She's... beautiful.
The class started to talk.
I overheard Dahyun's and Chaeyoung's conversation.
"Yah, is Tzuyu crying?" Chaeyoung whispered.
I realised that tears were running down my face, I quickly wiped them away.
"Tzuyu were you crying?" Dahyun asked.
I didn't respond, I kept staring at the new girl.
I never felt this feeling inside me before, my hearts racing, my hands are sweaty.
"Miss, can I be excused?" I raised my hand up.
"Yes you can, but be back-."
I ran out of the door, not waiting for her to finish.
I went to the bathroom.
"What's happening to me?" I asked myself.
I was panting.
"Tzuyu, are you okay?" Dahyun came in the bathroom.
I just nodded.
"You were crying, we've never seen you cry before." Chaeyoung said.
"I've never cried before." I continued.
"I've never felt this way before."
"What do you mean?" Dahyun still confused.
"My hearts racing, palms sweaty." I explained.
"You're in love." Chaeyoung said.
"What?! Chaeyoung I think she's sick." Dahyun was more concerned about me.
"When you looked at that girl, you felt those things didn't you."
I nodded.
"And when you didn't, the feeling was gone, right?"
I nodded again.
"Woah, Tzuyu you're... feeling?" Dahyun was speechless.
"I think I am."
We went back to the class room, the new girl sat in between Momo and Mina.
I didn't look.
"Is everything okay?" Our teacher asked.
We nodded and sat down in our seats.
For that whole of that lesson, I couldn't stop thinking of her.
The bell rang, it was lunch. As we exited Momo and Mina called us.
"Hey, guys." Momo spoke.
"H-Hey." Dahyun waved.
"Don't forget we're going hang out after school." Mina said.
"Oh... Yeah, don't worry we didn't." Chaeyoung smiled awkwardly.
"Tzuyu why don't you come?" Mina offered.
"No it's fine."
"Sana's coming." Momo said.
Suddenly the girl walked up behind them.
"You guys said my name." She smiled, I quickly hid my blush.
"Yeah, we were talking about hanging out after school, we wanted Tzuyu to come." Mina said.
"Yeah, you should come." Sana still smiling.
I nodded my head silently.
"Anyway, see you guys later." Momo waved.
"Well, looks like you're coming after all." Chaeyoung smirked.
I gave her a cold hearted stare.