-think that.
"Relax dad and tell mum also to relax you'll on vacation to not stress so don't stress about me." He said and ended the call and turned around to look at me, "How long have you been standing there?" He asked.
"Awhile, and you can stay over tonight." I said before he could ask.
"Oh no don't worry about that I just told my dad so he wouldn't worry." He said.
"You staying over Luca, I was telling you not asking." I told him.
"Come on now let's watch the movie." I said.
I sat on one end of the couch and Luca sat next to me and put his arm around me while I laid my head on his shoulder, no there's nothing going on he's just very comfy.
Luca's POV.
"Emily I'm home!" A voice said and I looked down at Emily lying in my lap, "Emily." The voice said again and then I seen him coming to the lounge, "Who are youuu?!" He asked and I just put my finger to my lips as a sign showing to keep quiet and pointed to Emily lying in my lap.
"I'm Luca William, Emily's friend." I said with a smile.
"Luca William, was your brothers name Jason, Jason William?" He asked and I was confused at how he knew my brother, "How do you know my brother?" I asked and that's when Emily stirred in her sleep.
"I'll just take her to her room if you don't mind and then we can talk?" I asked and her nodded.