We arrived at the Party, there were people outside with drinks and happily talking. Jeongyeon, Nayeon and Jihyo were waiting outside.
"Glad you guys can make it." Jihyo smiled.
"I don't know, we don't know anyone here, plus this is where Blackpink are." Chaeyoung whispered.
"It's because it's their party, but don't worry you're with us." Nayeon gestured us to go inside.
Inside was packed, dark rooms enlightened by neon lights, people everywhere.
"DaChaeTzu!" Somebody called us.
It was Momo, Mina and Sana.
"You guys got invited?" Mina asked.
"Well technically our friends forced us to come." Dahyun pointed.
"Well come on let's have some fun." Sana pulled me to the dance floor.
I must say she's really good at dancing.
She signalled me to dance, but I shook my head and was about to walk away, but she grabbed my hand and smiled at me.
Before you know I was dancing with the most prettiest girl. We've been dancing for a long time, I was quite worried were everyone disappeared to.
"I'm going to get us some drinks!" I shouted over the music.
I went to the snack table and grabbed some fruit punch. As I was walking back, I stumbled into someone, luckily it didn't spill, but unluckily because the person who I bumped into was Kim Jisoo.
"Ugh... watch it!"
I quickly apologised and bowed.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Chou Tzuyu." She smirked.
I wanted to walk back, but she put her hand on my shoulder.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Knock it off, Jisoo." Jihyo came to save me.
"She's with us." Nayeon spoke.
"Ugh, what ever." She walked away.
"You okay, Tzuyu?" Jeongyeon asked.
I nodded and carried on walking to Sana.
"You took your time." Sana still happily dancing.
I gave her the drink and pulled me to the side where Chaeyoung, Mina, Dahyun and Momo are.
The lights suddenly turned to the front of the room where the Blackpink members are. Jisoo took the spotlight.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you all for coming here today to celebrate a new school term."
"You might be expecting us for us to perform, right?"
The crowd cheered.
"Good, but I just want to do something before that."
Everyone went silent.
Jisoo continued.
"Them three over there." She pointed right at us.
"Is she talking about us?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu... they weren't even invited, look how they want to join the popular kids." She mocked us.
"That's enough, Jisoo, they don't deserve this." Jihyo, in the crowd, shouted.
She ignored her and carried on.
"Do you know what we do to people who aren't invited... we give them a piece of our minds."
She signalled her members to us.
Rosé pushed Chaeyoung.
Jennie grabbed Dahyun's hair.
Lisa gave me a hard slap.
Everyone gasped.
She was about to give me another slap, but someone grabbed her hand.
"I don't think violence is the answer." It was Sana.
"You..." Jisoo stopped what she was saying.
Mina and Momo came to help the other girls.
"We should go." Mina suggested.
We decided to leave.
"You can't leave!" Jisoo shouted.
"Leave them alone, they've done nothing wrong." Nayeon stopped her.