"Yah Dahyun, come out already." The smol bean shouted.
We were standing in front of Dahyun's house.
"Just a minute." A faint voice came from the top window.
"I can't believe she's late again." She sighed.
"I can." I spoke.
Suddenly the house door opened.
"Come on we're going to be late." Chaeyoung grabbed her hand.
I kindly closed the front door incase someone breaks.
We finally arrived at school.
"Yah, could you stop pulling me, it hurts." Dahyun moaned.
"I wouldn't of pulled you if you got changed in time." Chaeyoung came back.
They started arguing, I stood there watching them.
The bell rang and still they were arguing, I took them by the hands and pulled them to class which was on the first floor.
"Ow, easy." The tofu talked.
"Sorry." I let go both of their hands.
"At least show so emotion when you say sorry."
"Dahyun!" Chaeyoung shouted.
"Dammit, I keep forgetting." She gave Chaeyoung money.
Dahyun always forgets that I can't show emotion, so every time she refers to me to have emotions, Chae gets money.
"You know I could buy my own house with the amount of money Dahyun has given me." Chaeyoung joked.
"It's not my fault that I keep forgetting." Dahyun sulked.
"Yes it is." I said.
She was about to say something but stayed silent.
Suddenly the teacher came in and everyone immediately sat in their seats.
"Okay everyone, I have an announcement to make." The class was eager to listen.
"We'll have a new student from Japan, I'm giving you the responsibility to take care of her."
"A new student?" Chaeyoung whispered to me.
Chaeyoung sat in front of me, while Dahyun sat behind me.
"Don't you think we have enough people from Japan." Dahyun joined in.
She pointed over to the other side of the class where two Japanese girls were sitting.
Mina and Momo, Chaeyoung having a crush on Mina and Dahyun having a crush on Momo.
And there's me who just watches them fail at flirting with them.
"Why don't you guys ask them to hang out later?" I asked.
"Ha, you think it's that easy." Chae laughed.
"Son Chaeyoung!" The teacher shouted.
She jumped a little.
"Since you were talking, please answer the question on the board."
The board reading:
Expand 2x (x + 3)
Chaeyoung went up to the board staring with the board marker not knowing what to do.
Dahyun was laughing at her.
"Kim Dahyun, you think it's funny, you can tell her what to write." She gave her a friendly smile.
"That's what you get." Chaeyoung chuckled.
"Don't think that you're off the hook, if she gets this wrong you both get detention." He crossed his arms.
"We'll go on."
Everyone was watching them.
"Um... well... you... ah... start-." Dahyun hesitated.
"Okay Stop!" The teacher gestured with her hands.
"Chaeyoung go sit down, both of you lunchtime detention and learn how to be quiet while I'm teaching." She continued her lesson.
"That's what you both get." I said.