"I cannot believe it!" Chaeyoung screamed.
"Yah Chaeyoung, keep quiet my parents are downstairs." Dahyun signalled to her.
We're at Dahyun's house for a sleep over.
Then I felt a vibration in my pocket.
I took my phone out and read the message.
Nayeon ?: Yah! Maknaes are you sure you can't eat with us?
Tzuyu ?: We're sure, plus something big happened when we were at the mall.
Jeongyeon ?: Oh? What is it?
Dahyun ?: You wouldn't believe it.
Jihyo?: Would you guys just tell us!
Chaeyoung ?: Mina and Momo asked us to hang out with them.
Nayeon ?: Lies!
Jeongyeon ?: IKR!
Tzuyu ?: It's true.
Jihyo ?: This is either Dahyun or Chaeyoung who's using Tzuyu's phone or it's actually Tzuyu.
Tzuyu ?: It's me.
Dahyun ?: Wait, you thought we would take her phone?
Chaeyoung ?: You guys don't believe us?
Jeongyeon ?: I mean I believe Tzuyu cause she doesn't lie and also I never thought you guys will hang out with them.
Dahyun ?: ??
Chaeyoung ?: How dare you?!
Jihyo ?: Our food is here, see you Maknaes tomorrow.
We ended the conversation there.
"How dare they!" Chaeyoung sulked.
"I'm tired." Dahyun said before she yawned.
"You're always tired." I said.
She laid her head face down in her pillow.
Chaeyoung was drawing on her sketchbook, where we were sleeping in he floor.
I browsed on my phone until I fell asleep.
Ring... Ring.
I suddenly woke up from my alarm.
"Ugh..." Dahyun moaned whilst she covered her ears.
Chaeyoung woke up and we both decided to get breakfast, both of Dahyun's parents are at work. After that we got dressed, Dahyun was still laying down on her bed.
Chaeyoung pulled her out of bed.
"What was that for?" Dahyun angrily said.
"I'm trying not to be late for school again." Chae glared at her angrily.
We arrived at school on time, we still had time till the first bell rings, so we decided to go to our class and sit and talk.
I overheard two boys conversation.
"The new girls coming today." The first boy whispered.
"I heard she's cute." The second boy spoke.
"Nah, I heard she's a bad girl."
"Wow there are so many rumours about this girl." Dahyun leaned behind me.
"I know right." Chaeyoung joined in.
The bell rang.
Our teacher came in.
"Class, as you already know there a new student joining from Japan." The teacher announced.
"Where is she?" One of my classmates shouted out.
The whole class started to talk.
"Alright! Settle down!"
The class stopped talking.
"Sana." She gestured at the door.
The door opened.
The girl walked in, everyone in the room gasped.
She's... beautiful.