"Stupid teachers." Dahyun sulked.
We were waiting at our class room so that our teacher could let them in.
"At least Mina and Momo paid attention to you." I tried to brighten up the mood.
"I know you are trying to make us feel better but show some emotion." Dahyun said.
"Dahyun!" Chaeyoung shouted holding out her hand.
"Dammit! I'm so sorry Tzuyu." She apologised and gave Chae her money.
The door opened revealing our teacher.
"Both of you inside... Tzuyu why are you here? I didn't give you detention." She said.
"I know I'm just waiting for my friends." I replied.
"Do want to wait inside, I can't believe you're friends with such bad kids." She shook his head at them.
I walked inside sitting in my normal seat where the other two sat sat the front next to each other.
"Now you guys have to wait here until lunch finishes."
For the past hour I was just looking outside the window, then I saw a girl getting greeted by the Head Teacher. I couldn't see what was going on, I think she's the new girl.
The bell rang.
"Chaeyoung, Dahyun I hope you learn your lesson." She pointed at them.
They both bowed.
"What do you have next?" Chaeyoung asked us.
"English... ugh." Dahyun moaned.
"Textiles." I replied.
We waved each other goodbye.
I finally arrived at my class. Already someone was greeting me.
"Tzuyu over here. Come sit next to me." The girl waved at me.
I came to sit next to her.
"Hi, Nayeon."
"Yah, you had me worried I thought you weren't going to come." She pouted.
"Yeah, she was about to cry." Jeongyeon teased her making Nayeon hitting her shoulder.
"Sorry, I was with Chaeyoung and Dahyun." I replied.
We started to get on with our work. I was helping Nayeon sewing her piece of clothing.
"I heard you're going have a new student in your class." She mentioned.
I stayed silent.
"I heard that she's bad girl."
"Nah, I thought she was a goody two-shoes." Jeongyeon joined in.
"When did you guys hear this?" I asked.
"From other people, I heard she's in the school now." Nayeon responded.
It must be her, that girl outside with the Head Teacher.
"Do you think it's true?" I spoke.
"Maybe But we won't know until we get to know her." Nayeon replied, still sewing her clothing.
"Anyway, you guys coming with us to the mall?" Jeongyeon asked.
I nodded.