We finished eating, all of us just talked and got to know each other better.
"We should do this more often." Mina said.
"Yeah, we should." Chaeyoung smiled.
"Anyway, we'll see you guys tomorrow." Momo waved goodbye.
We waved back.
"Bye Tzuyu." I heard Sana's voice.
"Ooh, you guys got close." Dahyun spoke.
We continued down the street to Dahyun's house.
"I had a great day with Momo." Dahyun sighed.
"Yeah, same with me and Mina-." As soon as Chaeyoung finished her sentence, she was knocked down to the floor.
"You better watch where you're going shortie." The person who pushed Chaeyoung was none other than Kim Jisoo.
She's the popular girl who made a group called Blackpink consists of Rosé, Lisa and Jennie.
I will say, they hate us, why?
It's because we're friends with Nayeon. Nayeon hangs out with us more often than with Jisoo and she is kind of jealous. So she blames us for splitting them apart even though they're still friends and we did absolutely nothing.
But most importantly, she hates me most of all because I was voted as the most prettiest girl in the whole school and she came second.
"We didn't see you down there." Rosé said sarcastically.
The members laughed.
"Hope you losers have more respect for us." Jennie smirked.
"Like we should." Dahyun said in disgust.
"Talk to the hand, cause the face ain't listening." Lisa put her hand out.
"Come on girls, let's go." Jisoo and her members walked away.
Dahyun helped up Chaeyoung.
"I can't believe them." Chaeyoung said.
"Let's go in." Dahyun opened the door to her house.
We went into her room, then I got a text from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hi Tzuyu it's Sana, Chaeyoung gave me your number.
"Chaeyoung." I said.
"What did I do?" She asked confusingly.
"You gave Sana my number?"
"Well... she did ask for it, I couldn't say no."
I changed the unknown name to Sana.
Tzuyu ?: Hey Sana.
Sana ?: I was just curious if this is actually yours.
Tzuyu ?: Don't worry it's me.
Sana ?: Cool, anyway, I had fun today.
Tzuyu ?: Same, hope to do it some time.
Sana ?: My parents are calling me, I'll talk to you later.
We ended our conversation there. I put my phone down and was greeted by Chaeyoung and Dahyun grinning at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You two have gotten even more closer." Chaeyoung nudged me.
I rolled my eyes.
I'm still new to this feeling thing.
Suddenly another text message came, this time from our group chat with the Unnies.
Nayeon ?: Who's ready for the party coming tonight!!
Jeongyeon ?: Me!
Jihyo ?: Right here!
Chaeyoung ?: Wait, what party?
Jeongyeon ?: You guys didn't hear about the party that's being held by Blackpink.
Dahyun ?: Like we would, they hate us.
Nayeon ?: They're not bad.
Chaeyoung ?: They pushed me to the ground just a few minutes ago.
Jihyo ?: An accident?
Tzuyu ?: I can confirm it was not an accident.
Nayeon ?: They're really nice people, just have to get to know them better.
Dahyun ?: Whatever you say.
Jihyo ?: You guys should come.
Chaeyoung ?: And what? Get picked on by other random people.
Jeongyeon ?: It'll be fun, plus I think Momo, Mina and Sana are there.
Dahyun ?: Sure I'll go.
Chaeyoung ?: You had me at Mina.
Jihyo ?: Tzuyu?
Tzuyu ?: Sure... why not.
Nayeon ?: Yay!! Meet you guys 7:00.